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How did you get ur Black Marks?


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I got 2.5 blackmarks and a 1 day mute for telling a slightly off-color joke <.<




The funny thing is I told the joke in summer 06, and it came through in spring 07 :D

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I am clean :D
Me too.




me three :-k




Me four? \:D/




Me five!! \:D/ :thumbsup:




We...what comes after 5?


Oh yeah!


Me 6! \:D/\:D/




Breaking rulez is a no-go here :^o


me 7 :boohoo:



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I am clean :D
Me too.


i'm clean on one and anthor 1 got banned


i don't wanna tell u how he did

But seriously, I will kill you all

I am back for realz this time I promise now that I am a member :p

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I am clean :D
Me too.




me three :-k




Me four? \:D/




Me five!! \:D/ :thumbsup:




We...what comes after 5?


Oh yeah!


Me 6! \:D/\:D/




Breaking rulez is a no-go here :^o


me 7 :boohoo:


I get to say...


Me 8, m8s!

Amount of spam rising... Urge to kill people rising...

~~~~~ Magesty of Impurity ~~~~~

Please don't flame anyone, unless they deserve it ( if someone posts crap, then flame at will. :^_^:).

whatcolor_isblue.jpgWhat Color Are You?

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I am clean :D
Me too.




me three :-k




Me four? \:D/




Me five!! \:D/ :thumbsup:




We...what comes after 5?


Oh yeah!


Me 6! \:D/\:D/




Breaking rulez is a no-go here :^o


me 7 :boohoo:


I get to say...


Me 8, m8s!




Me 9!!! \:D/ Although my sister got perm banned once and on her account now she has like half of her black marks filled...

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I have 2.8 black marks, all just from language junk, nothing serious.


Here's pics of the 'evidence' of my offences.






This happened on the day of the huge f2p riot in varrok about them banning swiftswitch. The world was full and probably 1800 of them were in varrock. Just madness in the square and everyone was yelling stuff. Then we saw Mod Bonney and people were being annoying and asking her to mute them and stuff. (I had Public Chat off because it was soo 'loud') Anyway, blame it on mob mentality, but i started saying it too and got black marked for it too. This happened on the date it says in the picture, January 4th, 2007.






The above pic is from when some noob ess runner of mine was talking all of this junk and lying and just being annoying so i got too frustrated and just blew up on him and used some crude words that i'm not proud of. If you read the whole conversation, you'll see some of the bullshiz that he was saying. lol. anyway, the funny thing about this one is that they got me about it on the same day of the riot, when i do remember this incident and it happened back in July/August of last year. I geuss they just figured they'd skim around on everything else i'd ever said to try and pin me for some more stuff.


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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i have a 14/10 blackmark on one of my accounts...did that on ourpose






0/10 on my main account

Proud member of the Crimson Raiders

1000 total lvl achieved on 4-17-07 -F2P

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I am clean :D
Me too.




me three :-k




Me four? \:D/




Me five!! \:D/ :thumbsup:




We...what comes after 5?


Oh yeah!


Me 6!




Breaking rulez is a no-go here :^o


me 7 :boohoo:


I get to say...


Me 8, m8s!




Me 9!!! \:D/ Although my sister got perm banned once and on her account now she has like half of her black marks filled...


me 10! 8-)

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I am clean :D
Me too.




me three :-k




Me four? \:D/




Me five!! :thumbsup:




We...what comes after 5?


Oh yeah!


Me 6!




Breaking rulez is a no-go here :^o


me 7 :boohoo:


I get to say...


Me 8, m8s!




Me 9!!! \:D/ Although my sister got perm banned once and on her account now she has like half of her black marks filled...


me 10! 8-)


Me the next number! ::'

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I am clean :D
Me too.




me three :-k




Me four? \:D/




Me five!! \:D/ :thumbsup:




We...what comes after 5?


Oh yeah!


Me 6!




Breaking rulez is a no-go here :^o


me 7 :boohoo:


I get to say...


Me 8, m8s!




Me 9!!! \:D/ Although my sister got perm banned once and on her account now she has like half of her black marks filled...


me 10! 8-)




Me 11th quote chain!!!. Zero blackmarks =D>

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