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optermist of that negative thing??? what are you?


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The 'negative thing' is called pessimism. I am more neutral, and would rather take in a stiuation and examine it from an unbiased point of view. My idea is that if we are on the positive side of things, everything gets bumped up the scale. The normal things seem better, the good things seem great, and the bad things don't seem that bad. If we look at things negatively, it is the opposite. Bad things seem horrible, good things don't seem all that great, et cetera... So, yeah, I'm nutral depending on the situation itself.

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I'd say I'm about in the middle or to the optimist side. The only time I'm a pessimist is when I skate, and I think about what might go wrong. Then I try it anyway.




Also my mom is a huge pessimist and my dad is a big optimist, and like they say, like father like son.

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I'm right in the middle which is where I prefer to be. Being too optimistic makes you way too disappointed when you lose at something but being too pessimistic can make you depressed. Neutral is the best in my opinion. It's just well balanced.

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pessimistic, my life, your life, everybodys life is ultimetley pointless, we dont live long enough to worry, do what you want when you want.




i think my view point on life is this:




aim low, reach your goals, avoid dissapointment :thumbsup:




naa seriously i want to be optimistic, only look at the good, you know aim high, and even if you dont make it, your still a long way up. That is what i want to think.. but my life never seems to work that way.. oo joy now im depressed :(


im guna go get some chocolate

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Optimist. I've tried pessimism, not cool. Ignorance is bliss, as they say although I always look at things in a realistic sense before I put on the rose coloured glasses. Call it a defense mechanism for coping in such a screwed up world, if you like.

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Eels could probably back that statement up pretty well :P I actually tried to like.. not be so much of a pessimist but that didn't go down too well :|

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I'm "that negative thing??."


Why? Well I have an intense phobia of being made fun of (which is why I'm so arrogant and I try to look so smart/cool). I also have no heart. I only buy mother's day gifts because I know that my mom will let me sit around doing nothing a few more hours than if I didn't buy a gift. I only make friends if I have something to gain out of that friendship. I don't really care about anyone else. I repress (subconsciously try not to remember) my memories so that I won't become even more depressed.


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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Optimistic. Sometimes can be negative but doesn't usually last very long. Tomorrow is always a new day.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Eels could probably back that statement up pretty well :P I actually tried to like.. not be so much of a pessimist but that didn't go down too well :|




Haha well I'm not going to say that I know you well enough to tell you that your a fully pledge pessimist (you might look on the bright side on other aspects of life that I don't know of). :wink: :P




Anyway I'm a optimistic person most of the time. And this topic reaks of spam. Some people should learn how to write a valid thread before posting!






I'm an Optometrist.


If it wasn't for the poorly written topic title I'd say you need to get your eyes checked up before posting again. :P




By the way I realize you are joking knives ^.^

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I find it easier to be pessimistic and view the glass as being half-empty rather than half-full. It helps me to cope with life more easily - if I anticipate the worst and actually achieve better than I originally expected, isn't that more satisfying? Especially in this world of freedom, endless opportunities and pathways, it's easy to feel disappointed. If we prepare ourselves for what could well be the inevitable, I guess it 'cushions' the discontent for when it does happen. Just a thought.

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I'm a realist in that I try to see things as they actually are. I can be either optimistic or pessimistic if the situation warrants it. To some I may appear to have an purely optimistic outlook, but those who truly know me realise that this is not the case.


The Poison Fairy

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I'm right in the middle which is where I prefer to be. Being too optimistic makes you way too disappointed when you lose at something but being too pessimistic can make you depressed. Neutral is the best in my opinion. It's just well balanced.




A true optimist always looks on the bright side of life. So they never feel down that way. they would realise a positive side to thier loss. For example, "Making mistakes helps one learn."




Watch Monty Python: Life of brian. For more details. pay attention to the last song. The one who begins the song, is an optimist.




The song goes: "Always look on the brighttt side of life! :-w :-w :-w :-w"




But i would say I'm optimistic.... most of the time. I CAN be extremely stressed out. BUt only two people I know can do that.

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