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if u could have a superpower, wat would it be?


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i researched time travel and these are the most realistic




Mmm, have you? Have you, really?


What exactly did your researech entail?




Watching Dr Who.


The Poison Fairy

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i researched time travel and these are the most realistic




Mmm, have you? Have you, really?


What exactly did your researech entail?




Watching Dr Who.




hmm..so you follow the Dr Who. school of time travel...


Get yourself a tardis and you can flee about all over the place, until then, ur stuck. Ah well.

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1.ability to change shape. Imagine dating a 15 year old girl(I'm almost 16), then turning into a 60 year old man :lol:




2.Ancient magics in real life. Freeze the police, rob banks etc




3.uhm invisibility? Wouldn't be that useful, they'd still hear you, but if you saw the Spongebob episode in which he got invisible you know what I'd do to people(my parents, teachers)?

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Ok, before I say what powers I want, I'll show you ones I don't want.




[hide=Worst Superpowers]5. Hawkman: Power of long distance vision.




Okay, I wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t say no to being able to spot a parking space from a mile away or watch football games up close from the 150th row, but when you compare this power to something like flight or laser eyes it clearly comes up short.




4. Jubilee: Power to make pretty designs in the air with mental energy.




Outside of the July 4 and interior decorating, this power is likely to generate more derision than awe.




3. Ant-man: Power to shrink to incredibly small sizes.




This might be useful for studying molecular biology, but less so for fighting crime.




2. Aquaman: Power to communicate with marine life.




This one sounds pretty good,until you realize that all fish ever talk about is global warming and other fish. Not too exciting.




1. Ma-Ti (of the Planeteers): Power of heart.




Though Ma-Ti did have some telepathic abilities, ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅheartÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


Veni Vidi Vici

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Ok, before I say what powers I want, I'll show you ones I don't want.






1. Ma-Ti (of the Planeteers): Power of heart.




Though Ma-Ti did have some telepathic abilities, ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅheartÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Id like the super-power to be able to absorb and use other peoples powers :wink:




How do you know you don't already have that power? Have you meet anyone with a superpower to try and obsorb it?

everyone in this thread has them :)
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heeey this looks like heroes :P (its a television show)




i would like to read minds and be invisible if that is ok with you just to know what people really think about you...


proud fire cape owner

proud fighter torso owner

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The ability to be happy all the time. I won't need to fly, or have a bunch of cash money, or see under girl's clothes. I would just be :D 100% of the time.

I used to have a link to my school's project to provide fresh water to a Kenyan Village, but the sig police changed the link to say something, which, if followed, leads to an "ahem" adult website. Let me ask you. Which do you think is worse?

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The problem with flying is that you would have to stay low or risk lack of oxygen. Therefore, I wish I didn't have to breathe and that I'd have gigantic, white, angel wings. Just the power to be free, up in the sky....If only.....Oh yeah, that would also mean I could go anywhere underwater. Lol. But as long as I died. Eternal life, is a curse tbh....





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