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Worst Fear


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I would have to say the undead....I know they are not real but have you ever played a resident evil game? HIGHLY DETAILED ZOMBIES SCARE THE HELL OUT OF ME :ohnoes: but runescapes undead don't scare me at all because i guess they aren't intended to be scary and another thing i'm afraid of is swimming for obvious reasons

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Anything less then two legs and more then four...and PETTER GRIFFIN :shock: :uhh: :ohnoes:
I guess your second worst fear is learning to spell?
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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Anything less then two legs and more then four...and PETTER GRIFFIN :shock: :uhh: :ohnoes:
I guess your second worst fear is learning to spell?






Does my signature remind you of anyone?

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Anything less then two legs and more then four...and PETTER GRIFFIN :shock: :uhh: :ohnoes:
I guess your second worst fear is learning to spell?






Does my signature remind you of anyone?

Does a typo mean anything?
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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Wasps. I think I would jump face first out of a plane without a parachute then spend the night in a room with a single wasp. The latter would drive me insane. I can live with bees. I don't mind bees. Wasps can go die though. I hate them with a passion. Anyway, other than wasps, I'm not really scared of anything other than the cliched fear of losing important people.


:ohnoes: I'm allergic to wasp and bees and fire ants and most ants and cats and latex and pollen and grass and dust and birches and chocolate.








That is gonna be a pain when your older :wink:




They actually make -those- out of polyurethane as well. Latex are cheaper and more reliable but I suppose polyurethane are the only way he'll be able to go. Or he can go w/o a glove but that's not a good idea..

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I'm not sure if I posted in this already or not, but whatever lol.




I hate spiders. I know they kill insects and all that crap, but they're scary as hell! They spin webs, have eight legs, and a lot of eyes. It's just scary thinking about them. I saw one crawl out of my freaking toothbrush basket last night and ran into my room turning on the light!




I might have arachneaphobia. :uhh:

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I'm not sure if I posted in this already or not, but whatever lol.




I hate spiders. I know they kill insects and all that crap, but they're scary as hell! They spin webs, have eight legs, and a lot of eyes. It's just scary thinking about them. I saw one crawl out of my freaking toothbrush basket last night and ran into my room turning on the light!




I might have arachneaphobia. :uhh:




Yeah, spiders aren't so hot imo. I have trouble telling them apart so I'm always afraid I'm going to get bit and end up in the hospital cause it turned out to be a brown mercluse or something..

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I had a phobia of needles until I finished getting my tattoo.




My only fear is losing the people I love the most.




My best friend died in a car accident and I just wasn't the same for 2 years. I fell in love with him and was going to tell him but tomorrow never came.




It's the only thing that hurts me and that I'm afraid of.




It's the only time in my life that I felt I had no control over the situation and ever since I've been afraid of losing people I love.




Now I'm really protective of the people close to me in life - I dont leave them when they've been drinking, take their car keys off them when they've been drinking, tell them they've had enough, just stuff like that.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I just happen to hate injections and needles. Also I'm claustrophobic, I hate being all squished up and being unable to move.








|Myssy <3 | Retired | 19/9/07

"My legs say no, but my body says f... you"
I laughed so hard I pooped my thong. :lol:
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Zombies. Completely fictional I know but I can't help but see their rotten faces leering out at me whenever it is dark and their is an unidentified shape I can see. I'm not so bad now but I used to completely freeze up at night if I saw one and stay awake keeping perfectly still till morning. When you combine this fear with a window (with no curtains) in the room I'm sleeping in, I go crazy. Everytime I look up, I see a face duck down under the window or disappear.




Same here. I saw Night of the Living Dead 2 and i was complete scared for about 4 months. Something about a thing that is unkillable scares the hell out of me. If they are the zombies are like the ones that can be killed by shooting them in the head it doesnt frighten me...but how can we know what type of zombie they are!?!?! Luckily i have the zombie survival hand guide. (its actually my brothers but its hilarious. Ill try to find a link).


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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I used to be facinated with aliens but terrified of the idea of them at the same time. That was when I was younger however.




The idea can still creep me out if its late at night and I've stumbled apon a link but not a big deal.






I don't really have any irrational fears more than what most people fear in general.

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Anything less then two legs and more then four...and PETTER GRIFFIN :shock: :uhh: :ohnoes:
I guess your second worst fear is learning to spell?






Does my signature remind you of anyone?

Does a typo mean anything?




Judging by the way you asked me to remove your name, it means a lot to you.

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I have a fear of mirrors. Strange huh? I'm also afraid of death and ghosts.




Having thanatophobia is not good, I had it when I was younger. If you want someone to talk to, you have me.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I don't really have any irrational fears more than what most people fear in general.


Same here. I've got most of the usual fears- spiders, sharks, heights (though not to any extreme extent), but nothing in particular that'd seem out of the ordinary.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I used to be facinated with aliens but terrified of the idea of them at the same time. That was when I was younger however.




The idea can still creep me out if its late at night and I've stumbled apon a link but not a big deal.




Same here. I've always loved the idea of actually seeing an alien but at the same time I'm always incredibly alert when I'm outside (alone) at night. I dunno why, but after seeing Signs the idea of seeing an alien when I'm alone creeeps me out. Put a few friends (or just one girl) by my side and suddenly I've got the more confidence than anyone can hope for.

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I have a phobia of not having a clean room when I study.




Dirty room = distraction, not organised, nothing getting done.




The bigger my piece of assessment the tidier I clean my room...




Stupid classical conditioning crap.. I could de condition the situation but that involves thinking about it and actually doing something.







The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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