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My life. And why it sucks. Real bad.


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See that gun next to you, yeah pick it up, look into it and pull teh trigger.




If you're referring to me; I'm not an American.




oh good god you can't Americans are the only people on Earth who commit suicide :evil:


Yes, it would have made more sense for him to say that he's Japanese :-k .




Damn they have a weird culture.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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How pathetic. Many people have it worse off than you do. [cabbage] a lot of people don't even have a girlfriend. You had a band, you had some fun with it and made a little cash. Who gives a flying [bleep] if some members left, find other friends if you are serious about it. At least your girlfriend didn't break up with you because of some character flaws with you or whatever. Oh and for the tires, they cost like what? $100 to replace?



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I have to warn everyone this is horribly traumatic.




The worst thing ever is when you go to the bathroom, you get that wonderful relaxed relief as you finally get to sit there and do your business and then... you look...




No one replaced the toilet paper!!








*does the waddle to the bathroom closet*




No toilet paper!!





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I have to warn everyone this is horribly traumatic.




The worst thing ever is when you go to the bathroom, you get that wonderful relaxed relief as you finally get to sit there and do your business and then... you look...




No one replaced the toilet paper!!








*does the waddle to the bathroom closet*




No toilet paper!!








I keep a box of tissues on the toilet, just in case. A good place to keep tissues anyways, that way when you blow your nose you are right next to a sink to wash your hands off.



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Go listen to some Kelly Clarkson.




How will that help anyone? :lol:




:lol: It will teach him to spread his wings and learn how to fly.




And not to stray too far from the sidewalk, the silly fool!




And that, sir, is not a wise decision.

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my girlfriend made out with my best friend




i cant even get my band to practice




my moms car might be taken away because my idiot father is in so much debt he hasnt made the payment in 2 months.






beat that

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How old are you? (Just curious really).






Honestly those are small problems. A small band isn't the biggest deal. There are other girls and your mom can just buy a new set of tires. I'd like to think those are pretty small problems actually.






And at any rate its not like your life is just on a downward slope from here on out, things will get better and you'll move on. Feel sad for a bit and continue on with life -- its what makes living worth living.




+1---there has been much worse things happening to people than those things

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Okay, first of all, my band just fell apart as the lead singer and guitarist left to join a rival band.




My gf had to break up with me because of problems with her family.




My mums car tires just got slashed.




And so my life sucks, period.




Can anyone suggest what to do? (apart from killing myself, already thought of that)








:uhh: This is why music sucks today, all these emos writing songs about how their lives suck because their gfs broke up with them. Be a man and stop whining

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My gf meant so much to me.




and now my life comes to an end.....




:? Don't you think your kinda overreacting? Worser stuff could happen. I bet there are TONS or MILLIONS of people who got it worser than you, and they dont complain about it. They carry on and make the best of it. Your really spoiled.

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally." -W. C. Fields

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Okay, first of all, my band just fell apart as the lead singer and guitarist left to join a rival band.




My gf had to break up with me because of problems with her family.




My mums car tires just got slashed.




And so my life sucks, period.




Can anyone suggest what to do? (apart from killing myself, already thought of that)










You can never have your music ripped off, you're less likely to get aids, and you won't get in a car accident.

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Hey, you've got it relatively good to some people I know. This one girl who goes to my church, her uncle, mom, and grandmother all died within the year, and her dad's deadbeat drunk, leaving her with her ailing grandfather at the age of 12. Hate to break it to you, but one breakup, a band splitting, and a pair of busted tires is nothing compared to the hell a good portion of the world is going through. Take a vacation to Darfur, then see what you're complaining about.




And get your priorities straight... at least you and your family are in good health. Thats nothing to commit suicide over.




EDIT: Oh, and according to the June 10th post of "What are You Having For Dinner" you posted that you're going out for dinner with your GIRLFRIEND. So please stop clogging the forums with "Ugh I need to kill myself" garbage.

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suicide is a life ending solution to a short term problem. i know i messed it up but you probably get the picture.




you will get another job, you ( probably ) will get another girl, and your mother will get new tires.




in the mean time think about how bad starving children in africa have it. most of them have no parents, and will die before they reach age ___ because of HIV/AIDS. your life seems bad now, but if you committed suicide think about how bad it would be for your friends and family.

done with runescape

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Dude, at least you've had a girlfriend.




Yeah, if he wants to talk about depressing, I am 20 years old and never had a girlfriend. He's ahead of me already :P .




I'm 23 and have never even been on a date.

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