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The 'Age' Arguement


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Ever been pulled into a noob arguement, written English back at the antagonist then been told you're too old to play the game and labeled 'sad' by the noob(s)?




I'm only 17 and I've had loads of that, but my stance on the whole thing is simple:


Being older/mature you can still enjoy playing games like RuneScape, the only difference is you seem to be 80 IQ points smarter than everyone else and your balls are bigger.




I really don't like the increasing values being placed on things that, quite frankly, don't even matter (skin colour, musical genre preferences, age, nationality, political stance, etc.).


Anyone else ever faced moronic prejudice like this and what do you think of it? If you haven't, what's your stance on it anyway?

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What you say is true, and there's even a thread on the official forums about that... But right now i'm kind of off topic.




On topic, Just to say I'm almost 20 and this happens a lot to me too... Why do they have to care that much about our age... We have the right to play as much as they do... Adults have the right to do something else than work and that's what those kids and young teens don't know since they always had what they wanted, which is not the case with the generation before them.




If parents wouldn't give them all what they want, they would be less selfish and let the older ones play... Andrew himself posted on the forums, when the change to rule 2 occurred, and stated that the game is not for children and young teens, but for themselves and players like them in the same group of age, and I don't think any of them would be teens...




I think that's all I had to say.

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Personally on RS I don't care about age, they can be an immature 32 year old and piss me off or be an 8 year old and be mature enough.


i completely agree with that


.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If

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When I was like 10-12 I always thought older people didn't play games anymore and stuff, and just do "mature things". Lol, how wrong was I. It's too bad, but Runescape is inhabited by people that I could almost have been the father of, sadly.

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A good thing about the Internet is that there are no age barriers. Everyone is more or less treated equally, regardless of age. People are judged by their essence, and not by their appearance.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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I recently turned 20, but I don't seem to get much prejudice thankfully. On the rare occasion that somebody asks my age and I tell them, they usually say "Really?" or "lol i'm only 14" or something like that. In fact recently I've noticed an increase in the maturity of your average young player, but then I've probably just been fortunate, and ignored anybody that shows some sort of immaturity (i.e.: starts the conversation with noob).






Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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I recently turned 20, but I don't seem to get much prejudice thankfully. On the rare occasion that somebody asks my age and I tell them, they usually say "Really?" or "lol i'm only 14" or something like that. In fact recently I've noticed an increase in the maturity of your average young player, but then I've probably just been fortunate, and ignored anybody that shows some sort of immaturity (i.e.: starts the conversation with noob).








Lol. True. Majority of people under 15 are stupid, or atleast immature, sometime Naive. But not me :ohnoes:




Btw, I Said I'm 40. LOL I'm 13. You'd see from a different post.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Personally on RS I don't care about age, they can be an immature 32 year old and piss me off or be an 8 year old and be mature enough.




The best players are the underaged trying to seem natural.




The worse are the idiotic hormone-crazed kids with such bad acne the only girl the could kiss(mum)doesn't want it anymore


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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You're never too old to play games. If that's what you find fun, so be it- don't let others spoil it for you. There are plenty of adult players out there in RuneScape, yet some children seem to overlook that and believe that THEY are the only age groups that play. So when they meet an adult, they'll automatically believe that these people are sad because they're in 'their' game. I am, of course, talking about the immature groups who think they own the place. Thankfully, not all children are like this. As Abyssalwhip nicely put it:




Personally on RS I don't care about age, they can be an immature 32 year old and piss me off or be an 8 year old and be mature enough.




He's perfectly right. Age doesn't matter- maturity is what matters. However, to be honest I prefer to converse with adults/older teenagers. In my school, it is nigh impossible to have an intelligent conversation with my classmates. Then again, my class only talks about stupid things, though I doubt that has anything to do with the fact that we're 13 year olds.

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well im 19 and i keep getting called old. though i often get picked out and called brainy or in uni because of how i talk. Some kids are the worst but age shouldnt really matter, those ones who are bad mannered at level 89 are what i just call noobs

The fool does what he can't resist, the wise man resists what he can't do.

- sorry Grimnirwher9 for stealing your saying - couldnt resist

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Ever been pulled into a noob arguement, written English back at the antagonist then been told you're too old to play the game and labeled 'sad' by the noob(s)?




I'm only 17 and I've had loads of that, but my stance on the whole thing is simple:


Being older/mature you can still enjoy playing games like RuneScape, the only difference is you seem to be 80 IQ points smarter than everyone else and your balls are bigger.




I really don't like the increasing values being placed on things that, quite frankly, don't even matter (skin colour, musical genre preferences, age, nationality, political stance, etc.).


Anyone else ever faced moronic prejudice like this and what do you think of it? If you haven't, what's your stance on it anyway?




I agree, there are so many immature people that play runescape, most of my accounts are 'tanned' and everyone is like OMG you black freak... o.O or they're like... you're 17? wtf get a life... it's pretty gay. They can all go suck a [cabbage] and drown.

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Well people tell me I'm immature and not emotionally ready to play this game because I'm 11 (12 this Saturday \' ), and that I lied about my age and am not allowed to play Runescape. Well, when I started playing (May 2004) They didn't even ask for your age, so I didn't break any rules. I don't think anyone could guess I was only 11 unless I told them.


But luckily,here, people realise that age does not always determine your maturity.

7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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I'm 31 and the thing that really makes me chuckle is when I'm told I must have "no life" if I play computer games.




Having played computer games since I was eight (yes they had computers back then, you just had to make sure you put a new hampster on the treadmill occasionally), I can categorically state that there is no age beyond which playing computer games is not enjoyable. My 82 year-old grandfather plays online games (all right, it's scrabble, but still, he's eighty-freaking-two!)




As for the 'no-life' bit, I'm a happily married man with two adorable children (who both enjoy watching daddy's character carve up a dragon), I run my own software development company (nowhere near as cool as Jagex, I build database systems for manufacturing companies), Hit the gym five days a week, play guitar in a (sometimes) gigging 80s cover band, serve on two PTA committees and still have to put the garbage out on Tuesday nights.




I play computer games because I have a life (and need a break from it sometimes).

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