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~~~~~~~ Ultimate Brimhaven Agility Guide ~~~~~~~


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The Brimhaven Agility Arena is located just a little east of the ardougne boat on Brimhaven, in a little hut:








What to bring:




26 cakes OR




Baskets of strawberries OR




Saradomin brews - afterall, yes the potions reduce your combat stats, but you aren't training combat are you? =D




You could also go to the lumby bank chest and buy a ton of chocolate to add to your plain cakes to add 6 extra hitpoints per cake - or 2 extra hitpoints per bite.




NEVER use sharks, this will give you a lot more hp and will hit you even more, it also wastes money and weighs u down even more.




300gp - the wagon goes by the percentage of how much coins you have on you, so the entrance fee is a definite 200gp, and the ride, to be safe, 100gp. to lower costs, use the karamja gloves (3) to teleport into shilo.




super energy pots if you lose energy more than normal.




agility pots - temporarily increases agility level by 3 points, alternatively, summer pies increase your agility level by 5, and they are 2 bites each! however these may be hard to get hold of, unless you buy them from the forums.




Here is a rough guide on what your inventory should look like, feel free to add/subtract things to suit your levels/preferences with the suggested items above:








What to Wear:




Penance gloves - reduces weight by 3kg - you can get these from the Barbarian Assult minigame, alternatively, if you have the $ you can get a regen bracelet, this heals 2hp per minute instead of 1. This isn't much but it does help over time and it doesn't weigh too much =]




Karamja Gloves (2) - these will give you more exp whilst doing the obstacles and when trading in tickets, this effect only works while wearing them - these can be obtained by completing the medium level of the karamja achievement diary




Spottier cape - reduces weight by 4-5kg




Boots of lightness - reduces weight by 4-5kg




Rough overview of what to wear; bear in mind this is with the suggested inventory above, so that is why it is -5 kg, if I have nothing in my inventory, my weight is -13kg:








Suggested levels to train agility:




Level 1 ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ 40 Gnome Stronghold (alternatively, you could use the Werewolf Agility Course from levels 25 - 40+, this is only available after the completion of the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest)




Level 40 ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ 52 Barbarian Outpost (at 40 you can start the Brimhaven agility course, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll just be very hard)




Level 52 ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ 60 Wilderness Course




Level 60 - 75 Brimhaven Agility Course




Level 75+ Ape atoll is the best exp from here onwards, as you CAN'T fail an obstacle anymore.




Ticket Rewards:




Number of tickets: Reward:




1 - 240 xp


3 - Toadflax herb


10 - Snapdragon herb


10 - 2,480 xp


25 - 6,500 xp


100 - 28,000 xp


800 - PirateÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s hook (worth 1.2M ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ 1.8M)


1000 - 320,000 xp (If you're wearing karamja gloves (2) on while trading in the 1k tickets, you'll receive 352,000 agility exp, a difference of 32k exp! these gloves can be obtained from completing the medium level of the karamja achievement diary)








Obstacle: Exp:




Ledge - 16


Hand Holds - 22


Blade - 0


Spinning Blade - 28


Darts - 30


Rope Balance - 10


Rope swing - 20


Floor [bleep]es - 24


Pressure Pads - 26


Monkey Bars - 14


Pillars - 18


Low Wall - 8


Low Balance - 12


Planks - 6




Exp with karamja gloves (2):




Balancing Ledge - 18 (2 exp better)


Hand Holds - 24 (2 exp better)


Blade - 0 (no difference)


Spinning Blade - 31 (3 exp better)


Darts - 33 (3 exp better)


Rope Balance - 31 (21 exp better!)


Rope swing - 22 (2 exp better)


Floor [bleep]es - 26 (2 exp better)


Pressure Pads - 29 (3 exp better)


Monkey Bars - 15 (1 exp better)


Pillars - 20 (2 exp better)


Low Wall - 8 (no difference)


Log Balance - 14 (2 exp better)


Planks - 6 (no difference)




This may not be a noticable difference, but it all adds up, and I for one, am not going to risk my penance gloves anymore, so from now on i'm wearing the karamja gloves (2), and guess what? if you lose the karamja gloves, you can get them back! it's a win-win situation.




Here are the obstacles:
















How to get tickets: When you first enter the arena youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll notice at the top right of your screen 2 boxes, the bottom box will be red, this means you cannot receive tickets yet.




When you tag the pillar with the yellow arrow above it, the signal will turn green, indicating you can now receive tickets from here on.








If you happen to miss the next ticket, the symbol will go back to red, which means youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll have to tag the next pillar to get it back to green, and then you can receive tickets again etc.




Your tickets will get you rewards which you can trade with Pirate Jacky the Fruity just above the arena where you pay CapÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢n Izzy No-Beard 200gp to enter.








Aim of the game: Here, you race against the clock making your way to the flashing arrow above the particular pillar to receive a ticket. The flashing arrow changes to a different pillar every minute, sometimes you may get lucky and the next pillar might only be 1 obstacle away, it happens :P always note in your head the seconds itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s taking you, if you keep failing an obstacle and you know youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re not going to make it, and say youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re failing darts to get through, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t bother, otherwise youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll lower your agility level a lot and itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll make things harder, I tend to go around the darts, but if you have to go through them in order to make the pillar in time, you have to.




Keep your hitpoints 20 and below, that way you wonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t get hit as much damage, and you will be able to stay for much longer (once made 300 or so tickets in 1 trip)








Obstacles to note:




The darts lower your agility level by 1 or 2 levels (itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s random) so itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s best to go around them, but if you have to go through them, you have to go through them :S




Spinning blades usually are a pain too, time it right, and youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll never fail it, make sure youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re pretty far away from the blade, then about half a second after it goes down, click on the other side of the spinning blade (onto the next platform) so that by the time you get there, the spinning blade is up, which automatically stops you, then as soon as it goes back down, your character runs past the spinning blades untouched.




The Planks are annoying IF youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re late to the pillar, when the flashing arrow changes to the next pillar, the planks are automatically changed, so if you happen to click on the right plank (the one without all the holes which make you fail it) when the arrow switches it could possibly change, so youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll go to the correct one, but then it changes and you fail it, so beware of that when you know youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re going to be late to the next pillar and you have to use the planks.




The spinning blades are a pain, I still get 0wnd a lot from them, thereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s nothing you can do about it IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m afraid :S




Handholds are also a pain, occasionally on the 2nd handhold youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll fail, and it takes a while to get back up, the handholds are one of the longer obstacles to get pass, the darts probably come in 1st in the time department (because of the little movie of you dodging the darts ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ matrix style) so I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t like using them, but if it means you have to go through either handholds or darts in order to get your tix, you have to.




If you're waiting on a ticket, do some obstacles to keep you busy, also, if you have just received a ticket, go to the middle of the course so that you won't have to run as far to the next one, this reduces your chance of not making the next ticket.




for best results, go to a less crowded world (world 2 is always laggy) and use low detail, that way it makes the course easier to do, as you're not distracted by all the other things around you, like the lava below, and it makes the yellow arrow more visual to the eye. Also, it is easier to have your view angle down low when you're ready to run off to your first tower, that way you can click in every direction, as shown below:








Remember, it doesn't matter if you're first or last, as long as you get the ticket, it's all that matters :)






~~~~~~~ CREDITS ~~~~~~~






Vlad_the_old - Suggestion on the baskets of strawberries as food




Kingmage - Suggestion on the saradomin brews as food




Candymann16 - Suggestion on making chocolate cakes for the extra hp




Lionel - Suggestions on bringing super energy pots, and wearing a spotted cape if you don't have a spottier cape.




Soulegleon - Suggestion on the Penance gloves as gear to wear




The_13th_Apostle - Correcting me in that you only need karamja gloves (2) for the agility bonuses, not the karamja gloves (3)




Bashful - For telling me the karamja gloves (2) give you more exp with the obstacles, and for also suggesting to add in that - if you're waiting on a ticket, you're best to go to the middle of the course and do some obstacles while waiting.




Ceblue - Suggested the Werewolf Agility Course ^_^




Rodentratman - Wrote a summary of this guide (see page 2) for those who don't want to read through everything here (yes there is a lot of info in my guide, lol)




TIPIT - for the map of the Brimhaven Agility Arena to see the obstacles much better, and for giving me the chance to shed light on Agility and how to train it at Brimhaven ^_^






If it weren't for these key people, my guide wouldn't be up-to-scratch with the latest items and info, aswell as very good suggestions that can help you stay there for even longer! Thank you very much guys ^_^

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8-10 I read more when I start agility :ohnoes:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Please bare in mind I made this a while ago, and new additions such as the karamja gloves will give more experience. From what I heard they give 10% on top of the normal exp ratio, so 1k tix with the karamja gloves would give 352k exp instead of 320k exp.




Also with the spottier cape, this lowers your weight by 4-5kg depending on how much you're carrying, this means you can nearly have a full inventory of lobs/tunas/cakes with the spottier cape + boots of lightness! I'm going to eventually train my agility to 99 here as I went to ape atoll a few weeks back, did 1.2k laps in 3 days. I got burnt out and it wasn't really fun going round in circles ;)




Another thing, regen bracelets! Yes we know they're lame.. except for here! they heal 2hp instead of 1hp per minute! If you have the $ and want to go hardout training agility here, by all means get one, it will make your stay a lot longer and you'll get more tix =]

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great layout, but arent cakes better for agility than lobs :-s


Retired after 2 accounts and 8 years of scapin...2 accounts over 2,000 total...may my life rest in peace

Brawl Code:5327-0581-3706

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It takes a minute per ticket, which basically makes each ticket worth 320 exp. But, at Wilderness or Ape Atoll courses its a minute (around abouts) per 500+ exp, so in the 1000 minutes it took you to get 320k exp, you can get 500k+ exp.

Fire Cape on SeriousCarna: Achieved 25/09/07

Fire Cape on Melee_Carna: 2 Failed Attempts.

Fire Cape on Rune_Carna: Not Done.

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Please bare in mind I made this a while ago, and new additions such as the karamja gloves will give more experience. From what I heard they give 10% on top of the normal exp ratio, so 1k tix with the karamja gloves would give 352k exp instead of 320k exp.




Also with the spottier cape, this lowers your weight by 4-5kg depending on how much you're carrying, this means you can nearly have a full inventory of lobs/tunas/cakes with the spottier cape + boots of lightness! I'm going to eventually train my agility to 99 here as I went to ape atoll a few weeks back, did 1.2k laps in 3 days. I got burnt out and it wasn't really fun going round in circles ;)




Another thing, regen bracelets! Yes we know they're lame.. except for here! they heal 2hp instead of 1hp per minute! If you have the $ and want to go hardout training agility here, by all means get one, it will make your stay a lot longer and you'll get more tix =]




the regen blracelet :anxious: not so much. i find the pennance gloves(-3? kg) are more usefull for wieght reduction. also im not sure but i think the karajama gloves give more than +10% exp




pretty good, could use an item dictionary and a little more general info. 7.5/10(8.5/10 if you add some new stuff)

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It takes a minute per ticket, which basically makes each ticket worth 320 exp. But, at Wilderness or Ape Atoll courses its a minute (around abouts) per 500+ exp, so in the 1000 minutes it took you to get 320k exp, you can get 500k+ exp.




you forgot the agility exp you get from doing the obstacles :XD:




some pros at these games(wakka102[?]) and another brimhaven agil master raced. walka got aroung 64k exp i think and the brimhaven course offered almost 70k exp per hour.

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Good guide. I just think it went too in depth with some of the obstacles, and also you tell to wear boots of lightness and such. But, the only agility course where weight affects you is the werewolf course.




Actually anything over 1kg starts slowing you down and thus, losing energy faster and maybe even eventually walking the course - not good.




Ty for the mention of penance gloves, I don't have them myself, i'll add that to the guide ^_^ tyvm




"great layout, but arent cakes better for agility than lobs" yes they are great portions, but i've lost more tickets using cakes than lobs because sometimes you're so close to getting to the ticket, but you keep failing and you have to eat each portion of the cake until you can get past, whereas with a lob, it's relatively low hp restore anyway, and you don't have to eat 3 times. After all, time is crucial in this game.

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Good guide. I just think it went too in depth with some of the obstacles, and also you tell to wear boots of lightness and such. But, the only agility course where weight affects you is the werewolf course.




Actually anything over 1kg starts slowing you down and thus, losing energy faster and maybe even eventually walking the course - not good.




Ty for the mention of penance gloves, I don't have them myself, i'll add that to the guide ^_^ tyvm




"great layout, but arent cakes better for agility than lobs" yes they are great portions, but i've lost more tickets using cakes than lobs because sometimes you're so close to getting to the ticket, but you keep failing and you have to eat each portion of the cake until you can get past, whereas with a lob, it's relatively low hp restore anyway, and you don't have to eat 3 times. After all, time is crucial in this game.




Actully, cakes are better. They heal 4 in ech bite, so it is easier to keep ur hp between 12-19 where you lose the least amount of hp while staying safe. A lob would bring ur HP abov, and thus have to eat more.


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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another thing to mention, is that when you just have tagged a pillar close to the wall, or even *gasp* in a corner, move out from it, before a new pillar starts flashing, as you're chance of not reaching the next pillar is about the same as zero

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does it matter if you get like 1000 tagged and then you miss one. (just an example, i'm not even memb, lol) does it mean that you loose those 1000.


or can you tag the next pillar and get 1001 tickets?

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it works like this u go in, u tag a pillar. You have to tag another to get a ticket. If as u say u get 1000 tickets and u miss 1, u keep those tickets but u have to tag another pillar to get another 1.




hope that answers ur question

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This guide is decent, but it can definately use improvements. First off, do not use lobsters. Always use cakes. They are lighter and they heal the same, but are 3 bites healing 4 each. This means you can stay at low hp (you should stay below 20, I keep around 8-12 hp).




Also, what you said about the spinning blades does not really make sense. Maybe you can make a video with Hypercam, or use screenshots?




Agility potions are not really worth it. As long as you are around 56+ agility, you should be fine if you fail 1-2 times. Just if you fail twice, try not to go again, as that is 6 levels gone.

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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This guide is decent, but it can definately use improvements. First off, do not use lobsters. Always use cakes. They are lighter and they heal the same, but are 3 bites healing 4 each. This means you can stay at low hp (you should stay below 20, I keep around 8-12 hp).




Also, what you said about the spinning blades does not really make sense. Maybe you can make a video with Hypercam, or use screenshots?




Agility potions are not really worth it. As long as you are around 56+ agility, you should be fine if you fail 1-2 times. Just if you fail twice, try not to go again, as that is 6 levels gone.




chocolate cakes are better as they do not heal too much(5hp a bite) but do heal enough. agil pots are not needed as there is always an alternative route that is just as fast that you can use to get to the next pillar(assuming you start in the center after each ticket). what could be used is the sleep runes for lunar magics. this allows you to restore just a few hp per ticket, although the costs are far more than that of food and banking.




oh he means spinning blades, not axes. ummm do you get that?


if you dont just go to the agil arena and youll see and obstacle called spinning blades, then youll see what he means.




it works like this u go in, u tag a pillar. You have to tag another to get a ticket. If as u say u get 1000 tickets and u miss 1, u keep those tickets but u have to tag another pillar to get another 1.


yep. if you miss one the light turns red. if you tag a pillar the light turs green and you can only get tickets when its green. when you get a ticket it appears in your inventory, so it is impossible to actually lose tickets




hope this helps ::'

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Good guide. I just think it went too in depth with some of the obstacles, and also you tell to wear boots of lightness and such. But, the only agility course where weight affects you is the werewolf course.




Actually anything over 1kg starts slowing you down and thus, losing energy faster and maybe even eventually walking the course - not good.




Ty for the mention of penance gloves, I don't have them myself, i'll add that to the guide ^_^ tyvm




"great layout, but arent cakes better for agility than lobs" yes they are great portions, but i've lost more tickets using cakes than lobs because sometimes you're so close to getting to the ticket, but you keep failing and you have to eat each portion of the cake until you can get past, whereas with a lob, it's relatively low hp restore anyway, and you don't have to eat 3 times. After all, time is crucial in this game.




Actully, cakes are better. They heal 4 in ech bite, so it is easier to keep ur hp between 12-19 where you lose the least amount of hp while staying safe. A lob would bring ur HP abov, and thus have to eat more.




So wait until you're down to 7 hp :roll:




Pretty good guide, but there are a few mistakes


1: I'm fairly sure boots of lightness always lower your weight by 4. Not sure though


2:If you try ape atoll before level 70, you are going to be owned :P

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:thumbsup: Good guide




May i suggest cakes for food? Same healing as lobbies, cheaper cand you can keep your health low.

Alternate Philosophy:

"Things just happen. What the hell"


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  • 2 weeks later...

*shakes head* some people don't read... yes cakes are perfect, but don't you realize those crucial times when you're 1 obstacle away from getting the ticket, but you're so low on health that you have to keep clicking on that darn cake to get your hp high enough just to attempt to get across? i use lobs now because it's convenient and i dont have to click 3 times.. if this doesn't make any sense.. i don't know what will :shock: but since you guys really insist on cakes.. i'll take lobs off the list -.-




If you try ape atoll before level 70, you are going to be owned




I know, i'm just saying if people like taking it the hard way.. they can, i personally think barbarian outpost till 55 or whatever the wildy course requirement is, the wildy course in my opinion, is the 2nd best agility course out there, it's near the same exp as ape atoll, just risky because you have dds pkers that love killing you even if you have nothing on you -.-

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As far as food goes, I use baskets of strawberries. I read about someone else doing this on the forums (sorry, I can't remember who it was, but they came up with the idea, not me) and tried it out. It works great. Each basket holds 5 strawberries that heal 6 each, so that is 30 hp per slot. You just have to keep one extra slot open in the beginning to take a strawberry out, but using them you can stay down there a really long time.

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  • 2 months later...

nice guide well thought out and written




however I am currently training agility at wilde and am using sara brews


i find they works well and because each dose is equivalent to a lobby you can basically have 3-4 times as much healing power as if you used lobbys




just thought id say this




on a side note they do lower all combat stats except prayer and defence.




prayer isnt changed and def is raised


Gwd Drop's: Sara - 4 Hilt, 13 Ss(3 ls), Armadyl - None, Bandos - 6 Hilt, 4 Bcp, 7 Tasset, 4 Boot

Zamorak - None, Tormented Demons - 1 Dragon Claws, 1 Dragon Shard

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however I am currently training agility at wilde and am using sara brews


My man, you are the person for whom the Karil set effect was designed. In fact, which world do you train on? Just curious, of course.




Anyway, as mentioned above, part of the reason people are suggesting cakes is that they allow you to stay down there for longer. You're using lobbies, and always eating at 7hp - but you also say that taking cakes slows you down as you're forced to eat more. Well, this will certainly be true if you only eat at 7hp! You should always eat to above 10hp after every ticket. That'll give you at least 4 failed attempts at obstacles before you have to eat - and if you don't get through with the 2 extra attempts a single slice of cake will grant you, it's rather unlikely that you're going to make the ticket anyway.

"Join me next week on 'Let's Make No Freaking Sense', when I shall be waxing an owl."

- Green Wing


Barrows Drops: 1x Verac's Flail, 2x Karil's Crossbow, 1x Torag's Hammers, 1x Karil's Leatherskirt, 1x Karil's Coif

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