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Worst comebacks of ALLTIME! (please be appropriate)


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The latest fad at my school is to rebut with "are you?" with the 'are' drawn out. It gets really annoying really quickly, and only proves that you have an iq of a teaspoon <.<


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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WEll it happened like this:






Me:Ur wierd [the kid was a goth]


Kid:Ur mom! Thats the best comback i have but if i need a better one ill go and scrape it off your moms chin.














I was laughing because the kid was stupid




































I socked the kid and got 10 days out of skool =]

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Woah, you're cool.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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my freinds were at the trai station to go bak home from school and this [developmentally delayed] goes "err u suck" and then 'do u have a sistr?" my friends say "no"


thn the other guy goes "well ya do now"




so in conclusion "well ya do now" is one of th lamest combacks EVERR








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2005 recess








Kid: My moms big toe is prettier than your face


Kid2: She must have a very nice big toe!




Kid: It's ugly and smelly


My friend:...both of you shut up


Kid: My moms big toe is prettier than your face


Kid2: And it's ugly and smelly


Kid: It is not!


Kid2: You said she did!


*Both kids start a hissy fit*






*sigh* my said story :roll:


It is not a "dumb" little town Shivers!!!

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Comebacks are all about timing and correct delivery.




Take for example "I know you are, but what am I?"




You have to time the words correctly for the full affect and to seem really audacious. Hold after the first phrase, then with a sharp "B" sound continue the second phrase.




Almost all comebacks can be used affectively. Even "Your Mom!".




The voice you use, and how you express you emotion during the comeback is crucial. You don't want to sound rude, but condescending. Never act aggressively when making a potentially offensive comeback, always act provocative, but stay relaxed.




I would have to say the worst are the ones with poor delivery. It doesn't matter how witty your comeback is, without correct delivery it shan't be recieved well.




The best comebacks would have to be "All the way to the bank", and "Like a fox", especially when used out of context.

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i saw someone say, "ha, mines bigger than yours!"






Are you sick and tired of people telling you what to put in your sig? So am I. No, don't put this in your sig, you'll be doing what THEY want!

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Personally, when I know I'll lose an arguement, I start screaming "YOU'RE JEALOUS OF ME, YOU'RE ALL JEALOUS" until they lose interest.




If you didn't live in Canada i'd swear you go to my school... :XD: :P




There's a little Alex, in every ooone...




..I'll let myself out.






It really has

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