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Moderator Status: Good or Bad?

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Don't forget some macros are programmed to log off when a mod speaks :D




I'd love it... I'd go around to the popular yews/mines/fishing places and talk my head off! :lol: \:D/ :thumbsup:

The logic of people here at tip.it is just so great. The whole idea of a glitch is that it's not your fault, but hey, we'll just say it's your fault anyway. :lol:
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I think Jagex needs to check who they pick to be pmods more carefully, although I know that is hard to make sure that all of them are shining role models... I've got invited. twice. And the second time, I hadn't played for more than a month. I'm not sure what they were thinking... if they were thinking when they were choosing.





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So the question is, does being a Moderator in game overall hinder or ease your gaming experience?




As a player mod, I find that my game experience is hindered. Yes, it is annoying to have to answer the question, "How do you become a mod?" several times a day, but that isn't the point. People aren't moderators to make their in-game experience better, they are there to help give regular players a fun place to game, free of rule-breakers.

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I seem to think that the rumors about mods and how "great" they all are half the time, very pointless and non-logical ideas. Muting and very few options is the only difference between mods and normal players. Being a mod is like having a tad extra authority around rule-breakers. But, unfortunately we don't deserve to be treated like celebs; it can give some false hope to foolish players.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

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I don't think the "corruption" aspect has anything to do with it... Your experience as a mod doesn't differ if you are "corrupted". (To complete strangers that is) The reason p-mods gaming experiences are fiddled with is that they are asked so many questions, which in some cases good or bad. (Depending on whether you like the attention) :mrgreen:

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i'm beginning to get the idea that most of tip.it is biased against mods, and usually without good reason.




whether or not it's a good thing to be one is dependant on the person... for example, i am glad that i am a mod, but try to warn others about the troubles of the position.

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One aspect is the recognition. With that little silver crown next to your name, do you get more good attention or bad attention?




I think that overall you get good attention. Passers by acknowledge that you've done well in the game and like to talk to you. The bad recognition comes from jealousy. There are many 'good' players in RuneScape, yet not all are moderators.








The other is a matter of corruption. Does getting that crown corrupt some people? Does it make them "power-hungry" and/or abuse their powers?




Nah, I don't know any player Mods who abuse powers despite how much others around them want them to :) Sometimes I feel a bit uneasy talking to my friends who are Moderators though... you think that you've got to act properly :D








So the question is, does being a Moderator in game overall hinder or ease your gaming experience?




It shouldn't matter, you're still the same person.


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having a mod account i can shed some light on this. there isn't really much to debate about








No mods are power hungry. this is one of the behavior attributes that will keep players from becoming a mod. Being a mod isn't always the best thing, but is a honor.








Attention goes about both ways. You get the noobs who try to be bad around you, and the ppl with honest questions.








Being a mod somewhat hinders your game play, but you are given the option to turn off public chat, or just ignore the person bothering you. Nothing is truly required from you for being a mod. they cannot de-mod you for not reporting someone, or not answering the same questions a million times



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being a moderator might be annoying with everyone being like "look its a mod" and them following you around or saying nasty things about you...which would be pretty stupid, but ive seen it happen...

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My friend is a p mod, he let another p mod wear his blue party hat, the guy he gave the hat to logged out and put private off, he had his p mod status removed but he wasnt banned and my friend never got his hat back.


P mod status is stupid becouse it earns you a certain lvl of trust that you havnt earnt, and if the wrong person gets this power there is massive potential for stealing/scamming/false reports (out of context reports).

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Well im a ok person never scammed you know so i wouldn't be power hungry, but i don't know if i would want to be a moderator.




Theres not really anything, i would hate to be popular because of a Silver Crown. Wouldn't feel right so i dont think its a good thing in that way.




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Let me make another point here on why moderator status is a hindrance to gameplay.




I shan't repeat on the answering questions and negative attention part, but I shall say that being a moderator means that I would have to give up some of my privileges (like freedom) in order to fulfill my role well. Why do I say that? Because player mods have guidelines to follow, and on top of that, they have to face expectations from Jagex AND the community.




"Player Mods are supposed to help me when I ask them to. Player Mods are supposed to be polite no matter what. Player Mods are supposed to deal with rule-breakers. Player Mods are supposed to have good experience of the game. Player Mods are supposed to use good grammar and english. Player Mods are..."




The list of expectations just goes on. Seriously, how would YOU feel when you have to live up to all these standards set by the community? Besides, some expectations are totally unfair to player moderators. The strange thing is, players have so many expectations for player moderators, and most of the time, they cannot even meet these standards themselves. Is it fair to expect so much from a fellow human being, who is no different than you are? Aren't moderators humans as well, so how is a player moderator different from a player when they are BOTH humans?




TBH, I think that some of the expectations from the players are way too much, it's not fair to the player moderators, neither is it something that a normal human being can do.

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It's a hassle at time but I think all in all it's enjoyable.

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hinders as u get asked more questions




helps coz every1 wants 2 trade a mod :lol:








NOTE: I am no longer a mod

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People aren't moderators to make their in-game experience better, they are there to help give regular players a fun place to game, free of rule-breakers.




I think you hit the nail on the head.




Player moderater status is not meant to help the mod. It is meant to help the international community of rs players. If you only care for your own skills, items, and gameplay experience, then either don't accept if you're asked, or change your attitude. Likewise, if you're reclusive, either refuse or be prepared to be more outgoing.




Anyone that accepts an invite to be a pmod should be prepared to humor the noobs, help the lost, etc.




In my opinion, being a pmod would probably hinder your gaming. However, it would enhance your character, making you a better person. Being a better and nicer person is far superior to having combat lvl 126.




Yes, some pmods abuse their power. But, although several people have testified to seeing that, none of them said that they saw that person later with their crown. Jagex is doing a good job of demoting the power-abusers.




Let me end this by saying that although I am not a pmod, I have met several. They were extremely cordial to me, even as others were badgering them. That, in my eyes, deserves great respect.




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I have 2 sides to this, 1 side is the mod's good, other is the mod's bad.




1. Good- The Mod will politely respond to questions and behave in a natural way so nothing bad here.




2. Bad-People will be begging the mod, asking about the crown, asking random questions, and even getting reported on purpose! Therefore the mod will get mad and maybe even start to mute people who haven't done anything bad because they are just standing there. Thus, a mod abusing power.




Now this is a mod who wants to quit rs...




Walk Here Zezima


Follow Zezima


Trade With Zezima


Report Abuse Zezima




The mod mutes Zezima.




Walk Here Uloveme


Follow Uloveme


Trade With Uloveme


Report Abuse Uloveme




Congratulations Uloveme, you have just been muted by an unfair mod.




This is basically how stuff works in-game with mods.

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I enjoy being a mod, was modded about 1 and a half year ago and I regret nothing :) We tend to get A LOT of questions, but I tend to not mind. We can get abused at times, and it can get tiresome. But I've met so many incredible players through modship, so I don't regret accepting the mod position.



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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Guest onejourney

Moderator Status can be considered both a bad thing and a good thing. The good thing is that you are able to help keep the Forums and/or ingame clean of rule-breaking, which makes the game more enjoyable to play.




The bad thing is your privacy, once you accept the position, is compromised. Player Moderators ingame, most of the time, choose not to speak due to being barraged with questions the minute that they do. Players add them and then message them when they see a person breaking the rules, and expects them to drop what they are doing to pop into their world to stop them. This forces many moderators to have their status on friends. These players then feel that this moderator is bad because they feel that they aren't doing their job. While Moderators do like helping out, sometimes they do just want to kick back and relax and play the game. Jagex wants their moderators to have fun to and since the position is volunteer moderators are not obligated to drop whatever they are doing just to stop a rule-breaker when that player themselves can use the Report Abuse button :wall: Moderators like to have coffee breaks occassionally :wink:




Forum Moderators, while they do not have an ingame crown, receive almost as much recognition and attention as a player moderator, half of this is because of their names being on the Forum Moderator list. If they do not have their chat on friends they are guaranteed to receive Forum requests and/or players just messaging them because they think its cool to talk to a moderator. They are happy to help out but they do like to sneak ingame to relax, just as Player moderators love to sneak unto the forums to hide out once in a while.




Some People think that constant recognition and attention would be cool but as moderators and/or high level players will tell you it does get to you after a while. You almost feel like you are being pounced on by the Paparazzi.




Sometimes a player just wants to obtain the crown because they think its cool and do not realize the responsibility it holds. They obtain the position and then just do whatever they want, sometimes even to the point of abusing it, but a moderators actions are closely monitored by Jagex and if any moderator abuses it, you can guarantee that they will not remain a moderator for very long.




The Forum Moderator Team I must say is doing an awesome job as is the Player Moderator Team O:)

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i wouldn't be a mod if i'm offered to become one, for several reasons:




1. if i become a mod that would mean NO offensive language and its kinda hard to contain ^.^.




2. i would be begged and annoyed by noobs




3. everyone would come running to me if i'm in varok west W1 and someone got scammed, LOL.








good reasons for being a mod:




1. you can ban all the scammers/ armour trimmers in world 1 varrok.








but overall, i dont think being a mod would be a positive experience.




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Come on, ask a moderator him/herself!


I would say it would sometimes hinder or help, depending on the occasion. Let's say if a mod walked through the middle of lumbridge, yelling, "selling anti-dragon shield 1k", noobs would rush up and say, "lower the price you -bleep- mod, if not i'll report you to jagex!"


But mods can be appreciated by the society at large, like for example the time where I remember I was cutting the yew trees with a few other guys and this mod popped up and we actually had quite a nice conversation about the condition of Runescape being populated with rule-breakers.


So, it depends from time to time. And most mods aren't corrupt; I have yet to meet a bad mod. But I hope most of our mods stay in Varrock all the time, all those -bleep- rule-breakers and -bleep- armour-trimmers are always there!

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[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.


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So, it depends from time to time. And most mods aren't corrupt; I have yet to meet a bad mod. But I hope most of our mods stay in Varrock all the time, all those -bleep- rule-breakers and -bleep- armour-trimmers are always there!


i've said this before and have been flamed heavily for it:


a moderator is just there to play the game as anyone else would. they have no actual duty to stay in varrock and mute scammers, as everyone expects.




that's what i'd say the major hindrance of being a mod is. you can't really interact around people as normally as you'd like to. they usually expect things that can't be done, or for the mod to drop everything and do something else.




that, and people can't tell the difference between a silver and a gold crown...

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Good in some ways, but bad in the case that when your a Mod you have more chance of getting banned because they watch you closer than a normal player, if a Mod does something wrong, Jagex knows straight away.





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