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Underage Drinking


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I'm just wondering what everyones' stance on this subject is. Not only your own as well as your family/friends stance on it. Do you feel people who are against it are overreacting in some ways?






My stance: I'm okay with it when it's done responsibly (like not drinking and driving, etc). I'll admit I drink occasionally and adults are always saying how you lose your common sense and such but from my experience you'd have to be pretty up to lose enough common sense to get drunk then drive.




My parents' stance:


Mom - Will let me drink as long as I don't drink and drive


Dad - Totally against me drinking until I'm 21




Friends' stance:


Majority - Against it, but don't hate me for doing it


A very few - Okay with it, but don't do it


Even fewer - Are okay with it and do it.




I personally think the 'omg you can't drink till you're 21' type of people are completely overreacting. I've drank more than I planned before, didn't do anything stupid, and I'm totally fine.




Now, what is your opinion on this?

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My stance: I used to drink. But, I don't anymore, and I probably never will again. I just don't want to lose my head. :P or have any momentary lapse in judgment in which I might do something I regret. A couple of sips of something is alright, but to get beyond "tipsy", in my opinion is irresponsible. The majority of my friends are pretty heavy drinkers. I don't have a problem with them doing it, but I would have a problem with my boyfriend drinking.




My parents' stance: They don't want me or my siblings drinking EVAR. Though my brother gets drunk quite often without their knowing about it.

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My parents are totally against the idea of even a drop of the alcohol in me. However, my girlfriend and some of her friends drink sometimes, and if I'm over at her house for a good period of time, or even overnight, I'll have a little bit. I think it's fine as long as you're not drinking and driving. Something people do after the legal age anyways (19 IN CANADIA HAH!), so who cares whether we drink?




I try not to get too drunk, though. oo

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Alcohol is a depressant and I don't recommend it for persons under the age of 18. In severe circumstances the minorÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s body becomes dependant on the substance. It often is followed by depressive thoughts, feelings of unworthiness. It can lead to long term depression.




This can happen to anybody but especially in younger kids.




I had to watch a documentary the other day at uni about a young boy who had become dependant on the substance as he was drinking as early as the age of 6. It was not pretty and quite hurtful to see how he grew to be. I wouldn't wish it upon anybody.




I also despise pregnant mothers who drink alcohol, any amount can do damage to their child. From as serious as fetolalcohol syndrome to being difficult babies, then the child later developing behavioural problems due to being exposed to the substance before birth. The child also has higher chances of abusing alcohol when growing older.




This is the same as pregnant mothers who have done drugs. The child has more chance of growing being deprived from the drug and in teenage years has more of a chance of trying drugs and becoming dependent on them. You will find that most teenagers who do drugs, their parents had also tried it. It's a vicious cycle, hence the rise in drug use generation after generation.




Alcoholism is indicated when an individual is psysiologically dependent on alcohol; they show withdrawal symptoms when no alcohol is consumed.




It is the 3rd leading cause of death.




Problem drinkers are not addicted but have work, family and health related complications associated with alcohol consumption.




Contributors to alcoholism include the following:




Genetic predisposition to drug addiction


social-cognitive factors


mental 'escape' from stressors




learning: from parents or significant others


Personality: e.g. people with high levels of negative affect.




Consequences of alcoholism:




Liver damage (e.g cirrhosis)


incread risk of some cancers


hypertension, stroke


foetal alchohol syndrome


poor judgement and decision making


loss of family and social relationships


elevated risk of affective and anxiety disorders, domestic violence, child abuse, drowning, occupational injuries, suicide.




Treatments for alcohlism include:




Spontaneous remission




aversion therapy (e.g. antabuse)


cognitive-behavioural therapy


stress management techniques


support groups


controlled drinking




70% of all violence happens within 100 meters of the pub ( I think these were Australian statistics from when I did health psychology)




Within saying all this I'm currently downing a can of jim beam and waiting a few hours before my 21st party begins.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Alcohol is a depressant and I don't recommend it for persons under the age of 18. In severe circumstances the minorÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s body becomes dependant on the substance. It often is followed by depressive thoughts, feelings of unworthiness. It can lead to long term depression.





I had that w/o alcohol last summer :P I guess seeing as how many teens will be depressed for no reason, alcohol could jump start things.

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I could really care less :P


Alcohol just isn't something that appeals to me though, so I don't. I'm not really sure what this whole stigma is with most of my friends where it's this godly drink that everyone should be ashamed of not drinking. I'm sure they'd never say the same of grapefruit juice, which has to be the best substance ever (nonsweetened, thanks)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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My dad was dead set on the idea that if I'm going to learn to drink, I'm going to do it responsibly. So he actually encouraged me to drink alcohol, as long as there was someone responsible around.




So here I am, just past 18 and I'm well aware of how much I can or want to drink at any given time. The family in general has nothing against me drinking as much alcolol as I want, as long as I pay for it myself.

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I'd say underage drinking has made me more responsible with alcohol, but that's just me (I'm 18, and these days [well, lately] I only drink beer and do so because I like the taste and/or am thirsty, I haven't actually been drunk in a while). Overall, I think if underage kids want to drink, they should really limit themselves to an amount that dosen't get them wasted.

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Well, I guess I'm fine with it as long as you don't over do it, and you're at least over 18.




My parents say they would be ok with me drinking now that I'm over 18 as long as I do it in moderation, but I've only done it once and I didn't even have enough to get more than a slight buzz off it. :?



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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When I was 18 I used to go out and get blind drunk. I used it to escape my problems because I didn't want to deal with my best friends death. I now can only sink a couple and then switch to soft drink.




Tonight is an exception it's my 21st :P




You have a valid point warrior, some people will learn from their mistakes, others wont.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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The government needs to drop the drinking age to 18, and frikking add a little bite to punishments for drinking and driving. Like, actually serious punishments for it, not the weenie laws we have nowdays.




Currently all I do is drink wine with my parents and their friends during parties, but I hate the fact that I won't be legally able to drink in college. I'm responsible enough to not do anything stupid or get drunk. Heck, I bet if the drinking age was dropped to 18 (but laws against crimes involving drinking were strengthened), kids, or "young adults" I suppose, would be way more responsible about drinking habits.




In one year I can go die for my country, but I won't be able to get a drink. Screw that.

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When I was 18 I used to go out and get blind drunk. I used it to escape my problems because I didn't want to deal with my best friends death. I now can only sink a couple and then switch to soft drink.




Tonight is an exception it's my 21st :P




You have a valid point warrior, some people will learn from their mistakes, others wont.




And won't get a second chance to either, sadly. Fair point. Happy birthday by the way. :P

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In one year I can go die for my country, but I won't be able to get a drink. Screw that.




So many people agree with your point, myself included.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'm fine with it in the correct enviroment. For example I probaly first drank when I was 16 (Junior or so in high school) and it was with 2 friends. We didn't drink much and it was in a safe enough part (his house).






The underage drinking I dislike it parties. I dont' like the idea of a bunch of freshmen in highschool going to a random strangers house and just getting completly wasted. Its times like that where you can be taken advantage of because of your state. In a situation like where I drank its fine, It was with 2 good friends and we knew we had limits. We didn't buy a ton of alcohol.






However I also should note I drank in germany where it was quite legal for me to. I haven't drank anything since.

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I heard that people that drink at an early age have a much higher chance of becoming alcoholics later on in life.




Honestly I don't plan to drink alcohol until it's legally okay for me. I think most teenagers drink because they think it makes them cool since all of the cool people do it or because they think its cool to do something illegal. I honestly somewhat look down on people who drink most of the time other than just like social drinking where they don't get drunk. It mostly just means they're trying to be cool like I said, or.. well that's pretty much what it means. I guess you could drink because you can't handle stress in the right way, but you should be able to fix that yourself.




Sorry if parts didn't make sense.. I'm tired and I stopped mid-post and started it up again later.

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I had one beer while i was in France last month. Was the worst POS ive ever tasted (I drank it anyways just to see what the effects were, i got a wee bit hyper, but i could everything normal).




There is really no reason to drink when one is young. Pffft, i'd much prefer to drink a tea loaded with sugar. Gets me hyper, but doesn't impair my judgment, nor kills my liver if i drink to much (Might kill my arteries, but a little exercise fixes that).


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I used to not drink, and now I do (I am still under 21, the legal age for drinking alcohol where I live).




There's a reason underage drinking is illegal. It hurts your body, and it hurts your body significantly more up until about the age of 21, because of the way your brain is still developing. That said, though I know it's not good for me, I don't drink too often for me to get dependent on it - once every two weeks seems about right. To be honest, when I get drunk, I just feel really really happy and it gives me a kind of elated enjoyable feeling. It also puts me at ease in social party situations, and so for now, the benefits outweigh the negatives, I think. You also just have to be careful to know what you want when you're sober, and then keep it at the back of your mind when you get intoxicated.




My parents aren't happy with this. My family is extremely anti-alcohol (they don't even drink beer at family gatherings or wine with dinner, ever). However, I prefer to be relatively honest with my family.




Drinking when driving is, of course, a big no-no. However, it's hard to find the fine line of when it's still okay to drink - so my rule is that ANY alcohol means no driving. I had a small sip of a friend's mixed drink the other day, and she was flabbergasted when I then refused to drive her into town (to be fair, I had very close to 0 alcohol). However, my rule is that when I've had ANY alcohol, I don't drive, and I plan to stick to it unless in case of emergency.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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I am 16, and drink. I only drink at parties, not always to get drunk. Although I have decided to cut down on alcohol, because even though I have only drank on under 10 occasions, I am becoming too immune to it, and I need more to get a buzz, which makes me worry about my health. Just last night, I almost finished a whole bottle of Jack Daniels, most of it was straight. Didn't throw up. Even after all that I still wasn't too drunk that I couldn't take care of a friend who had too much and was vomiting everywhere. Cleaned him up, gave him bread and water and put him into a bed. Today I got only a tiny bit of a hangover.




I do think that drinking so much that you are vomiting all over yourself for an hour while drifting in and out of consciousness before passing out is not the way to go. Even though it is a common practice where I live.

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I'm fine with it. I drink the odd beer with family or spirit after dinner. And when i'm with friends it's a bit more than "the odd" one. I'll never just drink to get hammered though, it's always just a consequence of drinking for several hours. I don't get drunk easily, I tend to hold my drink better than most of my friends. It just makes things more fun.




And only beer and spirits, none of this alcopop rubbish.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I live in Australia, so I guess the culture of drinking is radically different to America's culture. The problem with America's alcohol laws, isn't so much the age of purchase but the consumption of alcohol by people under 21.




Being allowed to gradually introduce minors to alcohol would do a lot to cut down on idiots going off their heads. If you can't even provide a drink with a meal then what do you expect when they acquire alcohol being their parents back. But then again I doubt you'll find many parents that are willing to responsibly teach their kids anything.





70% of all violence happens within 100 meters of the pub ( I think these were Australian statistics from when I did health psychology)




It would be similar percent if you replaced pub with shop. Violence happens in populated areas, I wonder what the percentage of violence involves someone who has has alcohol.

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Some thoughts that i'd like to add:




In France, drinking alcohol is a part of their culture. Most children will start having a small glass of wine from a young age with their parents during a meal. They are taught to appreciate fine wines and alcohol. And yet, they also have an extremely low rate of young alchoholism. Being drunk is heavily frowned upon in France, there is not the binge drinking culture evident in countries with stricter laws.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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