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highest kill counts in castlewars?


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I think ive got around 30


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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Thehate and me used to get both an average of 55 kills per game in world 2 back when we played Cw ... Just take over spawn room or tower from other team and you can slay tons of people.




Anyway that is average killcount :|


Highest killcount with melee I ever got was 88-ish as far as I remember




With mage I once got like 164 or something like that Mind you: This was earlie after the release of Desert Treasure and Ancient Magick ... Thus meaning Ancients wasn't well known in Cw yet as no one really used it alot ...Since it wasn't known almost no one had dragonhide along with them at Cw ... W2, you stand there in the middle with ancients, 95% only has melee gear ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâû 164ish killcount :)






Anyway, obviously getting 164 kills nowadays with less population in Cw arena is nearly impossible ... It is still possible if you use verac brass and ahrim bottom and d square and such and go to oponents respawn room in w2 using blood barrages + super restores (to keep pray up) + few sara brews incase the spells dont heal you fast enough




Anyway if we would still play cw in w2 our average killcount probably would have dropped like 5 heads or something.






But yea, back in the old days it was so much easier to get high killcounts lol and that's probably also the times in which the highest killcounts were gotten

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around 30


[spoiler=Old info]Quest Point Cape Acheived:14 October 07 4:30pm GMT+10 .

15108th to 99 Firemaking: 2 October 08 8:15pm GMT+10

Barrows Drops: Verac Flail, Verac Plateskirt x3, Guthan helm, Ahrim Robetop,

Karil top, Torag plate, Dharok plate, Dharok axe. 1900+ total lvl

Dragon Drops: 6: Dragon Legs (iron dragon), Dragon Spear(shadow warrior), Dragon Pickaxe(4)

DK Drops: Warrior Ring(2)

Bandos Drops: Tassets


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49, wasted hundreds of bloods/souls/deaths/waters using nonestop ice/blood barrage, didnt die once and was killing everyone on the wall nonestop (there was like 6 lvl 90s who kept returning. wasnt even an especially crowded world, when i get some more cash off runecrafting and buy a couple thousand more casts ill go world 12 and see if i get higher. thing is the average level of players is much higher now and most people bring dhide to castle wars so ill probably die afew times and miss out on alot of kills.

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16 or so. Although most of the time I do most of the damage of an opponet... :?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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It really depends on what world and what I feel like doing for me. Usually one world two, I only get a few kills, but on worlds like 70s or random worlds, I can get pretty much an infinite amount unless I go after the flag. (Once I scored 7 times... then the other team attempted to try and catch up, but they were too slow... This was weird seeing as they had multiple people at the flag, waiting for them to score while I was the only one on my team attempting the flag. ::' )

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19 my highest




avg is usually 1 :?




me and my friend (lvl 115) find a low dense world at around 11pm at night, i'll get the flag, he guards me, but usually i can just stand at there base and not die, if i wanted to kill ppl i would be surprized if i got over 30

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my highest is only about 23, i use t hammers as there sort of a trademark weapon for me. plus whenever i go to cw theres always a 100+ on opposite side who will always go for me the moment im on his screen....


besides that i get an average 8-12


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I don't have members anymore. :( I miss Castle Wars most of all. Back on topic, my most was 18. I had 2 flag captures also! My combat level was 71. If you must know, I only got 18 kills because Zamorak won the last game. All the low levels automatically go over to the team that won last time. The score was 12-0. :D Only stay on the winning team if a high-leveled clan is playing. :XD:

My F2P Moneymaking Guide!

Always gargle before a takeoff. Wakka Wakka!

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I'm guessing 20-30 when I barrage the hell out of the other team from time to time...




I can't remember though. I know in one game I took over a respawn area for the other team and it was kind of funny.




I've had someone rush at me to aide their comrade when I was owning a level 99 str pure with ice barrage then his friend runs toward him to help and types "Get off him!!!!!!!" then it was perfect timing because the ice barrage ricocheted off of the 99 str guy onto the average guy trying to kill me. lol (Killed the guy trying to help instantly and a few spells later the 99 str died.)




Then I ran out of barrages halfway through a game and then used some final spell I had left --ice blitz-- then I hit a 19 to slay some level 123 that kept owning me earlier with his karils and crystal bow.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Melee with whip 30-40ish


Melee with greataxe 40-50ish(for some reason I kill more with)


Ice spells... cabbageloads


Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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