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*!* In RS, what do friends mean to you? *!*


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Well, I break my friends down into three categories:




1. Best friends - Only have 3 of these, and I met them long before Runescape when I used to work for a Neopets help site like 6 years ago.




2. Acquaintences - These are the people I met who are really nice and just fun to talk to. Sometimes they tip over into category 3, sometimes not.




3. My "Hook-Ups" - These are the people I rarely talk to, but will use for help. For example, I have a person with 99 Smithing and a person with 99 Crafting who I will have make me things when I need them. (Like furies, Rune Hachets from Runite Bars I get while I slay, etc) And in return, I make them potions, sell them slayer drops, let them use my gilded altar, etc.




Of course, there's those temporary people you add who you are making a trade with or something of the sort, but I don't count them since they get deleted from my list immediately after I am done with them.




I guess that catagorizing more or less counts for everyone, at least it does for me. It all depends whether. in this discussion, which of the groups you mean with 'friends'.



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Friends, what is this Friends...that you speak of? Oh you mean the crazy people that follow me asking for free stuff whenever I pop in edgeville? Then yeah, I would have been long gone with out them. <3:

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Well the majority of my friends have ended up quitting Runescape. Although I am still making new friends all the time, and have a few from a while back. Friends are actually pretty important to me in a game. It's always fun to play minigames with friends; Plus you're able to talk to them while skilling. I do believe that friends are one of the reasons I actually stay in this game.... It would probably be pretty boring without them.

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Might sound silly, but generally I am too shy to strike up a conversation with anyone near me. :oops: What friends I had on Runescape were real life friends, but many of them are long gone.






I understand if you don't say hi to everyone you see irl :P But in a game such as rs how hard can it be to just shout hi and start talking whenever someone comes close enough ? :P I know I talk way too much while doing certain skills which then causes me to train slower lol.




OT: I have certain rs friends who really mean a lot to me, as if I'd known them for real, of course with those friends (except for 1) our conection is't limited to rs chat but also includes msn, forums, other chat progs and maybe soon even rl :o And there are certain RS friends who I just know I can trust and they know can trust me, how often do you see a trade including 800mill for absolutely nothing get completed? :)


I'm also friendly and loyal to any person that hasn't misconducted towards me ingame, therefore I (sometimes too often) expect other people to act the same way, which sometimes leads to a dissapointment on my side.. But I guess when you're treating with 10 year olds, and I never used to beone of those people shoutng 10 year olds and miniclip are ruining the game I have played for years since RSC and therefore belongs to me and I should be the first on Jagex list to please with any new update, no lol :P But seriously, I've seen them too much now, even my little 12 yr old brother has his whole class playing RS and their smaller brohers as well, and then there's the literally -10 yr old dutch kids who stand in RS shouting hello, is there anyone else here that goes to ..... primary (SP?) school in the class of Miss .... Then I just go WTF :S These kids are gonna get in trouble someday :s The thing is, when I was there age I ddn't have access to internet in such a way, heck lol when I entered the net for the first time it was with my dad, on a 64k isbn line, using a search engine called "hotbot" to find information for my school project. I couldn't even think of playing a game like runescape versus millions of other players around the world in such manner...




But hey, I'm going waaaaay off topic. srry lol




I guess I take RS a bit too serious sometimes, but still, I prefer being loyal to and trusting people then to walk in RS as a solo idiot who snaps at everyone that doesn't trust him with the full rune they're asking for.

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Good people you can talk with and do stuff with.




And on a smaller, yet important side, to be actors for my movies. :o

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Friends to me are people who I can have an interesting discussion with; count on to help me in the time of need (with the general rule of: you scratch my back, I scratch yours); and to do certain things together or just hang out with.


And most important rule of friendship: you must never betray your friend over a bag of gold.

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Friends in Runescape. This comes up a lot (to me, I don't know about any of you) I feel that friends make Runescape playable. Why? Because if you don't really have anyone to talk to, your just going to be alone and get bored easily (this is my opinion and what I think, obviously)





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I'm mostly skeptical about almost any and every kind of relationship that you build up on web. Of course, I really enjoy talking




to people especially when I'm fishing (most boring skill for me) and occasionally make friends, but that rarely lasts.




Usually I view them as people who will try to rely on you for things in general. I have no problem




giving out some kind of information about a quest or so, but when they ask me for stuff, they just




go on my ignore list. Its hard to build a lasting or trusting relationship on web whether you're playing a game or just




chatting on AIM or MSN on general for me,because I don't think I can trust people who I can't see or touch.

rsn: wassupdude90

Age is meaningless; we are all the same on the inside.

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Most are noobs that beg for stuff 5 minutes after i add them.. But i do have good friends that i talk to all the time. Played a game of cw earlier with one, few days ago i was KQing with another, and helped the last one with a quest 2 days ago. Good friends. :)


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Might sound silly, but generally I am too shy to strike up a conversation with anyone near me. :oops: What friends I had on Runescape were real life friends, but many of them are long gone.






I understand if you don't say hi to everyone you see irl :P But in a game such as rs how hard can it be to just shout hi and start talking whenever someone comes close enough ? :P I know I talk way too much while doing certain skills which then causes me to train slower lol.




OT: I have certain rs friends who really mean a lot to me, as if I'd known them for real, of course with those friends (except for 1) our conection is't limited to rs chat but also includes msn, forums, other chat progs and maybe soon even rl :o And there are certain RS friends who I just know I can trust and they know can trust me, how often do you see a trade including 800mill for absolutely nothing get completed? :)


I'm also friendly and loyal to any person that hasn't misconducted towards me ingame, therefore I (sometimes too often) expect other people to act the same way, which sometimes leads to a dissapointment on my side.. But I guess when you're treating with 10 year olds, and I never used to beone of those people shoutng 10 year olds and miniclip are ruining the game I have played for years since RSC and therefore belongs to me and I should be the first on Jagex list to please with any new update, no lol :P But seriously, I've seen them too much now, even my little 12 yr old brother has his whole class playing RS and their smaller brohers as well, and then there's the literally -10 yr old dutch kids who stand in RS shouting hello, is there anyone else here that goes to ..... primary (SP?) school in the class of Miss .... Then I just go [what the heck] :S These kids are gonna get in trouble someday :s The thing is, when I was there age I ddn't have access to internet in such a way, heck lol when I entered the net for the first time it was with my dad, on a 64k isbn line, using a search engine called "hotbot" to find information for my school project. I couldn't even think of playing a game like runescape versus millions of other players around the world in such manner...




But hey, I'm going waaaaay off topic. srry lol




I guess I take RS a bit too serious sometimes, but still, I prefer being loyal to and trusting people then to walk in RS as a solo idiot who snaps at everyone that doesn't trust him with the full rune they're asking for.




Nice story lol ^^, sounds pretty much familiar, except for the 800m trade :o?, christmas cracker? :P Wished there were more people like you though :) Being very loyal is no problem at all I think, as long as it is not meant to result in "can I have free stuff, you know me very good now, and I helped you out alot too".



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Well sadly all my friends in real life have quit. I also did a test to see if my friends in game would say hi to me if i logged in. Its been a week and not one of my friends has said so much as a hello.




I guess i know who my real friends are. :cry:

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Without friends, rs would be boring, as you wouldn't be able to talk about rs with anybody really.




Yeh, what he said :wink: ...


Returned to Runescape June 2011 after a 3 year break :)

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When i started playing RS, I made lot of friends. With these past years, they have gone. Now I only got 2 or 3 friends left, and I sometimes talk with them if I or they need any help. I am very shy, so if someone talks to me, I talk back. I want to make new friends, but for me, it's kinda hard. Friends I have, are everything for me. With friends, I can go on playing.

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All my friends in RS are either I know someone in real life or someone from my clan. Which means I talk with them in IRC.




When someone usually seems like an okei person in game, and asks me to add him/her, she/he usually turns out to be a beggar.

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