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The chav VS Emo arguement were do you come in


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Please don't bring this onto the forums. On our school playground, the emos and chavs have their own territories and are forever throwing rocks and sticks at each other. Luckily, there all pretty rotten shots. I'm not either, I just occasionally stir them up by shouting:


"Chavvys rule!" or other then looking innocent.



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You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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and other different colours?




If that means what I think it means..... :-X *shudders*




I think he was making a joke about the 'alternative' colours 'emo' people tend to wear.




Dirty minded boy.




Lateralus' right, for once my mind was not focused on the contents of pants.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i suppose im a "chav" shaved head black hoody trakie bottems traines black gloves(with white fingertips O:)" black trainers i like rap hip-hop ect but i just like to watch people because i find it verry easy to read people and i like lets say making bets agains myself i dont go shout at people or start random fights and its because i dont fit in with a perticular group i get most of teh bad stuff :( p.s i also like linkin park ect HATE mcr




edit: stero-typical chavs are worse but i find both sides as bad as each other

20 old men in one place? Sounds like an internet chat room! :D


...Anyone? Anyone?


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I do not sterotype people so i think that this thread has no meaning. All you have to go by is the sterotype of a Emo and a sterotype of a Chav. Personally i know several "Emo's" and i get on quite well with them but i also know quite a lot of "Chav's" and i also get on with them as well. You can not nor should you judge people on what they wear. Everyone is different and each "Emo" and "Chav" are all different so there is no possible way anyone can take anyside and speak for everyone because it is personal experience that people will answer this thread from.

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I do not sterotype people so i think that this thread has no meaning. All you have to go by is the sterotype of a Emo and a sterotype of a Chav. Personally i know several "Emo's" and i get on quite well with them but i also know quite a lot of "Chav's" and i also get on with them as well. You can not nor should you judge people on what they wear. Everyone is different and each "Emo" and "Chav" are all different so there is no possible way anyone can take anyside and speak for everyone because it is personal experience that people will answer this thread from.




I have to agree with her. giving people names such as greb, chav and emo is pointless.




BUti have to say, i get along with "chavs" better than "grebs" or "emo's" as they are usually nicer. But things could be different in scotland. As I'm english.

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Please don't bring this onto the forums. On our school playground, the emos and chavs have their own territories and are forever throwing rocks and sticks at each other. Luckily, there all pretty rotten shots. I'm not either, I just occasionally stir them up by shouting:


"Chavvys rule!" or other then looking innocent.






Umm.. Are you like, 9 or something? I haven't seen a playground during school hours in God knows how many years.. If elementary school kids are getting into the chav/emo thing that's pretty bad. Popularity doesn't really matter under late middle school/high school..




As for everyone who says they don't know what a chav is or have never seen one, you need to get out of your house. You can honestly say you've never seen a white kid with XL clothes on, listening to rap, talking like (s)he's black, and pretending to be from Philly? I see them every day..




I didn't bother to read much of this thread because I know it's all emo/chav bashing and I've heard enough of that already. Emo and chav are basically just fashions. It's how kids dress and what music they listen to. Hate them if you will, I'll just be here calling you intolerant. You know kids follow what the media says is 'cool' and you're probably guilty of doing so yourself at one point or another so stfu and get a life.

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If people have "territories" on a playground you kids need to act your age :lol:.




Chavs are annoying and think they're better than you, whoever you are. I see a lot of them




Emo kids are just attention seekers imo. Everyone who says MCR Is emo can go shove it! They're just cool guys who wear black. <3:




Urban Dictionary: Emo




Urban Dictionary: Chav




For all the people who don't know what they are :P




Edit: Urban Dictionary is blocked, no idea why :|. Guess due to all the content up there hah.

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1. Links don't work




2. MCR = not emo and a great band (but their new album wasn't as good at the one before it)






MCR is the freaking epitome of the word emo.














Total emo's




Black hair parted to one side, pale, eyeliner. yup, emos


My WoW character, gnome warlock Saldomar

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So what do "chavs" do that make people hate em so much? I guess they only stay in england at first they sounded like wiggers but wiggers just grew up around black people and wear their pants low and jordans. why does every british person i've ever talked to hate chavs so much?

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So what do "chavs" do that make people hate em so much? I guess they only stay in england at first they sounded like wiggers but wiggers just grew up around black people and wear their pants low and jordans. why does every british person i've ever talked to hate chavs so much?




Because! Charvers are the bane of Britain! They destroy civilised society with their complete lack of articulate human thought. I hate them, their lifestyle, the way they scum up the place and the way they make life annoying and more difficult for the rest of us.




The fact that my tax money will go towards a family of these scumbags makes me sick. I dont want to pay for these people's drugs when they could GET A JOB! The youth of today will destroy the society of tommorow. Honestly.. the amount of chavs (or emos) my age who will actually grow up to be productive members of society is very.. very.. small. Becaue i go to a private school, its mostly..




1. Stupid spoiled [bleep] whose 'daddy' will pay for everything they want.


2. The male version of the above


3. [developmentally delayed]s who think they can get away with anything just because they are rich.




btw - i got a scholarship - i am not in the same boat as all of those morons.




...Ranting will continue after these messages

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My god, your hatred of chavs and emos I can handle, but hating rich kids? They can't help it.




I can't believe you decided to mention having a scholarship you [cabbagin'] elitist. No-one cares whether or not you can afford things. It's the goddamned internet.




Get over yourself.

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My god, your hatred of chavs and emos I can handle, but hating rich kids? They can't help it.




I can't believe you decided to mention having a scholarship you [cabbagin'] elitist. No-one cares whether or not you can afford things. It's the goddamned internet.




Get over yourself.




im cabbagin! cool!




i dont hate rich kids in general - i hate chav rich kids who think they own the world cos they are rich.




I R 1337est eh? I just pointed out that i have a scholarship to say that it wasnt the pot calling the kettle black. I realise its the goddam internet, and as im not a contortionist, getting over myself would be pretty damn hard.

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My god, your hatred of chavs and emos I can handle, but hating rich kids? They can't help it.




I can't believe you decided to mention having a scholarship you [cabbagin'] elitist. No-one cares whether or not you can afford things. It's the goddamned internet.




Get over yourself.




im cabbagin! cool!




i dont hate rich kids in general - i hate chav rich kids who think they own the world cos they are rich.




I R 1337est eh? I just pointed out that i have a scholarship to say that it wasnt the pot calling the kettle black. I realise its the goddam internet, and as im not a contortionist, getting over myself would be pretty damn hard.




Y'know it really doesn't work if you attempt to be serious, then switch back to [wagon] in the same post.





btw - i got a scholarship - i am not in the same boat as all of those morons.




Sounds to me like you're reffering to everyone without a scholarship at your school. Not nice. D:

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I'm the annoying idiot who comes dressed in my phatties glow in the dark singlet that says jesus raves and glitter on my peace sign tattoo.




Anyone want to come hug a tree with me.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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So what do "chavs" do that make people hate em so much? I guess they only stay in england at first they sounded like wiggers but wiggers just grew up around black people and wear their pants low and jordans. why does every british person i've ever talked to hate chavs so much?




Because! Charvers are the bane of Britain! They destroy civilised society with their complete lack of articulate human thought. I hate them, their lifestyle, the way they scum up the place and the way they make life annoying and more difficult for the rest of us.




The fact that my tax money will go towards a family of these scumbags makes me sick. I dont want to pay for these people's drugs when they could GET A JOB! The youth of today will destroy the society of tommorow. Honestly.. the amount of chavs (or emos) my age who will actually grow up to be productive members of society is very.. very.. small. Becaue i go to a private school, its mostly..




1. Stupid spoiled [bleep] whose 'daddy' will pay for everything they want.


2. The male version of the above


3. [developmentally delayed] who think they can get away with anything just because they are rich.




btw - i got a scholarship - i am not in the same boat as all of those morons.




...Ranting will continue after these messages




Well I am sorry to tell you but you are sterotyping a lot. My parents are quite well off and i recieve anything i wish for but i am not a total prat. I am spending my summer with 15 other "Rich kids" in South Africa building a new orphanage and a new school there and yes our parents did pay for it.




The thing i hate most are people who hate people they have not met. Not all "Rich Kids" "Emo's and "Chav's" are all the same. I personally i do not think anyone has the right to say who is better, that is unless they know every Chav in the entire world and every Emo in the entire world.

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I'm the annoying idiot who comes dressed in my phatties glow in the dark singlet that says jesus raves and glitter on my peace sign tattoo.




Anyone want to come hug a tree with me.




I go to a Steiner school. Let's be friends.




My parents are quite well off and i recieve anything i wish for but i am not a total prat.




My parents are well off too, however they are wise enough to know that buying everything your child desires is a bad idea. Even my parents only spend money on things I need or am commited to, and they're pretty lenient. :?

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I Don't Mind Emos...






Chavs..well....Nearly all of them are aggressive.....Emos are gentle as it were




Im just to cool to be a particular 'Class'.... :XD:

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I generally ignore these social classes, until they start to seriously effect others outside that group. Namely, chavs. There are truly the scum of the earth, and are one of the primary reasons of the degregation of British culture.




Edit: By the way, I also go to a private school, but my family is certainly not rich or posh, we barely scrape the fees. State schools have now become so infacted with disrespectful behaviour due to the degredation of youth culture (And the Teacher's inability to punish effectively, such as expulsion and long term detention/suspension) that have forced me and my family to take the rough path of private schooling. Just for those who want to place me into a 'posh boy' category. <.<

~ W ~



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At my school i used to be like best friends with every chav (not so chavvy) back then in my year.




Over the summer holidays several have grown GIGANTIC egos and now really annoy me mostly and smoke too lol.






Emos seem to be quite cool but i dont like them doing drugs..people think i act like someone on drugs most days and well...its not that fun lmaoo


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Chav 1: oi you startin or what?


Chav 2: alie man ur gonna get merked blad


Chav 3: *insert really bad 'tunes' ere*


Chav 4: yo mum






^^ An example of what I hear at school, everyday :-X






I hate chavs!!!!!

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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