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Just thought i'd boast a bit and say i've just been and got my very first tattoo! It's a treble clef on my right wrist, and i'm planning to get a bass clef on my left. Started playing piano again a few months ago so I figured it'd be something nice to get...








anyway, anyone got any tattoos? :)

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No but I draw them all the time.




You need to have the bars and clefs of one of your favourite songs across the whole wrist; you'd get my respect and it'd look insanely cool. [;

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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Nope, I got no tattoos, but I think that I'm going to get one when I'm 18 8-) . Maybe a some kind of tribal to my arm. It would be cool :)




noo don't get a tribal thing. Every person and their dog gets a "cool looking tribal thing", it's really outdone.








nice tattoo rob. :P

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Nope, I got no tattoos, but I think that I'm going to get one when I'm 18 8-) . Maybe a some kind of tribal to my arm. It would be cool :)




noo don't get a tribal thing. Every person and their dog gets a "cool looking tribal thing", it's really outdone.








nice tattoo rob. :P




Yeah, tell me about it. everyone's got them and they mean nothing, just people think they look good. individuality my arse...


If you're going to get something, get something meaningful and don't get it on a whim. Once you've got it, you're stuck with it, and if it means nothing you'll regret it. They're not for fashion, they're for meaning.

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A treble and a bass clef? That's actually pretty original, never seen that done before, and will definitely mean something to you instead of a generic tatoo job.




I don't have any tatoos, Personally I think they look better on girls and i'd probably get bored with it eventually. But meh, if you find one you like you may as well go for it.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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My friend wanted "2+2=5" on one of her wrists, I told her to get on her other wrist "[developmentally delayed]ed."




I'd like a purty little star somewhere .. Though loads of people are getting them now.



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My friend wanted "2+2=5" on one of her wrists, I told her to get on her other wrist "[developmentally delayed]."




I'd like a purty little star somewhere .. Though loads of people are getting them now.




Stars, bah. We just turned up to the studio today to get ours, i had that and a friend had a heart tattoo'd on her hip. Everybody gets stars, it's really nothing to do with individuality at all. Completely baffles me why people want them, they mean nothing, all the scenesters just get them here. Oh well, they'll regret them :)

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I'm not a fan of tatoo's. Especially when you get older and fatter. The skin stretches and ruins the whole thing.




What are you going to care when you get old? I've never seen my grandpa hardly care about his appearence as long as he's shaved, showered, hair combed, and clothes on. And he's never complained about his tattoos sagging.




I plan on getting a tattoo on my 18th birthday. Not sure what I'm going to get yet, but I know it's going to be on my right bicep or shoulder. I'm sure I'll have something of great meaning to me by then.

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I'm not a fan of tatoo's. Especially when you get older and fatter. The skin stretches and ruins the whole thing.




What are you going to care when you get old? I've never seen my grandpa hardly care about his appearence as long as he's shaved, showered, hair combed, and clothes on. And he's never complained about his tattoos sagging.




I plan on getting a tattoo on my 18th birthday. Not sure what I'm going to get yet, but I know it's going to be on my right bicep or shoulder. I'm sure I'll have something of great meaning to me by then.




This is true, I'm a supporter of "enjoying life while you're young" when you're old, noone cares. Its not like you'll be trying to find a job or anything then, anyway. Now as far as tattoos, I'll never get one, but whatever floats your boat.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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I'm not a fan of tatoo's. Especially when you get older and fatter. The skin stretches and ruins the whole thing.




What are you going to care when you get old? I've never seen my grandpa hardly care about his appearence as long as he's shaved, showered, hair combed, and clothes on. And he's never complained about his tattoos sagging.




I plan on getting a tattoo on my 18th birthday. Not sure what I'm going to get yet, but I know it's going to be on my right bicep or shoulder. I'm sure I'll have something of great meaning to me by then.




To be frank. My body is just perfect the way it is now. It doesn't need any tatoos or piercings anyways. Plus the money could be spent on more useful things.




And as for old, I'm not talking about late 60's old. I'm talking about when you're in your 30's. Your body will change from when you're 18 compared to when you're 30.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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I'm not a fan of tatoo's. Especially when you get older and fatter. The skin stretches and ruins the whole thing.




What are you going to care when you get old? I've never seen my grandpa hardly care about his appearence as long as he's shaved, showered, hair combed, and clothes on. And he's never complained about his tattoos sagging.




I plan on getting a tattoo on my 18th birthday. Not sure what I'm going to get yet, but I know it's going to be on my right bicep or shoulder. I'm sure I'll have something of great meaning to me by then.




To be frank. My body is just perfect the way it is now. It doesn't need any tatoos or piercings anyways. Plus the money could be spent on more useful things.




And as for old, I'm not talking about late 60's old. I'm talking about when you're in your 30's. Your body will change from when you're 18 compared to when you're 30.




I've seen people in their late 30's or 40's whos' tattoos look great. Everyone's body changes, you'd have to be unlucky to get really saggy skin/bad wrinkles when you're 30.

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nah i don't see the point in them, i don't think they look cool, i think its better to draw your own on in henna lol, you can change it if you get bored then, plus you could have some wacky stuff and it wouldnt matter if you gote bored of it or didnt think it was funny anymore


Sig by me....

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I personally HATE tats if they don't mean anything.. BUT.. if tats mean something (like yours represents your love for music).. then I like them.. I find them interesting...




Actually.. my bf is getting a tat today :D It's like a big heart with a kings and queens crown (dad and mom) on each side... with their names on each side.. then a chain going down the middle representing him and his brother keeping them together.. I likey the idea.




I'd never get a tat.. I don't think..I'm not permantly marking my body cause I change my mind WAY too much...

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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Ooo Ooo here's mine.








It means "man is born free but everywhere he is in chains".




It's not finished yet, it's getting a dream catcher netting and beads in the middle and the words Peace. Love. Light. up the top.




Yeah I'm a hippy.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Yay! A tattoo topic!!




Here's mine:






The two flowers are the December and April flowers. My father was born December 1961 and died April 2003, so that's the meaning of the tattoo.




I plan to be getting a lot more soon. :D :D


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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It's a watch. It symbolizes what time it is. Pretty deep in my opinion. Ignore the large paintball scar to the left.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Nah, haven't got a tat as of yet, am planning on getting one as soon as I see the one i want to be stuck with for the rest of my life. Don't wanna rush into it, maybe thinking of some kind of Maori design some 'tribal' but it wouldn't be cliche on me, as I am actually part Maori anyway. :thumbsup:




Thinking of a band around my upper arm, or something on my back. Can't have it anywhere exposed as I am going to become a cop.

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Stars, bah. We just turned up to the studio today to get ours, i had that and a friend had a heart tattoo'd on her hip. Everybody gets stars, it's really nothing to do with individuality at all. Completely baffles me why people want them, they mean nothing, all the scenesters just get them here. Oh well, they'll regret them :)
Ironically I can get 4 stars on me and have it mean something :P Well, maybe 5 if I felt like being a perfectionist about it.






Southern Cross ftw bro ;) Green and Gold for that matter. I actually have a design floating around somewhere which follows that design with some other stuff with it which would cover roughly 1/4 of my back (essentially my entire left sholder blade and a bit more.

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Posting a pic of my own tattoo here aswell.


It's a tribal with symbols from my life in between, and I drew it myself. It can be expanded with new symbols, and the drops of "blood" on the bottom is one for each of my siblings (stepsiblings not included - yet). Took me 5 years to decide where to put it, that was the biggest decision.





You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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