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I had an interesting talk with an 'autoer'


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So you suggest they should rather die than break the real life trading rule to attempt to make money so they can buy bread? China is not like America or Canada, unemployment rate is huge there. It's very simple for you to sit on your comfy chair and say "they should get a different job" but you've never been in their shoes, you don't know what they can or can not do, you don't know what it is like in China. Anywhere you want to work in China, there are 10 others who compete with you for the lowest wage job. It's harder to get a job there than anywhere else, trust me. Anyways, keep on sitting on your chair and eat whenever you feel like, it's a privelege after all, not a right.






Why should i trust your arbritrary opinion based on (well you didnt say) over my own knowledge based on documented evidence? harder to get a job? unemployment figures? last i checked China was very coy with sharing these figures, could you point me to where your source is? btw bad way to wade into an argument " 'insert contrary opinion here', trust me im right. "




Show me your "documented evidence" please.






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Blah, sad.


I am sure they could find a different job other than playing runescape for 12 hours a day.




No one but the person himself is responsible for his/her situation.




Have you been to Asia??? Obviously not... <.<


It is hard enough to find a job, a good one is like 1 in a googelplex (yes that is the correct spelling, look it up...) -.-

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a good one is like 1 in a googelplex (yes that is the correct spelling, look it up...) -.-




i think you'll find its googolplex






anyway on topic, i seem to be ignored




the root of the whole problem are not these gold farmers, its the buyers, if there are people willing to pay irl money for rs money there will always be these businesses that will satisfy this public demand, and these people will just move on to another game if all the buyers are removed




and what is all this talk about communism, it has proven to be a failure




EDIT: i do understand that there are economic problems there and that this is a decent job for those people, and i do pity people in such place, i was just suggesting the reason why they exist anyway

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[the root of the whole problem are not these gold farmers, its the buyers, if there are people willing to pay irl money for rs money there will always be these businesses that will satisfy this public demand, and these people will just move on to another game if all the buyers are removed




Quite correct. Remove the RL buyers and the sellers will go away and macroing/autoing/gold farming will end. That is why Jagex is concentrating on developing methods to identify RL traders and banning them.





and what is all this talk about communism, it has proven to be a failure





Ther is nothing wrong with the basic ideals of Communism, ie. everyone is equal. The problem is the competative nature of the human race to strive to be better than your neighbour. When discussing Communism I always refer back to a quote in "Animal Farm" which goes something like "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"

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I feel about 40% sympathetic but they do degrade the game :(




Really interesting thread though. Might try saying 'Hello' in Chinese too next time I see a gold farmer.

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im prob going to get flamed for this but here goes, i find it disturbing that you are all treating these people like criminals or looking upon them with pity. What they are doing isnt illegal, and quite frankly the oooonnnly reason jagex even devotes resources to banning "autoers" is because they are aggravated that someone found a way to profit off their system, and in a way they cannot control. .im going to go out on a limb here and correct me if im wrong, but based on my knowledge of constructed systems such as runescape, the only way to to locate real world trading would be to trace high profile trades, Ie large quantity's of gp's or items being traded at once, the problem with this is that friends tend to do similar things....which leads me to believe there is no accurate way to eliminate the buying and selling of the currency from the buyers prospective. i believe to truly fix this problem jagex is going to have the review the way the game itself works and recreate it........ie heres an idea......have trees spawn in completely random places...instead of in the same spot every time, have dragons roam around the wild instead of spawning in set zones every time, not only would things such as this add a life like aspect to runescape it would severely upset the auto world for quite some time

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That sucks......... Being force to work for 12 hours on a game you don't like. But I still don't respect them because they can work for a degree instead being a game workshop worker. They want the easier route for money which of course is this or prob making Nikey shoes I dunno.




They can't come to the US because then people will complain their stealing our jobs, but wait they are already doing that to immigrants. Some melting pot we are.




Theres more back breaking labour to do over playing a video game 12 hours a day. 80% of jobs in england are about as repetative, try working in burger king. :lol:

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To be honest with you it's never been the workers them selves that i dislike..... t's the people who run the shops, and the community of people willing to support them.




I fully understand they feel this is the only way they can bring money in, and frankly they ARE working. It does not mean that I accept them though, I dont what them in the game, they runi it.




The game community are who to blame, and frankly it's the merchants that cause the problem too. People ar willing to buy items in huge quantities to save time when the know full well it's probaly around a 90% chance that they are buying farmed goods.




The only way to remove these people fromt eh community is to stop buying items from them, if they cant sell there things the will stop operating in this game.




Sadly I am intelagent to realise that people are too selfish (possibly bad wording) to make a effort to push these people form our community.




Although we should not hate the peopel who work in the gold farms, we should still be trying to remove them from around us.

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That sucks......... Being force to work for 12 hours on a game you don't like. But I still don't respect them because they can work for a degree instead being a game workshop worker. They want the easier route for money which of course is this or prob making Nikey shoes I dunno.




They can't come to the US because then people will complain their stealing our jobs, but wait they are already doing that to immigrants. Some melting pot we are.




Theres more back breaking labour to do over playing a video game 12 hours a day. 80% of jobs in england are about as repetative, try working in burger king. :lol:




I don't need to work; I'm blessed. TY GOD <3:






The Solution to Fix This: How about Jagex sells gold. They will make profits and there will no more uses for these gold farmers. (Unless they start selling cheaper gold making a competition)

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Wow, although I do not like autoers or bots, I do feel sorry for this man/woman who is being forced to play runescape. and Latinoking, if jagex started selling gold, that would undermine and corrupt our current runescape economy :ohnoes:


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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um isnt macroer the same thing as autoer




and it kinda looks like u made this up, he answered pretty straightforward sure he just said yes a lot but he answered all ur questions, and y isnt there any1 else talking, like no other msges its just u 2 there? and odd how a 2 year chinese student would have perfect spelling and very good grammar




so im guessing u just mult. login and made up this conversation to try and make a statement that its unfair that there are sweatshops where ppl are payed tiny amounts to play the game and give certain players an unfair edge in the game, i personally give a dang, the only people not benefiting from this is jagex cuz they look kinda dumb as ppl break their rules, the chinese ppl get a job(i mean, if they took the job, it had to be better than their old one so it must be beneficial), and their bosses make money even though its cheap, some players who wanna blow irl cash on gp can get what they want, and who cares if a few players are gettin an edge, its not like they bother me in any way, yew autoers and stuff slow me down so they're a problem, but otherwise this stuff is just kinda dumb to me



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It wasn't an autoer, it was one of those Chinese sweatshop guys.




Yeah, lets get this clear, these gold farmers are not autoing. They are not breaking ANY rules.




Last time i checked, its not illegal to give items to friends.




And how can you possible say that this is a hard job, i would LOVE to sit in a chair, in an air conditioned/heated room playing a game rather than outside in the winter wheeling barrows of bricks around (or in china's position, no job at all).

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[the root of the whole problem are not these gold farmers, its the buyers, if there are people willing to pay irl money for rs money there will always be these businesses that will satisfy this public demand, and these people will just move on to another game if all the buyers are removed




Quite correct. Remove the RL buyers and the sellers will go away and macroing/autoing/gold farming will end. That is why Jagex is concentrating on developing methods to identify RL traders and banning them.









and what is all this talk about communism, it has proven to be a failure





Ther is nothing wrong with the basic ideals of Communism, ie. everyone is equal. The problem is the competative nature of the human race to strive to be better than your neighbour. When discussing Communism I always refer back to a quote in "Animal Farm" which goes something like "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"


Erm...There is something wrong with the basic principals of communism.....




One must be in charge to 'distribute' wealth, and with all that power, it's easy to lose yourself to it and begin favoritism.


Also, with that kind of power, the power-hungry tend to slowly slip into the system and take over, gaining total control of everything.




And, since 'everyone is equal', you tend to have nothing watching the watchers.




And *bing*, you've got an instant autocracy (pun intended).






The Chinese tend to be a very bad bunch, by the way. It's not just RuneScape that they are breaking the rules in. Have you seen some bottles of Napa Valley wine? Ever wondered where they really came from? Yep, mostly China. Not to mention, the Chinese (and the North Koreans, for that matter), are some of the biggest U.S. currency forgers. I'd even bet they've tried other currencies too.






The thing is, I just wonder why China allows RuneScape, since it might 'poison' their system, since it has 'capitalist propaganda' (in their eyes).

My MOD Queue and MODs - StarTrekGuide


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wow, i feel really bad for that guy. :boohoo: but to be honest it could have been some chinese guy who was just messin' with you. but this makes me think of bots in a whole new way. :-k




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I can't believe some people still have the attitude of 'It's ruining my game' after reading this. Are you really that selfish?




haha this sums it up




I know they need the money but can't they all just go to wow?
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