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Is World 99 a "good" choice as a tip.it world?


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World 99 is infested with non-tip.it users. Many of them are rude, selfish, and worst of all, not active tip.it users. Should the world world be changed? Perhaps we could have it changed to a low population world such as a German World. Then, the population of tip.it users will be > than non tip.it users.








What good could come of this? Well, first off the community will be more tip.it oriented, which equals less scammers, Abyss Pkers, and a more comftorable enviorment.








This is not a suggestion, in reality, I don't think this topic will go far. Just an open topic.

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i don't like 99 for 2 reasons its not full enough and one you mentioned rude people.. But there are rude people on every world so ya gotta deal.. awhile back the Tip official world was 9 i do believe thats now my homeworld..

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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The noobs are there because they learn that World 99 is the Tip.it homeworld, and the come to beg etc.




If we changed it, they would all move over in to the new world.




Thats the problem with Tip.it being such a big and recognized group.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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There will always be rude people on all the worlds.








And any world chosen, and made public, will attract people who want to cause problems.








So, no, I dont think changing the world would really help.


Currently working on 99 smithing:


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The noobs are there because they learn that World 99 is the Tip.it homeworld, and the come to beg etc.




If we changed it, they would all move over in to the new world.




Thats the problem with Tip.it being such a big and recognized group.








Hmm, perhaps the world could be disclosed and only open to active tip.it members?

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There will always be rude people on all the worlds.








And any world chosen, and made public, will attract people who want to cause problems.








So, no, I dont think changing the world would really help.












Look up. :)

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/\ maybe say it in the tif message box? or email wich you said at tif ac? and at the main page dont tel anything except that they say there somthing like that its sugested to make a tif acount if your able...








and also with 99 the problem of abbys pkers i think is bigger there just cause its know many tifers rc

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The noobs are there because they learn that World 99 is the Tip.it homeworld, and the come to beg etc.




If we changed it, they would all move over in to the new world.




Thats the problem with Tip.it being such a big and recognized group.








Well said, and we can't just make it open for active user's only, that wouldn't be too fair on new people who just want to make new friends, world 99 is a bit rude but all you got to do is:




Ignore Them




Walk Away




Teleport Away




Or Log out and world hop.

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The noobs are there because they learn that World 99 is the Tip.it homeworld, and the come to beg etc.




If we changed it, they would all move over in to the new world.




Thats the problem with Tip.it being such a big and recognized group.








Well said, and we can't just make it open for active user's only, that wouldn't be too fair on new people who just want to make new friends, world 99 is a bit rude but all you got to do is:




Ignore Them




Walk Away




Teleport Away




Or Log out and world hop.




u left out the most fun one... teleother \'








hope they have aa on

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At one point, I would have agreed. When I first joined Tip.It, people here were far friendler than normal RS players. World 99 was a great idea until it eventually was infested.








But now, I don't believe switching a world would help. The people using Tip.It now are far different. There are more and more greedy, immature people on TIF every passing day.








TIF has almost reached the point where the ratio of undesirable community members versus desirable ones has been reduced to the same proportions of the RS community.








We may as well keep it on world 99 to keep it simple, but I'm not sure if the Tip.It server even serves a purpose anymore.








On a final note, invading a German server would be the last thing we should do. The German server is Jagex's attempt at making this game more widespread, and by using it as a homeserver for Tip.Iters, were obstructing their progress. Also, the censor is far sharper on a German world, which will make conversations with other players more difficult unless every Tip.Iter learns German...

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Tip.It is not a clan. It has a home world so we can all play 'together' as a community.




Clans would have home world's which would not be made public because of rival clan's etc.

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Whatever anyone do, please don't go on the German worlds simply because they are low population. I go on them to practice my German, but the idiot english speakers ruin it for everyone. At least try to speak some german.




Ahem. Anyway, world 99 is fine for an "official" world. Attempting to make 99 different from any other world is simply a futile effort, as anyone is free to go on any world that they choose.

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The noobs are there because they learn that World 99 is the Tip.it homeworld, and the come to beg etc.




If we changed it, they would all move over in to the new world.




Thats the problem with Tip.it being such a big and recognized group.








Exactly. They are going to follow. Tip.It is like the Zezima of fan forums.


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The noobs are there because they learn that World 99 is the Tip.it homeworld, and the come to beg etc.




If we changed it, they would all move over in to the new world.




Thats the problem with Tip.it being such a big and recognized group.








Exactly. They are going to follow. Tip.It is like the Zezima of fan forums.












Agreed :lol:












As someone said above ignore them and walkaway.


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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The only thing changing the world will do is make it so that the beggars ect come to the new world. <.<








Just ignore them and give a HYT to every TIF user you see!

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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As stated previously, moving wouldn't do a thing. All beggers and noobs would just follow. Also, we should be staying out of the German worlds because, well, that's exactly what they're for, people who speak German. Let's just ignore the noobs in 99 and hang out with fellow Tip.Iters. Afterall, the kindness of the Tip.Iters playing in 99 more then makes up for the noobs and beggers walking around. ::'

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Hmm, perhaps the world could be disclosed and only open to active tip.it members?








Was that serious? :lol:








And, yeah, even if anyone bothered to change it, it wouldn't be on a german server - they're meant for german speakers only.

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