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Day 10: Revelation


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First off trapical, I'd like to thank you for all the hard work you've put into these threads. They've probably been the most meaningful this forum has ever seen. You've brought up some awesome points, and have brought to light so many things in my life. Thank you.




You definitely did leave some of your best points for this thread. I completely agree that age is meaningless, that some people are truly intelligent but a vast majority is not, and that money has no real value in the end. I have always agreed with these points, but you have brought them to a higher level with me.




This thread and your previous threads have changed me. I now plan on doing something about malaria, and I now plan on writing a letter to my local Congress Representative about woman trafficking in foreign countries.




Don't let those people get into your head though. Just to let you know, that while others are out there having fun, not doing anything for the good of human kind, you've already began changing people's lives. And for this I thank you, because you've already changed mine.


< | Runehead | Learning Java Programming, Please PM Me Tips | Signature by Loaf2000 | >

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Wow, all 10 of your posts were amazing. Very well writen, touch on key topics, and...well... ther just amazing! You know if you dont get a good job after your MCAT(i think thats right) you could always go into writing stories and articles.

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First revelation: Age is meaningless; we are all the same on the inside.



Amen sir, amen




Also, I agree with xbow that you could seriously get into writing. I personally enjoyed reading through your articles.

rsn: wassupdude90

Age is meaningless; we are all the same on the inside.

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That was an another amazing thread, I'm speachless. I agree with everything you said. Thanks a lot for these 10 threads, you did your job pretty well. :wink:


I wish you luck in your studies, and I know you will find hapiness somewhere in your future. :)




Happy 20th Birthday, Trapical.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I've found that there are few things worth sacrificing your current life for, one of them being getting laid.




The guy you've observed is a tool. He'll be looked upon as a god by other tools, but people like you, the people who matter will look down on them and laugh hysterically for the rest of our natural lives. And if there is a God, he's laughing at them too, and rooting for you.




Do not envy him. Not for a second. He doesn't deserve a pre-med student to envy him.




I'm like you...Well, I am now. I could very well have turned into that guy. I didn't try hard in school (did pretty well, but still, didn't try) and just took it as a joke. Now I'm all about goals. I would love to be in your position, though I agree that being a doctor, while making tons of money, probably SUCKS unless you're in private practice or something. :P




And just an FYI, using truck driver is a bad example for a crappy job. They're home about as much as doctors, and some get paid equally well. My sister's boyfriend's brother hauls steel and makes around $275,000/year, $70,000 of which he uses on his truck just because he can, lol. Most truck drivers make around $70k though, I think.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Wow. I wish the best of luck to you with your exams. I really love the way you catch my interest. You're absolutely correct about how money is pointless. That - in a way changed the way I look upon things. Life is about how you experiance it, not how much money you make, or what objects you have.




Happy birthday! Hope to see more posts from you in the future. :D

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That was truly a beautiful read. It really inspired me to take another look on my life, and really think twice, hell, even three times about what I could've done with my life instead of doing something like playing Runescape.




After reading this and thinking back not too long ago. I remembered a guest speaker which came to my high school talking about the sort of stuff you could do with your life (yeah, you all probably had this talk at least once) and he said.




"From the womb to the tomb, what's your legacy?" - This quote really made me think after reading your thread. I can say you did a great job on all of these threads, I hope someday someone like yourself, or another great researcher will make another 10-day escapade.




Best of luck with all of your endeavors trapical. You opened at least my eyes, so you can proudly say you've accomplished your goal.

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These last ten days have been eye-opening and just awsome. It's been great seeing 10 quality threads in a row. Know that we all appreciate the time you've put into it.




It's getting pretty late so i'm going to let this last one sink in and post more on it later.

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As many of us would like for your 10 day threads not to end, i'm glad it is comming to a end, because that adds more value to what you say and it has paid off big time. It seems people do not hold value to things that never end, only when they lost it, do they care.




I don't think you'll leave this forum without a mark. I wish we all could look at a lake at sunset, but reguardless where we are in life, let us live it joyfully, because we live.




You have not achieved success, but greater, you have achieved significance.





If you love me, send me a PM.


8 - Love me

2 - Hate me

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I read your posts with a lot of interest. They often reminded me of my struggles when I graduated from university at 22. Things that I still struggle with and probably will keep on doing till the day I die. Adults don't have the answers and in a way that is a comforting thought. Anyway, thank you for the work you put in your posts, they make a welcome change from the teenage angst filled threads here :wink:.




Oh, and happy birthday of course!

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Well, thanks for all the replies guys, you're the ones that made it all worthwhile for me to post here. I really appreciate some of the compliments many of you have given me, and I'm glad I helped some of you see things in a different light.


I will have a busy rest of the summer but I will try to stop by the forums once a while and see how things are going :)

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My parents also tell me that I will have all the girls and money when I get out of college. I'm probably going to end up becoming an orthodontist when I grow up- which will take a long time to get out of school. I realized what you are saying a while back, and it is so true. I hope to be a very likable guy as I grow older, and not become like some old bitter people I have known and come to meet. I do try and take time to enjoy life, especially during Summer breaks in which I have plenty of time on my hands.




Good luck with the rest of your life. This is a great topic and I think everyone should read it. :D




As for me, I'm just now getting in High School.... So I still have a pretty long way to go.

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Incredible threads, all of them.


You said your goal was to influence at least one person, and you have definitely acheived that goal.


I'm sure he influenced way more than one person.




Amazing thread, Trapical. :P

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Very deep stuff you got there. It's not often that people dig down that deep inside themselves to really see the true reasoning in what they are doing.








Gratz on turning 20 by the way!

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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This comes back to say that many things in life are illusions, wheel of desires. Money, material possessions, gambling, popularity, even Runescape. We always want something, and when we get it, we disregard it and want something else, it never stops. We just gotta find and focus on important things.

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