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Why has pest control ruined Runescape?


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Well PC is a good way to level quickly, but some think that it is basicly a cheat that was added to runescape, because it is so easy and so fast. You don't even put effort into leveling up and time, which ruins runescape pretty much. Although yes, making higher levels makes it more fun to pk and kill boss monsters.

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IMO pc only gave chances to younger players (usually younger in age aswell) the chance to become a higher level without the pain of actually training like some of us older players, which in turn makes for more immature pkers who run/log/call 10 ppl so they can win what is usually a 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 situation fight. (one of the reasons i don't enjoy pking anymore)








secondly it makes the wilderness a place where non pkers (mainly the mid levels) wont go anymore to train or mine and such because of the vast number of pures who sit at pc and can obtain 90+ str mage and range in a matter of weeks.








why that is a problem?








It may not be, but it does take the enjoyment of being able to use such training spots to get experience and pk if the situation comes about (those to played rsc and trained in wild know what i mean)








on the other hand because of pc players demand more out of wilderness training areas which in turn takes jagex attention away from developing the game in a way which makes these new high combat players happy, by taking away any high playered releases from happening.








pures complained about the anchor because it gave impures a chance to win (hard to get it without defence)








I wont rant any further but it can go both ways.

Arch_Creaton - since 2001

123 combat 96/99 mage 95/99 range

1800+ skill


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Anyway, I hate pest control and IMO<<<








I'd rather train through slayer anyway and get rich from 10 rune boot drops a task at necraels.












PC did destroy rs, too many people have high combat and think they are all that. The reason people are mad is because of how easy combat became, how cheap prayer became (FREE VS. 100s of mil before!!!), and that it no longer required food, range pshhtt a bow is never gonna be used, and mage, lets just say not as much required on alchs anymore.








Any high level non-casual player who is an old timer would say pc ruined the game, or the majority, and even as a fellow fairly new player I would agree since I don't use pc.








It's not about jealousy, it's that it used to actually be an ACCOMPLISHMENT to get high combat, now it's suddenly a joke? It's something veterans have every right to be mad about and just cause you want 126 cb with 1/10 the effort doesn't make you better/right.








I know two very top players with a disdain hatred for pest control.

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most people who insult pest control are just kinda peeved that it came out after they got high combat lvls :roll:




also i do pest control every once in a while when i need a prayer lvl up or when i'm close to a lvl up and need xp really fast,its a pretty usefull mini game if you ask me ::'

i use a new account now "knex2"

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most people who insult pest control are just kinda peeved that it came out after they got high combat lvls












Why shouldn't people be mad at an extremely easy way to train??????

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My main complaint (from the POV of someone who is not yet 'high level'( about Pest Control is that it's an insane amount of xp per hour, and it offers you an ultimatum. Either you join the dark side or you lose xp you could have been getting at PC as compared to your current methods. This is especially true of range and magic, both of which are your choice of slow or expensive. PC isn't fun. Maybe it was intended to be, played casually, but it isn't. PC is a grind, more than most of the rest of the game, where normal training used to be fun. (This is coming from someone who enjoys runecrafting and farming. I'm not lacking in patience.) So now, we are forced to either play RS like a job, or play it as a game, and if we choose the latter, we fall behind inevitably.



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My main complaint (from the POV of someone who is not yet 'high level'( about Pest Control is that it's an insane amount of xp per hour, and it offers you an ultimatum. Either you join the dark side or you lose xp you could have been getting at PC as compared to your current methods. This is especially true of range and magic, both of which are your choice of slow or expensive. PC isn't fun. Maybe it was intended to be, played casually, but it isn't. PC is a grind, more than most of the rest of the game, where normal training used to be fun. (This is coming from someone who enjoys runecrafting and farming. I'm not lacking in patience.) So now, we are forced to either play RS like a job, or play it as a game, and if we choose the latter, we fall behind inevitably.
















Nice point there. =D>

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most people who insult pest control are just kinda peeved that it came out after they got high combat lvls












Why shouldn't people be mad at an extremely easy way to train??????








why should they be mad? i mean dont get angry at it use it, it is very good for training :roll:

i use a new account now "knex2"

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Runescape is a game, like most other MMORPG's, has changed over the years. A big addition to these changes is a mini-game known as Pest control, or Abbreviated PC.








The main reason that PC is thought to have ruined the game is due to the fact that it has now become much easier to level pest control. Many beleive that this has ruined runescape, mostly the beleif of those who were higher level before the update.








Now why does having more high level characters ruin pest control. If anything, it increases the ammount of high level characters making the wild more fun or making killing boss monsters more fun. I see no reason why having an update that makes the game easier is unfair. Sure, maybe a little bit to the people who leveled before the update. But the game changes, and now the high level people have more high levels to hang out with.








Who cares if the new higher levels are not as educated within the game...that is a bigger advantage to the people who do know much about the game, because when a new update does come out, you will better know how to use it to best of your advantage.








I want to know others thoughts.








Because people like you are jealous of the people that trained so fast here and yet other people just trained doing non-pc work. And also, I feel this anti-PC act is like wildfire, one player is jealous of it and then others feel jealous. I trained a lot before PC and I don't seem jealous; infact, I feel like PC is a good work on pures as well. Sure, they'll be more pures but the important thing is that if they cancel PC then there will be more angry people for it. You gotta understand that it is financially good for training prayer/range/mage because you won't waste it on bones/arrows/mage.








I want to know if you actually used PC or you just heard this and thought, "OH, PC SUCKS"








Kudos to you :boohoo:



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Runescape is a game, like most other MMORPG's, has changed over the years. A big addition to these changes is a mini-game known as Pest control, or Abbreviated PC.








The main reason that PC is thought to have ruined the game is due to the fact that it has now become much easier to level pest control. Many beleive that this has ruined runescape, mostly the beleif of those who were higher level before the update.








Now why does having more high level characters ruin pest control. If anything, it increases the ammount of high level characters making the wild more fun or making killing boss monsters more fun. I see no reason why having an update that makes the game easier is unfair. Sure, maybe a little bit to the people who leveled before the update. But the game changes, and now the high level people have more high levels to hang out with.








Who cares if the new higher levels are not as educated within the game...that is a bigger advantage to the people who do know much about the game, because when a new update does come out, you will better know how to use it to best of your advantage.








I want to know others thoughts.








Because people like you are jealous of the people that trained so fast here and yet other people just trained doing non-pc work. And also, I feel this anti-PC act is like wildfire, one player is jealous of it and then others feel jealous. I trained a lot before PC and I don't seem jealous; infact, I feel like PC is a good work on pures as well. Sure, they'll be more pures but the important thing is that if they cancel PC then there will be more angry people for it. You gotta understand that it is financially good for training prayer/range/mage because you won't waste it on bones/arrows/mage.








I want to know if you actually used PC or you just heard this and thought, "OH, PC SUCKS"








Kudos to you :boohoo:








Wookie you missread.. See this person doesn't think PC has ruined RuneScape, they are CONFUSED as to HOW it has Ruined it because they DON'T see how it has ruined it.




I think.
























Runescape is a game, like most other MMORPG's, has changed over the years. A big addition to these changes is a mini-game known as Pest control, or Abbreviated PC.








The main reason that PC is thought to have ruined the game is due to the fact that it has now become much easier to level pest control. Many beleive that this has ruined runescape, mostly the beleif of those who were higher level before the update.








Now why does having more high level characters ruin pest control. If anything, it increases the ammount of high level characters making the wild more fun or making killing boss monsters more fun. I see no reason why having an update that makes the game easier is unfair. Sure, maybe a little bit to the people who leveled before the update. But the game changes, and now the high level people have more high levels to hang out with.








Who cares if the new higher levels are not as educated within the game...that is a bigger advantage to the people who do know much about the game, because when a new update does come out, you will better know how to use it to best of your advantage.








I want to know others thoughts.








I agree.




Making people higher level isn't doing anything wrong.




I personally think it's a GREAT thing.




I hate raising my CB.




But being in the race I am in with my friend, I have NO choice at all.




But I'm sure not going to take the long way out and lose my chance at winning, no, I'm gonna do PC. But whatever.








I'll be a PC product. And I'll be happy, and so should everyone else.






[Doomred8] People who point at their wrist while asking for the time really piss me off. I know where my watch is buddy, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is?

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The problem with pc is that now it takes people a few weeks of grinding just to do what it took years to accomplish. A player can get 99 mage without casting more than 1k or so spells, it doesnt make any sense.








ALso, people are aspiring to hit lvl 40 just to get into pc and lvl up like a madman. My friend got up to my lvl (94) in a matter of 2-3 months. I've been playing for 3 years.








it gets annoying to see noob high lvls, like a baby in an adults body. You would expect that by the time it took to achieve lvl 100, they would have wizened up and learned everything there is to know about runescape. However, when a lvl 112 with 600 total, wearing an addy pl8 with a rune med and longsword, asks me where to start hunter, this is getting freaking out of hand.








playing the game used to take skill. I remember calling my friend to a specific city when a lvl 105+ walked in the bank. now, it means nothing to see a high lvled person.








The legends cape used to be a symbol of something amazing. Now, with people lvling up and then using the money gained to train for legends, the cape is far too common. Now, the last thing you can have to show your skills is the quest cape or some really obscure skill cape like herb. The combat related capes are just too easy to get with pc.








In conclusion, pc has ruined runescape.

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PC has ruined the game cause there is no update that can be a challenge to most people anymore with the tons of people having 99 atk, str, def, etc. All my friends stats are STILL in the 10ks with almost 99 cb stats. I'd say that's pretty ridiculous.

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PC has ruined the game cause there is no update that can be a challenge to most people anymore with the tons of people having 99 atk, str, def, etc. All my friends stats are STILL in the 10ks with almost 99 cb stats. I'd say that's pretty ridiculous.








Um, that is Jagex's fault...maybe Jagex should introduce higher level updates?

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PC has ruined the game cause there is no update that can be a challenge to most people anymore with the tons of people having 99 atk, str, def, etc. All my friends stats are STILL in the 10ks with almost 99 cb stats. I'd say that's pretty ridiculous.








Um, that is Jagex's fault...maybe Jagex should introduce higher level updates?








I don't have the kind of patience to be waiting until April 2009, you know...








In retrospect, it's not that PC actually ruined the game by making more high levels (if you define high level by combat alone; I think it's a mix of combat and non-combat skills personally), it's the mindset that's been set into most PC players.








"I can get 99s in a month where it takes you five! Don't you have a life?"

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Okay coming from the POV of a mid lvl (lvl 76 to be exact).








I know there some people who use pc constantly and lvl a ton, and I personally don't have a problem with it, but I still don't do that myself.








In my opinion PC is boring as anything, its either over in 2 secs and you've lost badly due to having tons of lvl 45s trying to get free xp on your boat, or its over in slightly longer due to having miraculously(becoming less miraculous every day) found a world with tons of 120s.








You want to know how I lvl my skills? Brace yourself you may want to scream "OMG WAT A FRIEKING N00B!". I play castlewars :shock: , thats right, cw :-# , the almost garaunteed slowest way to get xp in the game. Why the hell would I do that you ask? Because its fun! I think something we're starting to lose sight of in Runescape is that games are meant to be fun and relaxing (to a degree).








The only time I EVER use pc is if I'm training something like mage that takes too much money for my poor self to train. Honestly I think that the only people that should use pc are those that are very high lvl and trying to get a 99 (since we all know you have to get a ridiculous amount of xp to get from 98 to 99). Everyone else should at least get some on the job training instead of just pcing a skill you know nothing about. And better yet, go do some quests! They are the best way to get yourself exploring the different areas. Honestly I'm guilty of this myself, ignoring the quests, I've been a member for 2 months and have hardly left the camelot-ardougne-yanille area.








Furthermore I think jagex should add a more fun and ejoyable minigame that gives less xp than pc for those of us who would actually like to have some fun and get decent xp at the same time.








So the next time I ask one of you 126s which general direction to go in to get to something, please have enough knowledge to be able to answer me if you felt like it.

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PC has ruined the game cause there is no update that can be a challenge to most people anymore with the tons of people having 99 atk, str, def, etc. All my friends stats are STILL in the 10ks with almost 99 cb stats. I'd say that's pretty ridiculous.








Um, that is Jagex's fault...maybe Jagex should introduce higher level updates?








I don't have the kind of patience to be waiting until April 2009, you know...








In retrospect, it's not that PC actually ruined the game by making more high levels (if you define high level by combat alone; I think it's a mix of combat and non-combat skills personally), it's the mindset that's been set into most PC players.








"I can get 99s in a month where it takes you five! Don't you have a life?"








If you don't have the patience, then you shouldn't deserve it. And besides it's not like it takes 2 yrs without pc, it just takes a yr or less which is proper for all 99 stats. It's not so much about having a life as it is respect for the people that worked hard, so many people take their elders/parents for granted and this is how new players are acting like the old players are some joke and that they are just as good doing everything the easy way when they are not.

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No, but if you care for anything other than yourself and see what pc has done to runescape you would care. But hey, who am I to say people are actually DECENT these days...








Just wondering, why should i care about the whole runescape. As long as people that PC help to win games while im playing PC, idc what they do.








Also, the only thing that PC has actually "hurt" is PKing and staking. And i bet if you wanted to make a pure PKer or staker you would PC too.

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The point is that you don't deserve 99 range without ranging, you don't deserve 99 pray without spending a penny, you don't deserve 99 mage without sitting down and doing 10k alchs or spells, just by doing melee you get all 99 stats suddenly and you become an idiot and don't care about anyone or anything. Then suddenly here comes arrogant people who own and think they are all that because they got those stats in 2 months using pc. Woop-dee doo jagex thanks for making cb even more disgraceful to the people that spent months upon years or 100s of mil getting that 99 prayer. The fact is that making everything easier ruined it for tons of old high levels. Imagine you get 99 range right now and suddenly people can get 99 range in a day ( not possible with pc talking about with a new method thats unbelievably fast, but 99 range is possible in a week if playing nonstop)? If you care about runescape at all you wouldn't be feeling the greatest now.

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why has pest control ruined runescape? because it hasnt, according to the calculator...i would have to get several hundred points JUST to get even a magic level and my magic is only 77, that takes a little bit of time to get ya know



click link to go to ganon95 productions

runescape requires a lot of skills, napoleon dynamyte would love this game

i am the proud owner of the quest point cape; all quests done 12/04/06

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