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New reportable offense: be my gf/bf!


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I was standing in a gnome stronghold bank when a kid asked a girl "Will you be my gf?"




The girl turned out to be a pmod, and told him "that's a reportable offence". I was surprised, and asked when this had been implemented. She stated it had just been told to the pmods this week. I confirmed this with another pmod I know - he says it falls under rule 1.




Now, "will you be my gf/bf" is a frequently heard and annoying query which has been tolerated since the game began. It actually IS a type of harassment, as girls (or guys) should be able to play the game without others assuming they are "available" for someone's sad purposes simply due to their gender.




However, implementing a rule by telling the pmods seems pretty stupid to me, considering how infrequently they are seen in game. And you'd think that Jagex would announce it, though I suppose some people would go out of their way just to make trouble.




Both pmods said you get a warning from Jagex rather than a black mark for the first offence. However, I thought people should be aware of this new rule. Also I'm wondering if anyone has posted about this on the RS official forums yet.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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Yes, its good, now whenever people ask that you can just turn around and say "stop or I will report you". Think this was in hidden updates though.



9 November 2006 - 22 January 2008, when I could no longer stand the painted turd that is the Tip.It community. Only posting in rants.

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Hmmm...Sounds like I'm turning into a girl and going to F2p to see how many people I can get banned :twisted:




Just Jk'ing, but yay! Good updates this week!

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Seems fair to me.


So asking someone to marry you / ingame marriage will be perm ban ? XD


Can't be because there were like 3 or 4 jagex mods at zezimas wedding and he's still around :P




Anyways whatever the reason, they should post this on their main page instead of only tell the pmods about it :S




ohw and:




However, implementing a rule by telling the pmods seems pretty stupid to me, considering how infrequently they are seen in game




I see at LEAST 2 or 3 every day, and that's in F2P !!!

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I was standing in a gnome stronghold bank when a kid asked a girl "Will you be my gf?" The girl turned out to be a pmod, and told him "that's a reportable offense".


Well that should certainly cut down on the amount of public chat in the game. Can't they just block "gf" and "bf" and be done with it?




I would think pmods time would be better spent focusing on getting rid of all the autoers/bots/farmers that are ruining this game right now!

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It's listed in the rules section of the knowledge base. This rule was added sometime last week and the reason is that Runescape isn't a dating site. So when a new player first arrives from Tutorial Island, they're bombarded with 'Looking for cexy gf!!!1!1!1!' and this provides a negative image of the game. Asking friends is ok, you just can't randomly seek out spouses any more.

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ha ha Great work Jagex =D>




If only you would have told us openly though :shame:

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Some rules are sometimes enforced some of the time, depending on some mods you sometimes get to review some of your reports.


(Tried to reflect their own ambiguous stance on certain rules)

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Way to be Jagex =D> Personally, I find that "Will you be my gf/bf" very annoying when I see it. Considering it's usually 12 year olds and have to mis-spell it. :uhh:


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he he i find this funny noobs come up to me and go ur hot, im like you think a pixal is hot your wrong!!



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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