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Drill Demon Fixed! Woot


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I got camo hat and legs back in Mid-06 when I was a noob. Never got him again till about a week ago when my friend got him then the next day I got top and then 500 gp. Only missing 1 peice of random event clothing; Led Bottoms. But thanks to easter update I got all emotes.

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As a matter of fact, after 1 year of having one camo peice in my bank, I recieved the last 2 peices within 2 days of each other, wierd really. They must have increased the chances of getting a Drill demon, but I can't believe some people have never had mimes, I sometimes have 2/3 mines a day.








Exact same thing happened to me.

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I was wondering about that... I went to teleport and I got one. I've had full camo for a while now, but I haven't gotten the event in a long long time.








That happened to me too..












In cammy yesterday i saw two people get the drill demon within 1 minute of eachother.. :shock:




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lol i got my camo set in one day, then demon just stopped appearing






ive had a few times recently tho

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Yeah , last week i've gotten him twice.


Odd event though, i've alos got a heaps of mime, why doesn't anyone else get them, i'm sure they wouldn't mind.


:evil: I never get the mime, never even once, which stinks cause I want the emotes, and I need the Mask for an outfit I'm putting together (ANBU from Naruto)

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I think you'r right about picking up. Before recently, i had never gotten a drill demon but I got 2 demons within 10 minutes of each other just yesterday. The clothing goes nice with the frog bazooka you get in mornings ends part one.

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I've had full camo since I was level 60. I didn't like it when they brought camo back, because it was so rare most people didn't even know you could get it.




I remember when Jagex made mimes more frequent. 2 years of playing hadn't gotten me a single mime, then I got 10 in a day from alching. #-o

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