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God hates fags? AKA Homosexuals?


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Those people are lunatics that should actually read the Bible. Saying all Christians think like that is completely and utterly wrong. So could you edit your post to 'fundamentalists' instead of God.

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Those people are lunatics that should actually read the Bible. Saying all Christians think like that is completely and utterly wrong. So could you edit your post to 'fundamentalists' instead of God.
They are 'lunatics' who use passages from the bible to support their actions, and most Christians accept the bible to be the word of 'God'.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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God IS Love.








The only thing he can hate is the things that are opposite of love, which is sin.








God hates not the person, just the action he or she did.








These people's hate for homo's should be instead, replaced with the love of God in their hearts.








Another step for satan it seems. Its sad people say this is another reason not to go into religion, when clearly the people here are practicing things not of the Bible but their own accord.








Do not condem the Bible for people's foolish actions, if your going to condem the bible, condem it for what it preachs, love.









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Those people are lunatics that should actually read the Bible. Saying all Christians think like that is completely and utterly wrong. So could you edit your post to 'fundamentalists' instead of God.
They are 'lunatics' who use passages from the bible to support their actions, and most Christians accept the bible to be the word of 'God'.








So why are these people only a tiny minority?

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God IS Love.








The only thing he can hate is the things that are opposite of love, which is sin.








God hates not the person, just the action he or she did.








These people's hate for [bleep]'s should be instead, replaced with the love of God in their hearts.








Another step for satan it seems. Its sad people say this is another reason not to go into religion, when clearly the people here are practicing things not of the Bible but their own accord.








Do not condem the Bible for people's foolish actions, if your going to condem the bible, condem it for what it preachs, love.
















I'm with you there, mate. The bible should be taken more of a book of love and not as some collection of hatemongering anti-[insert anything here] words which some people pick and choose to spread thier seed of hatered. There sure are some really distorted interpretations out there.








I believe the bible has flaws and personally I don't believe it is inspired by a supreme being, but christians, such as yourself, believe it is, and that's totally cool. I think we should all take a leaf out of defender's book here guys (agreeing with defender, that's unpossible #-o :P . jk), and spread the message of love, because the bible won't change no matter how much we all outrage at the aparrant out dated or mixed messages within. All we can do is alert people that the messages of the christian faith and the messages of Jesus himself are centered on love and not fear, loathing or anti-[insert anything here].

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God is omniscient, therefore he knows who is going to be homosexual. he also is omnipotent, so he could stop it if it was wrong. he also is benevolent, so he loves homosexuals anyway








if there is a god...

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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Just wondering, if God loves everyone, how come he sends some people where they have a half-life of agony for eternity because they sinned?








Don't flame me, I just don't understand it. :?




Because those people didn't accept Jesus as their saviour..and did not follow the ten commandments.








God is omniscient, therefore he knows who is going to be homosexual. he also is omnipotent, so he could stop it if it was wrong. he also is benevolent, so he loves homosexuals anyway








if there is a god...








This I gather is a debate in the Christian church some say he does know pre destiny others say he does not because he gave human kind freewill








There is a paradox about this.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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StrOwez just because a couple of strange girls with dorky glasses think that God hates homosexuals does not mean that the hundreds of millions of Christians in this world agree with them. So stop stereotyping.

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StrOwez just because a couple of strange girls with dorky glasses think that God hates homosexuals does not mean that the hundreds of millions of Christians in this world agree with them. So stop stereotyping.








The problem is; all Christians use the bible to back up their believes whether it's the peaceful ones or the fundamentalist ones.




As I am aware all the Christian 'sects' oppose homosexuality it is just these people are taking a step too far.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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StrOwez just because a couple of strange girls with dorky glasses think that God hates homosexuals does not mean that the hundreds of millions of Christians in this world agree with them. So stop stereotyping.








The problem is; all Christians use the bible to back up their believes whether it's the peaceful ones or the fundamentalist ones.




As I am aware all the Christian 'sects' oppose homosexuality it is just these people are taking a step too far.








You don't even know what the word "fundamentalist" means so I don't know why you're trying to use it in a sentence.

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StrOwez just because a couple of strange girls with dorky glasses think that God hates homosexuals does not mean that the hundreds of millions of Christians in this world agree with them. So stop stereotyping.








The problem is; all Christians use the bible to back up their believes whether it's the peaceful ones or the fundamentalist ones.




As I am aware all the Christian 'sects' oppose homosexuality it is just these people are taking a step too far.








You don't even know what the word "fundamentalist" means so I don't know why you're trying to use it in a sentence.








A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.





A friend to all is a friend to none.

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StrOwez just because a couple of strange girls with dorky glasses think that God hates homosexuals does not mean that the hundreds of millions of Christians in this world agree with them. So stop stereotyping.








The problem is; all Christians use the bible to back up their believes whether it's the peaceful ones or the fundamentalist ones.




As I am aware all the Christian 'sects' oppose homosexuality it is just these people are taking a step too far.








You don't even know what the word "fundamentalist" means so I don't know why you're trying to use it in a sentence.








A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.












Please explain why you used "fundamentalist" in juxtaposition with "peaceful" when those words are not opposites as you suggest.

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StrOwez just because a couple of strange girls with dorky glasses think that God hates homosexuals does not mean that the hundreds of millions of Christians in this world agree with them. So stop stereotyping.








The problem is; all Christians use the bible to back up their believes whether it's the peaceful ones or the fundamentalist ones.




As I am aware all the Christian 'sects' oppose homosexuality it is just these people are taking a step too far.








You don't even know what the word "fundamentalist" means so I don't know why you're trying to use it in a sentence.








A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.












Please explain why you used "fundamentalist" in juxtaposition with "peaceful" when those words are not opposites as you suggest.

A peaceful Christian IMHO is the one who worships his/her God without picketing funerals, a fundamentalist to me is a person/group of people who intolerances other point of views and forces on their own point of view.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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A peaceful Christian IMHO is the one who worships his/her God without picketing funerals, a fundamentalist to me is a person/group of people who intolerances other point of views and forces on their own point of view.








Neither of the words "fundamentalist" or "intolerance" means mean or hateful - that's only your interpretation of them.

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A peaceful Christian IMHO is the one who worships his/her God without picketing funerals, a fundamentalist to me is a person/group of people who intolerances other point of views and forces on their own point of view.








Neither of the words "fundamentalist" or "intolerance" means mean or hateful - that's only your interpretation of them.








Yes because one persons intolerance for another brings hate I found from my personal experience.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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Yes because one persons intolerance for another brings hate I found from my personal experience.








There is a Japanese family that lives next door to me. They don't mow their lawn, they let their kids go wild around the neighborhood, and have general poor neighborhood etiquette. I know this from personal experience.








Does that mean that Japanese people by definition are like that?

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Yes because one persons intolerance for another brings hate I found from my personal experience.








There is a Japanese family that lives next door to me. They don't mow their lawn, they let their kids go wild around the neighborhood, and have general poor neighborhood etiquette. I know this from personal experience.








Does that mean that Japanese people by definition are like that?








In no way am I saying all Christians are mean and hateful like that specific sect. However they are using passages from the Bible, the book which by all Christians is accepted to be the word of God.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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In no way am I saying all Christians are mean and hateful like that specific sect. However they are using passages from the Bible, the book which by all Christians is accepted to be the word of God.








I'm not talking about Christians. I'm talking about you telling me that "fundamentalist" and "intolerance" is negative because of your personal experience.

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Intolerance is pretty much synonomous with hate these days. It isn't your job to be "intolerant" to homosexuals anyways. It is your job to ignore them if you don't approve, AKA sit down and shut up about it because they're not going to change just because a book says they should. A lot of homosexuals don't even WANT to be homosexuals, but that is how your God made them...No no, don't blame Satan...God made those people, and he made them the way they are. You can't say God makes everyone how they are and then exclude people who do things God disagree's with and dismiss it as Satan's influence.








Edit: Oh, and fundies are horrible. I think they know they are, too. Because when you ask a fundie how they feel about homosexuals, you can just tell they're holding back from saying "I HATE THEM AND THEY'RE ALL GOING TO HELL!" and they give you that whole "Well, God disagree's with their choice, but they can always ask for forgiveness and be celebate!" stuff. I dunno' why they don't just come out and say it - They don't like gay people and if they could choose, they'd put them all on Antarctica, lol. It's like they know what they're saying is wrong and intolerant and hateful, but they dismiss it because of what the Bible says. People like these Baptists don't have that shred of humanity left...They've forsaken it for promises of the afterlife. Oddly, though...I can't imagine a God that would reward them for their actions.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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no God doesn't hate homos, he hates the sin. God would love for the homosexuals to come back to him, but it's their choice to accept forgiveness or not.




I myself am sorry for homosexuals, because they have a messed up worldview. I hate their lifestyle, but I don't hate the person. That's Christianity.




goal:1000 total f2p lvls.

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no God doesn't hate homos, he hates the sin. God would love for the homosexuals to come back to him, but it's their choice to accept forgiveness or not.




I myself am sorry for homosexuals, because they have a messed up worldview. I hate their lifestyle, but I don't hate the person. That's Christianity.




When you say we have a messed up world view, how do you mean? Is it any more messed up than people who would rather that we die and burn eternally in hell rather than mess up their perfect world? I would love to be heterosexual, but I can't. That doesn't mean I have a messed up worldview. It just means that I am who I am. I think you might me refering to those homosexuals who force their choice on everyone and tell them that they have to be ok with it, but I am not like that. If someone hates me for who I am thats fine. Please don't make blanket generalizations about a specific group of people. It isn't very Christian.

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This might sound stupid but oh well. If you want to be heterosexual, how come you just don't live like one and just tell people to shut the hell up when they make fun of you for having a high voice or whatever? I mean if that's what you want to be, why not be it? I thought gay only meant you did it with guys not having an elongated 11th cromosome or whatever...












Hot [wagon] girl > ugly [wagon] guys



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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