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Considering the last player moderator I saw was yelling at a newbie for asking help with a quest. Yeah, the community is bad because alot of player moderators don't show any respect to anyone. No offense to the good moderators, but this is what I see with other player moderators.




"Bad" players mods are rather rare. I have to agree a lot of them like bragging. But we have to give Jagex the credit for trying. If player mods do their job right or not, no one can do anything about it. And Jagex does enforce to report player moderators who are abusing of their powers, and things of the sort.








Then why the hell was I banned for 6 months 2 years ago for reporting a player moderator whom threatened me? Huh? I've always had something against JaGeX for that. I lost over 50 friends because of that! JaGeX enforces punishing player moderators for abusing their powers, thats a bunch of BS.








You have no idea how I have been with JaGeX, the only reason I continued to play was because some of my friends were still there.
















This is a ridiculous argument. What I see are two people wasting their time trying to prove the other wrong. So..what is there to gain from this? Uh nothing. All it gives you is "I was right, he was wrong." The end. I can see alot of time has been put into this little agrument.








Nothing against you here, but this is just getting utterly ridicuous. So, maybe the article had some bad points to it. But you can't expect that a writer is going to do a universal opinion do you? Thats what wikipedia is for.








This just burns me up to see all these people wasting their time just to prove a small insignificant point. What does this arguing do for us in the long run? Absolutely nothing. It might give us some debate experiance, but other then that. JaGeX may be watching this, will they do anything to follow our wishes? Probably not. This debate probably should've been over several pages ago.








So much time could have been saved had alot of people just said "I didn't agree with alot of points on the article." Instead of trying to prove it wrong. What good does it do anyone to prove it wrong? It does no one any good what so ever! It just wastes time!








Quote me if you want to, I'll just be laughing because of all the time you are wasting.








No offense to anyone here, but this argument is childish.

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Posted on behalf of Sworddude198. Not my views.








The book's been out for what, three months now? So why isn't it "fixed"?








And tell me, was it also "an error, simple" for Jagex to choose to publish the official guide using the "largest publisher and distributor of children's books in the world", one that is also "the largest operator of school-based book clubs and school-based book fairs in the U.S"?








This is untrue, it was never endorsed by Jagex. Someone wanted easy money - they published the book and called it official.








Uh, no, sorry. That's not true. (If someone tried that they'd get sued so fast their head would spin -- assuming a publisher would even agree to publish it without permission from Jagex.)








Do you have the book? I do. Open it up and look at the copyright notice.
























There was a topic here about it before you joined. We found out it was not endorsed by Jagex. They have it on the RuneScape website for gods sake.








Uh yeah.. I found one of those discussions here. A quote from one of them:







I was very weary about this when I first heaqrd about it, with it flapping around that world "offical", but it is infact real! i remember a discussuion about it on the offical forums, and Mod Ash responded, seevral members of jagex staff actually did help to write it, I belive even Paul himself was involved.







The book is listed with Jagex as the copyright holder. Next?









Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Then why the hell was I banned for 6 months 2 years ago for reporting a player moderator whom threatened me?




If they banned you for that, then you got all reasons to be angry at them. I don't understand why you're picking on me though. I offered qeltar to stop arguing about the little details, but he ignored me and kept doing it, which is why I stopped talking to him altogether.

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I've seen first-hand the impact on children who have been betrayed, cheated, verbally abused or killed by another player - the negative consequences can have a lasting impact. Players and parents of players alike need to take these issues seriously.








Asmost people will experience these things in real life, this should be considered educational, people are more greedy in real life.








And, as I'm sure has been mentioned countless times, the game is intended for those 13 or over.

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So what are our children learning on RuneScape? And what is Jagex doing - or not doing - about it?











It's the parents job, not jagex to discipline and teach their kids responsibility. The dude that wrote the article is just being a big baby ( :lol: ). He stretching his comments to make it seem like jagex is holding his kids eyelids open andmaking them watch R rated movies all day :ohnoes: . So yeah, I don't really know how jagex can be responsible for the laziness of the players parents. :-k




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qeltar is like that guy... that eveyone knows, but nobody likes.








Sorry, had a dicussion about that today ::'



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

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You can accuse any MMORPG of doing many of those things.




But can an under 13 year old get addicted to fizzy drinks and sweets which have bad sides like RuneScape has both good and bad points.




Many under 12/15/18s (UK) will get into a movie rated above their age and there will be no consequences for these actions, the cinema doesn't know they are underage like JaGEx doesn't know many players are underage and not much can be done about it.




I recently saw a program about pre-teens and young teens from Blackpool, UK that were addicted to fruit machines, is that not gambling and on machines that are aimed at 18+? Not everything can be prevented all the time.




An under 13 is more than likely to hear, know and probably use offensive language, it happens at school all the time, I remember knowing and hearing such words at that age and this is 5-6 years on.








Referring to the '500 million for a hat' part where it talks about merchanting and such. Does it not in it's own way teach about economic values - supply and demand can easily be noticed, maths in at least the 4 basic aspects of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Yes there is the argument it involves a person standing and typing a repetitive comment. But many players I know have talked about their typing skills improving and not internet shorthand but proper English (I'm predominantly friends with UK players) but I also see many foreign (to me) players with very good knowledge of the English language.








Yes there are many more aspects of the article that can be discussed but that's my opinion on what I can remember off the top of my head.


99: Agility 28/12/14|Thieving 20/03/15

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qeltar is like that guy... that eveyone knows, but nobody likes.











I thought the tip.it forums were supposed to be above this sort of petty flaming?








I'm done with this thread.. you guys can carry on maligning me in my absence. I'm sure you'll enjoy Part 2 even more -- it should be online Monday.









Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Yet another stupid, uninformed parent who wants a free, online baby sitter... simply pathetic. The writer is obviously a lazy moron who doesn't want to face the fact that they make a bad decision, and realized they screwed up. This is the exact type of attitude that is ruining the game. If you and your little 8 year old don't like it, get the *censored!* out! GET OVER IT! All i can say is: The game was intended for mature adults and teenager, not your little fifth-graders.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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Might as well just leave this place. I don't think you should've unmasked yourself. I don't enjoy people insulting me for what I think is right, then they go back and say. Ahh, I didn't insult you. Finding some way to justify in their minds..never mind.








Qeltar, good luck with that..see you later..

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just read the first page and quoted a bit:








It does have some positive learning aspects, but players also get a broad education in the negative aspects of online gaming, including cheating, scamming, lying, taunting, bullying, gambling and addiction.




gambling in runescape :?:











Yes, gambling. Do you know Barbarian Assault? You can gamble your point there.




Besides, everything based on droprates could be qualified as gambling. And so does staking.







I've seen first-hand the impact on children who have been betrayed, cheated, verbally abused or killed by another player - the negative consequences can have a lasting impact. Players and parents of players alike need to take these issues seriously.




lol, like nobody ever "verbally abused" you at school etc.




betraying, cheating, ... = all things that can happen in real life, even if your 13.




What you literally state is true. However, just because it happens in RL there is nothing wrong with happening ingame?




That is about the stupidest I've ever heard.








the stupidest thing I ever heard was misundertanding the guy you quoted and then going all emo about it. He never said that cheating bullying etc. were good if they happened ingame, he just said that by stopping children from playing the game they wont stop them from being verbally abused etc...








on topic, I think this person, sounds like a mother to me, does have a point, but he/she doesn't even get close to a nice article about the negative aspects of runescape. Maybe he/she should work on her writing skills before summing up some random aspects of runescape (stealing) and "blaming them for his/her childrens traumas" :S ohw and showing some KB screenies as an example of how bad this game is? the only point in a screeny supporting his/her article was the one saying "steal from silverstal" which in my opinion doesn't insinuate children to steal at all, it's way to unrealistic for that. Funny how you can steal a rare diamond from a stall completely exposed without anything happening but an angry stall-owner yelling at you and some sort of weak guard coming after you to end up dying in 1 or 2 hits of your sword :twisted:








anyways whatever, he/she has a point but can't express it correctly nor does he/she show much knowledge about what he/she's talking about.

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people take games too seriously. that is the only problem. if people were to step back and figure out that runescape is just a game, abit an addicting one, the world would be better off, although you would still get writers like this.

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Yet another stupid, uninformed parent who wants a free, online baby sitter... simply pathetic. The writer is obviously a lazy moron who doesn't want to face the fact that they make a bad decision, and realized they screwed up. This is the exact type of attitude that is ruining the game. If you and your little 8 year old don't like it, get the *censored!* out! GET OVER IT! All i can say is: The game was intended for mature adults and teenager, not your little fifth-graders.








I was about to flame you back, but I bite my tongue....I would rather just say that you obviously are very protective of Jagex for some reason or you have not read the article. (or perhaps cannot comprehend) Queltar was taking on Jagex for making the parent guide a useless tool and for not following through on their own rules.








Parents need to know what a game is like, in order to make an informed decision. The dumbing down of the game, the knowledge base, the Parent Guide, the Lummy tutors, fluffy sheep and the lummy teleport and bank were all timed to be in place to meet the delivery date for the "Official Runescape guide" for ages 9 to 12. Good luck fooling yourself the game is for older teens and adults.








Please listen to some old BBC reports on Runescape where Jagex speak about how their best advertisement is word of mouth on the playground. 13 year olds don't go to any playgrounds that I have seen...








I think that attitudes such as yours are more likely the reason why the community has gone into the toilet. Pretty vile stuff you wrote about a fellow player.

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Yet another stupid, uninformed parent who wants a free, online baby sitter... simply pathetic. The writer is obviously a lazy moron who doesn't want to face the fact that they make a bad decision, and realized they screwed up. This is the exact type of attitude that is ruining the game. If you and your little 8 year old don't like it, get the *censored!* out! GET OVER IT! All i can say is: The game was intended for mature adults and teenager, not your little fifth-graders.








I was about to flame you back, but I bite my tongue....I would rather just say that you obviously are very protective of Jagex for some reason or you have not read the article. (or perhaps cannot comprehend) Queltar was taking on Jagex for making the parent guide a useless tool and for not following through on their own rules.








Parents need to know what a game is like, in order to make an informed decision. The dumbing down of the game, the knowledge base, the Parent Guide, the Lummy tutors, fluffy sheep and the lummy teleport and bank were all timed to be in place to meet the delivery date for the "Official Runescape guide" for ages 9 to 12. Good luck fooling yourself the game is for older teens and adults.








Please listen to some old BBC reports on Runescape where Jagex speak about how their best advertisement is word of mouth on the playground. 13 year olds don't go to any playgrounds that I have seen...








I think that attitudes such as yours are more likely the reason why the community has gone into the toilet. Pretty vile stuff you wrote about a fellow player.








Rather interesting as I personally hadn't put them all together. Obviously I could tell that they were trying to reach out to help newer players, but I had no idea about the timing of it.








Let's all just try to keep the flaming down on this thread... after all, part 2 of the article comes on Monday... :roll:

RSN: Greedom1 | QP 248+ | Combat 116 | Total 1920+ | Skills 95 craft, 99 farm, 88 herb, 91 mage, 85 slayer

Values? What do they mean?

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firstly, Qeltar, I'm quite surprised to see you posting on these ego-driven kid-infested boards








Yeah because kids are worse than plague. :roll:








- It's nice to see someone who actually cares about the game and its community around here.








True, the rest of us are just scammers, beggars, sex maniacs, or worse, kids!

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Interesting, Pauly from the Tomshardware forums. I believe I've found yourblog. I might be mistaking, but I found it interesting that the author of it happened to have the same name as you.








In the blog, it is mentioned that the rule change [about the age limit] was induced after the online release of the official handbook, which would explain why it is rated 9 to 12. I looked on internet in search of evidence about that, but I didn't find anything yet. It would be interesting if people looked into it.








In all cases, Pauly I'm glad you seem much more polite than Charles was. I suspect he got all out on this thread in the knowledge that people would not find it, therefore not judge his arrogant attitude.

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Interesting, Pauly from the Tomshardware forums. I believe I've found yourblog. I might be mistaking, but I found it interesting that the author of it happened to have the same name as you.







I'm quite certain that that is not Pauly's blog. It is also from 2005.







In all cases, Pauly I'm glad you seem much more polite than Charles was. I suspect he got all out on this thread in the knowledge that people would not find it, therefore not judge his arrogant attitude.







I've told people about this thread -- I have nothing to hide.








As for politness, I suggest you review some of your own posts in this thread, and those of others. Considering that I have people here calling me "stupid, lazy, moron" etc.. I'd say I've been quite restrained -- far more than my critics.









Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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On a side note, I'd like to thank who ever sent me that wonderful E-mail with all the profanities in it. I really appreciate that.








Yeah because kids are worse than plague








True, the rest of us are just scammers, beggars, sex maniacs, or worse, kids!









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Qeltar, yes I quite agree some people have insulted you, but it doesn't permit you to act arrogantly with me or people that have been respectful with you.








When I debate with people, I like to have a respect relation with them, not mere arguing. But with you, with your attitude it seems impossible, you are always snapping and using your much loved :lol: emotes to laugh at people, aswell as making insulting remarks.




I have been much more polite with you than you have been with me, you have no word to say.








As for Pauly's blog, let her answer that. Whether it is hers or not hardly matters, as for this is the point I have raised:








In the blog, it is mentioned that the rule change [about the age limit] was induced after the online release of the official handbook, which would explain why it is rated 9 to 12. I looked on internet in search of evidence about that, but I didn't find anything yet. It would be interesting if people looked into it.








But yet again, you fail to see useful comments, and concentrate on retaliating.








From this point on, I do respond to my messages, I will simply ignore you. I have already made perfectly clear I do want to discuss with you, as you keep being disrespectful. The day you'll have calmed down, and are willing to examine the points I have raised, then come back.








Also, may I also note, as I predicted, Jagex has made luring illegal -- make sure to remove that argument from your article.

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Qeltar, yes I quite agree some people have insulted you, but it doesn't permit you to act arrogantly with me or people that have been respectful with you.







Your very first post directed at me called me a liar, accused me of falsifying the material in my article, and then ended with ""Owned much"? Yes thank you."








You got even more abusive after that.








If that's what you consider "respectful" then I'll have to respectfully disagree.







As for Pauly's blog, let her answer that. Whether it is hers or not hardly matters, as for this is the point I have raised:








In the blog, it is mentioned that the rule change [about the age limit] was induced after the online release of the official handbook, which would explain why it is rated 9 to 12. I looked on internet in search of evidence about that, but I didn't find anything yet. It would be interesting if people looked into it.








But yet again, you fail to see useful comments, and concentrate on retaliating.







What is it you want "looked into"? Go to Scholastic's web site, it says 9-12 right there. It also says it on the book at Amazon.com. And there's a thread right here at tip.it with someone posting a Scholastic book club flyer that her little brother brought home from school with the Runescape handbook on the first page.








Nah, Jagex isn't marketing towards kids, are they?







From this point on, I do respond to my messages, I will simply ignore you.







I'm crushed. (I've been engaging in online discussions on the 'net for the better part of 20 years; if you don't want to talk to me, I'll get over it quickly.)







Also, may I also note, as I predicted, Jagex has made luring illegal -- make sure to remove that argument from your article.







Yes.. they did it 3 days after my article went up, despite people complaining about it for 6 weeks. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. ;)









Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Interesting, Pauly from the Tomshardware forums. I believe I've found yourblog. I might be mistaking, but I found it interesting that the author of it happened to have the same name as you.








In the blog, it is mentioned that the rule change [about the age limit] was induced after the online release of the official handbook, which would explain why it is rated 9 to 12. I looked on internet in search of evidence about that, but I didn't find anything yet. It would be interesting if people looked into it.








In all cases, Pauly I'm glad you seem much more polite than Charles was. I suspect he got all out on this thread in the knowledge that people would not find it, therefore not judge his arrogant attitude.












Hmmm that certainly is not my blog, although yes, I also have a blog about Runescape. The rule change that I mentioned in my reply to Barbara (the blogger) was the rule change to rule 2, allowing luring to be legal.








It had nothing to do with the age change to 13+. That was a US Privacy Act introduced in 2000 and Jagex complied early in 2006 (look up COPPA) rather then be fined, or shut down.








I happen to find Qeltar to be a very polite person, who has been answering all of the questions, including yours. Your posts are more like taunts which actually have no meat or substance. You say I seem politer, but actually ummmm...you seem to be practicing for the debate team, rather then making good points.

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Also, may I also note, as I predicted, Jagex has made luring illegal -- make sure to remove that argument from your article.








It was not your prediction that made the change.







Yes.. they did it 3 days after my article went up, despite people complaining about it for 6 weeks. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. ;)
















Thank your so much to Qeltar and to the caring, honest community who helped Jagex see they were in the wrong to allow luring.








I know this is off topic, but I am so happy!

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