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Hair Gel, Does it really make you bald?


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Ok, I use gel, but only like 2 squirts a day, and i shower it off when i get home. But, ive heard a couple people saying that you will go bald if you use gel, like getting bald at the age of 20. Is this true? Does all gel make you bald? Should I stop using it? Should I stop asking questions? .. :| Anyway.. Post any comments. :-s

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Nope, not to my knowledge.




But some gels do flake so it looks like it's snowing dandruff.

I united Mongolia, sent my Mongol Horde across Asia and made it to Europe...

Then my mom vacuumed the room, turned off the Genesis and thus ended my hopes of world conquest.


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No you won't get bald unless the gel burns the hairs off..in which case it wouldn't be allowed to be on sale.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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Hope not.




But everything contributes to something bad now anyway.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Ok ty for these answers. Some were VERY helpful; i still havnt seen any :uhh: bad posts.. And yes, i have seen it get flaky and make it look like dandruf (sp?) but tha never happens to me.

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It better as hell not... I use it on my bangs every day <_<.

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Don't believe everything someone else says next time, lol. But at least you asked around and know now. ::'

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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i really dont know, but i have heard that the alcohol in some brands can damage your hair pholicas (sp) since it dries them up so much, and that if used over a long enough period, not age 20. that it will lead to early balding, but it appears im the only one that seems to think it will lead to early balding, so meh

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It's funny cause I can think of no logical reason for hair gel to make anyone bald. I know plenty of people who use gel and all have a full head of hair.








My younger brother began putting gel in his hair when he was 10. Some days, He had so much gel in his hair, you could punch a hole in a piece of paper. Most days, if you patted him on the top of the head, his hair wouldn't move.




His hairline started to receede at 16 and now, at 21, he is nearly bald. Hairline is roughly even with his ears and he has a round bald spot on the bag of his head.




Coincidence? I believe so.

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lol i laugh at who ever told you this...i use hair gell for the past 6 years..and im almost 20 and my hair aint fallin out..its actually my best feature..lol. but yea i just started using waxs and..it depends what kinda style you want./...




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It's funny cause I can think of no logical reason for hair gel to make anyone bald. I know plenty of people who use gel and all have a full head of hair.








My younger brother began putting gel in his hair when he was 10. Some days, He had so much gel in his hair, you could punch a hole in a piece of paper. Most days, if you patted him on the top of the head, his hair wouldn't move.




His hairline started to receede at 16 and now, at 21, he is nearly bald. Hairline is roughly even with his ears and he has a round bald spot on the bag of his head.




Coincidence? I believe so.




Hmmm, same thing happened with some of my relatives. .. :XD:

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