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Behavioral stages of players


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I've always thought as a runescape player, from first starting out to perhaps the day you quit, there are several behavioral stages you go through. Now not everyone goes through all these stages, some might even skip a few. Here's a list I've made up to what I think the average player goes through:




Starting stage- Player starts runescape and thinks of it as just another game where you can goof around for fun, not realizing what it truly is- a very complex community. These players might be very annoying and confused, and soon start to fall for easy scams, such as trimming armor. They notice other players are shouting things like "@@@@@@@@@@@@!" or "free st0f pl0x!!11!1" or "will u be my friend?" and soon catch on to the slang language.




"Slang" stage- Player soon gets a better understanding of runescape, and might travel past the borders of lumbridge. They use words such as "u" for "you" and "r" for "are". They ignore grammar and spelling and simply type what they feel like typing, neglecting players around them and thinking it's funny to annoying the hell out of them.




Developing maturity stage- Player soon starts to realize as he progresses his journey through Gleinor people are ignoring him and he is not getting as much attention as he thinks. Slowly the player starts to change the way he talks, dropping many slang terms such as "u" and "r". Now such words as "lmao" and "noob" come into play alot. At some point the player might think he is much better than anyone he meets, and when he is mad uses words such as "noob" and begins to use profanity alot more.




Mature Stage- Player soon starts to realize that RuneScape is not only a game- but a massive community filled with many intelligent people, and if he expects to go anywhere he has to drop many words. Such words as "wtf" and "noob" are dropped, and the player starts speaking in a mature manner. Of course not all slang is dropped, there is still such four or three letter words such as "imo" or "btw", those are perfectly okay and accepted by the community. The player generally starts acting more mature, alot less annoying, and slowly grows the respect of the community.






What are the behavioral stages in your opinion?


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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im quite proud of using internet slangs and im respected by a lot of friends.




As I said, it differs with everyone, those are just general stages. I'm not trying insulting anyone with this list.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Lol i was just thinking about this a while ago. The last stage USUALLY begins at like lv 85 but not always.




Yes that's about right, I didn't want to include the combat levels corresponding to the stages though because I think it might be a little insulting to some players.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Even though my combat level is only 40, I dislike using slang due to my OCD... The only times I use slang is when I'm in a hurry or when I'm poking fun at a friend. The stages are right on the mark. They're typical of most RuneScape players.

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I never really used lots of slang or begged etc, but over time I have used slang less. I would say that for me I started the mature player stage around level 60, although I never really used the word "noob" much. Otherwise, for the average player, those steps are fairly accurate.

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I don't get this...I've never begged for free stuff, or scammed and cheated, but I did use noob a lot, and "u" insted of "you" etc. So I got to the mature stage at aroung level 45. I'm 62 now lol. ::'


You just won the award for "The Most niave person on the Tip.it Boards!"]
*Points towards the monkey sitting on the button and declining every query*
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Well what I said doesn't apply to most people here. Alot of runescape is little kids ages 7-12 but most of them don't even know what a forum is. But by around lv 80 they learned more about the game and aren't as anoying and abnoxious. But there are lv 100s that really anoying too.

range: 64/80/80

mage: 61/84/82

atk: 46/77/60

str 41/82/99


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Well, I think I have gone from stage 1 to an early stage 2, then around lvl30 I was at the stage 4 already (e.g. as good "5pal1ign" and punctuation as possible). You may argue with this, but yeah. And this doesn't apply for everyone anyways, only the 13- kids and the kids around 13, and maybe some, but not all older ones. And if \/\/tf, for you, is something that players drop at stage 4, wrong, I use it all the time instead of swearing, or when something surprises me... instead of writing in censored words.



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I think these stages directly go with the player's maturity in real life. The more mature you become in real life, the less irritating you act in-game.




There are probably many more stages between and after the one's suggested though. And there are tons of factors that could affect the way a person plays the game. Cool stuff! \'

The OoC: Order of Cabbage. Guardians of 3,600,000+ Cabbages! That a lotta cabbage!


Quest Cape: 249 QP || Skill Total: 1623+ || 88/91 Thieving ||


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I once used slang, but a long time ago I realized that by doing so, I was degrading language. How many of you knew dunkin donuts is incorrectly spelled? Can you tell me what the differences are between to, two, too; there, their, they're; hour, our, are?

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applying Freud to runescape ? :P


I think there are different stages and since runescape players are in really different real life stages they can not be classed to start in certain stages and follow a certain order of stages. Peopl playing RS are just too different to classify them like this :P

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I hit the 'maturity' stage (last stage) as soon as i started the game, i was very polite and basically didnt speak to people much, then i picked up the slang, felt i was comfortable using it (btw i don't undertsand the stigma attached to abbreveations, they are simply used to speed things up), i am pretty much mature, but i do occasionally lose my head in the face of a barrage of abuse or something of the like.

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applying Freud to runescape ?




More like Erikson's stage's. :wink: Don't think you could apply Freud's stages to Runescape. :shock:




How about...


- Getting used to RS environment (Click to walk...)


- Learning to manipulate RS environment on own (I can mine clay!)


- Realization of 'others' in society (omigosh, there are people like me playing those characters?!?)


- Learning from others through observation (What's a n00b?)


- Strive for superiority over others/ copying others (Yoor a noob!)


- Testing moral boundaries in new society (Argh stop closing the door!)


- Strive for status/identity in RS community (Join pk clans, Tip.it etc.)


- Develop connections with other players


- Develops maturity over time when they realize calling everybody noobs isn't very helpful in society


- Really strong social connections within game


- As they mature they may become leaders or high social figures in society.




- The stages from the "Real life" ladder interfere and kick you off this ladder ;)




Of course throughout the way, it's assumed you have the desire for character improvement (skilling) and material wealth (gp, phats etc) as well...




Meh, that's just some random stuff... some of the stages kinda overlap or don't make sense... any thoughts?

The OoC: Order of Cabbage. Guardians of 3,600,000+ Cabbages! That a lotta cabbage!


Quest Cape: 249 QP || Skill Total: 1623+ || 88/91 Thieving ||


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Quite interesting. Especially cause I'm taking Intro to Sociology at my college :)




You spelt Gielinor wrong btw :P

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I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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