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Pass blocking - Part 2 of Jagex's update for fools


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Just because a player doesn't have as much knowledge about scammers and whatnot as you, doesn't make them stupid and doesn't mean they deserve to be scammed or lured. I'm sick of people like you and I really hope people like you get scammed yourself.

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This is a waste of talent, sure stops scammers, but if you are stupid enough to say your password I mean come on.




*guy in dark alley* hey you punk come here, give me your stuff


*noob* okay here


*smart person* walks by


Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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I think runescape players need to take some kind of test to play, not a hard test like with real life questions, just average questions about the game. Mostly questions about the rules, perphaps on tut island when your at the prayer guy who tells you about the rules there should be a quiz after. Then players who want to beable to talk or trade or duel or do anything have to take a quiz from the wise old man, (I pop-up comes up every time you log in that you havn't done it thats in red "You MUST take a quiz before you can play please click Accept to be teleported to the wise old man for some questioning, if they hit no they get logged out, if they hit yes then they get tele'd and get asked questions by the wise old man, maybe it can have little video clips of some one trying to scam some one or some one asking for personal details or maybe some one selling an account thenthe old man would say is that against the rules? If they hit yes then they get asked which rule is it against. Every one who plays runescape would have to do this (If you already had an account) that way all the 'noobs' and rule breakers would have to take it. Maybe then...maybe we'd get more people with a higher IQ then rock moss who go around calling people but cheese :?




CaptainKidd, Jagex already created something like that. It is called the Stronghold of Security. Did not really work though in the first place. At least everyone got some "cool" looking boots that are slightly better than the regular f2p boots for melee (regular boots are best for mages and rangers).

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I think runescape players need to take some kind of test to play, not a hard test like with real life questions, just average questions about the game. Mostly questions about the rules, perphaps on tut island when your at the prayer guy who tells you about the rules there should be a quiz after. Then players who want to beable to talk or trade or duel or do anything have to take a quiz from the wise old man, (I pop-up comes up every time you log in that you havn't done it thats in red "You MUST take a quiz before you can play please click Accept to be teleported to the wise old man for some questioning, if they hit no they get logged out, if they hit yes then they get tele'd and get asked questions by the wise old man, maybe it can have little video clips of some one trying to scam some one or some one asking for personal details or maybe some one selling an account thenthe old man would say is that against the rules? If they hit yes then they get asked which rule is it against. Every one who plays runescape would have to do this (If you already had an account) that way all the 'noobs' and rule breakers would have to take it. Maybe then...maybe we'd get more people with a higher IQ then rock moss who go around calling people but cheese :?




CaptainKidd, Jagex already created something like that. It is called the Stronghold of Security. Did not really work though in the first place. At least everyone got some "cool" looking boots that are slightly better than the regular f2p boots for melee (regular boots are best for mages and rangers).




that would kill me.. i have no clue what most of the rules say..

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

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They can educate them all they want, but not by FORCE. EVERYONE must suffer the "password block". The forced censor, the ditch. EDUCATE them at their own will by providing them with the tools and means they require to learn more about the game.




IF THEY DON'T choose to learn about it to save their own hide, death is their own fault




How much more blatant could they make their warnings NOT TO SAY YOUR PASS!!! They said it sooo many times, but people just weren't listening, and apparantly, you weren't one of them...because you didn't see the warnings. This update is just a way of saying "alright, people, you were being reckless, you just wanted to play and not pay attention to anything at all, so we're gonna have this censor on passwords, which really doesn't effect your everyday play, its just to help innocent people from getting hacked"




That sums it up.


Sorry if i blew up, but i'm angry at what i've seen (not particularly from you, just in general) So what if you think jagex is babysitting people...this won't effect you at all...




As i said about the ditch. Jagex has players, and a lot of these players aren't smart. But these are players regardless of intelligence, players, and jagex can't neglect a large portion of rs like that. Just because you or anybody else isn't one of the people effected by this update, doesn't mean you can yell at jagex for doing something that was directed at you entirely. My 2 cents on the matter.

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Most of the backlash from Jagex's "handholding" of newer users comes from the fact that the older players never received any sort of help in this tense. You were thrust (somewhat violently) into the game, you had to scrape enough to do whatever it is you wanted, and if you didn't make it that was too bad. Nowadays, things are much simpler and easier for the new players to find and follow, and in many cases people feel somewhat upset that we didn't get the same treatment. And yes, sometimes I felt like they were spoiling the newer generation of gamers instead of paying attention to the older ones. I don't anymore.




So what if they're "holding the newbie's hand"? These kinds of updates are good for the community. They put a damper on the fools that think that scamming someone out of accounts, passwords, and items is okay. Their removal from the community is something that has been long overdue, and now we're getting it at long last.




(By the way, complaining is inevitable from the community. I wonder what would happen if we went back to 1 update/month...)

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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In response the first post, specifically about people complaining about updates? Getting rid of the Behind the Scenes would do nothing. I remember before behind the scenes started, people complained just as much. The behind the scenes originally reduced the complaints, as people complained at the beginning of the month when the stuff was announced. When it arrived people were expecting it to be bad.




Eventually you will stop complaining, and stop caring that others complain. This is because you will eventually suffer enough disappointments in your life that you expect it everywhere. So you won't be pinning all your hopes on something mentioned in a Behind the Scenes. In the words of Bill Bailey: "I'm English and as such I crave disappointment."

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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I find that this update is stupid. If you're stupid enough to say your pass in RS, then you deserve to get your account hacked. 'Nuff said.


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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Great update from Jagex. A way of saying "If you're not going to take our warnings into your own hands, then we're going to do it for you".




To the people who are bashing this: Sit down and shut up. If you feel that affected by it, stop playing the game. I bet you anything that had this not been announced, 90% of you wouldn't even realize it was there since most of you never put your password into chat in the first place. I know I wouldn't.




If it's not a new whip that auto-casts ancient magicks with the side effect of summoning using the blood rune altar in Priffindas, you guys will complain. Chances are, when those updates are released, you same whiny little children will still be complaining.




Get over it, whiners. Jagex stopped caring about your opinions a long time ago when they realized that you'll never be satisfied.




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Nothing's wrong with blocking passwords, it doesn't hinder gameplay at all (unless the player is a hacker).




Yeah really. Cut Jagex some slack, not everyone knows this stuff and keep in mind kids do play this game.




Frankly I would rather have "stupid" updates like this, that actually TRIES to make the game a better place then all these stupid quests/small updates you people get so hyped up for and then realize you just wasted your time. Time and time Jagex is doing it, at least these updates will have a lasting effect unlike all these cheap updates we're having thrown at us.




Why not do something useful like Jagex is doing right now? Whats wrong with it? Security is a good thing, it may be stupid how Jagex is implementing it, but it makes for all the difference in the long run.




And for Pete's sake, people don't know everything, so don't expect them to. And finally, updates aren't meant for everyone, so grow up already and accept it. Stop complaining, sheesh.

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If your password is a word you use a lot just do what i did, just altar your password




A. just add a bunch of numbers on one end (or both)


b. purposely misspell it


c. make it more than word (with no spaces between them of course)




It's not that difficult, just be sure you write it down somewhere.


Smithing-48 strength-66 Ranged-47 Magic-55

Humor is reason gone mad- Groucho Marx


I am a nobody and nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect.

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I find that this update is stupid. If you're stupid enough to say your pass in RS, then you deserve to get your account hacked. 'Nuff said.




That's like saying you deserve to have your house robbed if you leave the back door unlocked.


Smithing-48 strength-66 Ranged-47 Magic-55

Humor is reason gone mad- Groucho Marx


I am a nobody and nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect.

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I like illiterate people.




I like this update, just to recap.




I don't like where this is going. Jagex is wasting the time of players with a brain, to hold little kid's hands.






EDIT: Happysniff read 1st post, just because we are unhappy where this is going, it doesn't mean we are password scammers.


[hide=Off topic]And Id like to add that ive never password scammed, on ONE occasion a total idiot GAVE me his password, which I did not request. I took all of his stuff and dropped it, to teach him a lesson, but apparently he thinks that if he pretends that IM the bad guy, people will stop thinking he loves pixels.[/hide]

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i have been lured 2 times.




i agree that only morons get lured...because both my times were on the canoe, accidently going to 35 wildy.




i have a higher iq than my mom, and im 12 -.-




i seriously think if anyone is thick enough to enter there pass in chat, when a dude says jagex blocks ur pass, must think a rat in a tux' is the cleverererist ever person.

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