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what are you oc about


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I probably have a extremely minor case of OCD, so I'd have quite a few things to list. A few that I can think of off the top of my head...


-Numbers. Overall I prefer even over odd. More specifically, amounts must be an even number, preferably a multiple of 10, or a square number. Actions must be done an odd number of times.


-Organization. I actually spend a minutes making things parallel and making things have right angles. Despite the fact that my room is messy, I'm somewhat obsessed with being organized for everything else.




And we had a pet peeve thread a week or two ago.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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-Numbers. Overall I prefer even over odd. More specifically, amounts must be an even number, preferably a multiple of 10, or a square number.




Same here. I will do an action usually 4 or 6 times. Regardless it must be even and a multiple of 4 or 6 usually, although I find 10 used a lot. I'll even click edit to edit a post just to click submit without editing anything as to make even the fact I edited once before.




I also can't stand when things like plates are set down a certain way. I'll lift them back up and place them again in the same spot but fixing my angst against the way they were set. Usually in evens once again.




I'm anal about editing posts to the highest perfection I can achieve based on my knowledge.




I have a pet peeve for people who leave the shower head controller on the faucet up.




I also talk to myself a lot. I'm a huge schizophrenic with an entirely made up life I live practically everyday to a non-physically recognized imaginary friend.




-I'm weird- :uhh:


Me doing staff.

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A lot of people 'claim' to have ocd when in fact 2.4% of the population has it.




Obsession - uncontrollable intrusive thoughts


Compulsion - urges to engage in senseless rituals (to relieve anxiety)




The onset is usually in early childhood, but also reasonably common in childhood.




Geller et al., (1998) found that over 69% of children with ocd had some kind of associated mood disorder.




Personally, I have had ocd for several years and have a few embarrassing rituals in which I engage in frequently (in some cases, daily).




I need to clean my room, no rubbish, clean carpet, windows cleaned, bed cover straight, everything in my room precise before I can start a new assessment for university.




I need to make everything I write precise which is why you will find many of my posts edited.




I must place objects at 90 degree angles if there is one available.




I must clear my throat before I have something important to say.




When I clean dishes plates must be with plates (small with small, big with big) and cups must be with cups, they can never be together.




I will not leave the house (even if I'm running late) until every object that does not belong on the floor or desk is put away in its right place.




It's a field day for me to get ready each morning.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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A lot of people 'claim' to have ocd when in fact 2.4% of the population has it.




Obsession - uncontrollable intrusive thoughts


Compulsion - urges to engage in senseless rituals (to relieve anxiety)




The onset is usually in early childhood, but also reasonably common in childhood.







i know very few people have it and its a rare but serious condition, but many people can admit to things that they have to do that they cant really control or they dont think consiously about

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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If I double-click an icon on my desktop to open a folder/application, I immediately minimize the window, and click elsewhere on my desktop to remove the icon highlighting.

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I know I don't have a serious condition but I always make a concious effort to avoid breathing in germs. Public transport, in the city, handling rubbish, when I feel like I might get sick, when I'm around someone who's sick, when I'm in a public place etc.

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A clean desktop on my computer is a must for me.


Also, I always type with capitals and punctuation, though I never said it was correct. :P


I also like parallel things and 90ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâú angles, but I'm not crazy over them.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

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I watched this programme on OCD once, there was this real pretty girl, but for some reason, she couldn't help but pull her hair out. She'd play with her hair constantly until she found one that was 'not right' and pull it out. She'd do this all the time, she had massive bald patches all over her head.




And there were some dudes that horded rubbish. They literally couldn't bare to throw a single thing out. They had stacks and stacks of magazines stacked right up to the roof, they had little narrow pathways through each room and either side was mounds of crap. They were getting help, but it takes them so long to even progress a little bit. One of the specialists helping these people, would go around their house, pointing to items asking if they could throw it out, he held up a screwed up page out of a magazine and said "Shall we throw this out?", and the dude Ummm'd and Ahhh'd over it for about five minutes, then came to the conclusion that is was to important and he couldn't throw it away. The specialist said the horders are some of the worst and getting them to throw away ANYTHING is a major breakthrough.




Myself, definately don't have OCD, as Goddess stated, only 2.4% of the population has it! The other things I'd call quirks. I'm sure I have heaps but I don't pick up on them myself.




I know my mate has one, when ever we're driving in his car, in the day time, he always checks to make sure his lights are off my twisting the knob. And at night time, he always makes sure they are on properly by twisting them the otherway. He does it every five minutes, and he doesn't notice it until I point it out, lol.

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If I double-click an icon on my desktop to open a folder/application, I immediately minimize the window, and click elsewhere on my desktop to remove the icon highlighting.




Same here.




I also normally do/end things with a odd number, normally 3 or 5. E.g. When I put away a snack, I eat 5 more, then put it back.

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I used to keep washing my hands, and when reading a book if I understood the last sentence but forgot the wording of it, I still had to look back and read it again.




I've got over these for quite some time now, though I'm a perfectionist when I'm working on somthing that I'm passionate about, which I guess is being a bit obsessive.

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Can't really think of anything :-k. I guess I belong to the other 97,6% of the population.




I do have a way of obsessing about (past) relationships, because I have this tendency to rationalise everything. Not really the best approach to matters of the heart. I need to know why things happened the way they did, even when there isn't a logical explanation. I just can't let it rest until I have constructed a plausible reason/logic at the very least. Often to find out months or years later I was wrong and blinded by my theories. But that's a very different thing from OCD and probably just part of human nature in general anyway.

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I don't for a minute think that I have it. When I was about 10 though, I saw a zombie movie and got really scared. I then started saying "Goodnight" to everything in the room. After a while, I felt that I couldn't go to bed without doing it. I stopped it pretty quickly after realising this. I still catch myself saying "Goodnight all" before I turn off the lights, not intending to at all.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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When I see the numbers on the face of a digital clock, I add them together, then simplify


the result to one digit in the same way. For example;




9:59 9+9+5 = 23 2+3 5




9:59 being a good time because when simplified in this manner, the digits add to a prime number.


I tend to prefer odd numbers to even numbers, because all even numbers are composite,


and only odd numbers can be prime numbers.




Also, I keep everything at right angels or parallell to each other in my bedroom, although besides


that I'm kind of a slob.




(Notice there are 7 spaces between each of my equations up there ^)




EDIT: Nevermind, apparently Tip.It forum truncates multiple spaces.




Also, whenever I am listening to somebody talk, I count the number of letters in the words


they use and add them all together, so I can total how many letters were used in a sentence.


I've been doing this for so long I can do it almost automatically. (As in, I don't need to count letters


in the word automatically, I can see immediately that it has 13.) Once I've figure out how many


letters are in a sentence (which takes me as long to do in my head as it does for you to say the actual


words) I simplify the digits in the same way I was talking about clock digits before.




For example:




"The phrase, 'For example' has ten letters."




The above sentence has 32 letters in it, so I add the digits of that number (3+2) together, the result


being 5, which is good because it's a prime number. If the digits don't come out to a prime number


when put through this math formula, I add words until they do.






Or, there is a secondary method I use, where I add the letters together in a sentence, but ignore


the first digit of the resulting number. For example;




"Don't worry, this is just an example. I'm not actually telling you stuff."




I don't count total letters for a sentence that long, because I lose track of the 10's place, so what I do


is add letters in multiples of 5, then tick them off. So that example sentence has a number of


letters evenly divisible by 5, with either 1 or 6 left over. I don't know why I bother explaining, since nobody


will understand anyway.




Obsession with mathematical formulae is a symptom of a very mild case of OCD, mild enough that


at least I don't have to be medicated for it. In fact, I'm not even sure if severe OCD requires medication.


People with OCD usually have a high degree of intelligence, and the way my psychologist described


it to me was, "Your brain is looking for something to do when it gets bored."

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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I'm not OC by any means, but I am pretty pinickity about having all my songs in iTunes just so. I mean like having all songs properly capitalised at the beginning of each word and the exact right album artwork.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I don't suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but I do have very mild OC tendencies relating to colour. It can be a little embarrassing when I move things around in shops, at work or in people's houses.


The Poison Fairy

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I only put volumes, like my MP3 player or TV, on even numbers.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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