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Its lonely at the top


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Is there anyone out there whom i can relate too?




I Have no friends on runescape and i dont really see a need to have rs friends, but when i look on the forums i see that the community is something which other users value.




I dont talk to my rl friends about runescape at all, and they dont know i spend so much time on it when i go home.




I dont PK at all and i have hundreds of pots that i dont really know how to use. I have little money and




I value my autonomy, but it seems to me like i play for different reasons, there is nothing wrong with this but i find it hard to believe that noone else is the same




for all these reasons i feel disjointed from the runescape community, and i was hoping there was someone else on the forums who can looks at the forums and all the petty arguments and wonders how pwople can take it so seriously

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Friends on rs arnt somthing you get


there somthing you make




my friends quit rs a long tiem ago


but lots of people who said they quit actualy didnt so once i found out about that i started playing with them


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There are a fair few players like you, but yes you are the minority. The arguments that erupt are just people being people. People like to argue and banter, they'll do it over/about anything. I have gotten into rather heated arguments on these forums and most of the time i feel like a moron for it afterwards, but i do that in real life anyway, its just how I/we am/are.




I have only a few people on my friends list that i consider friends, the rest are contacts/people selling stuff. I like to go about my business quietly, but im always up for talking to some random person when im training and this is infact how i made the friends i have. Some of the more tedious parts of the game are made more bearable by having someone to talk to.

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How can you not pk? don't you like it? If pking wasn't in this game, I doubt I'd play it. I get all my stats up and make all the money I can for 1 thing - to pk.




I hate questing in nearly every game, no fun at all. I can't think of any skills I enjoy leveling and killing monsters is boring.. I don't know how you don't like pking:p




Gl finding some rs buddies:p I only have 1 friend irl that plays this game, the rest don't play any games at all really..

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How can you not pk? don't you like it? If pking wasn't in this game, I doubt I'd play it. I get all my stats up and make all the money I can for 1 thing - to pk.




I hate questing in nearly every game, no fun at all. I can't think of any skills I enjoy leveling and killing monsters is boring.. I don't know how you don't like pking:p




Gl finding some rs buddies:p I only have 1 friend irl that plays this game, the rest don't play any games at all really..




i hate pking and questing, i just like training and talking with friends. i hate the fact that pking is in the game, as it spawned pures, but i just don't do it and i don't have a problem with it.



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friends are what keep me from going completely bored on mindnumbing skills, at least they used to until for some reason i just stopped getting bored, i still talk to them but they aren't on as much :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:



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I didnt have friends when i started... then i noticed that like all my friends played runescape... now i got like 30+




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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Technically if your looking for someone to relate to, your not that much of a loner in my opinion, and are looking to connect to the rs community. Pking isn't the only thing this game has to offer >.>


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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Yeah, i've been like that before. It was before i applied to my current clan. for about a year, i just skilled alone, talking to no one, etc. when i joined this clan, all that changed. i created a lot of friendships. 90% of my full firends list is from my clan. and I do speak to these people often. its more of a family based clan, not really based on pking or skilling. just family, and support. if you want to look it over, just hit me up with a PM.

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Each and every one of us is here for a different reason.




Some of are here to get away from the cruel world, others because we have no friends in real life. Some are here to PK, some to skill, some to just have a good time.. There are also some who are here to live in an alternate reality, deal with problems at home, play with friends you know.. the list goes on and on.




We are all here for our own reasons.




Keeping that in mind, I know there are those who are quick to judge. For example, your looked down upon if your above 20-30 years old and are considered a "nerd" with no life.. when infact over 25% of the RuneScape community is over the age of 20.




There are some of us who like to skill and not pk. I personaly have only PK'd ONCE in my entire 2 year runescape career. And that was because of my friends and I in the battle for world 80 a few months back.




There is more to RuneScape than just Pking.. however the the PK'ers will the same about skilling.. so there is no right side.




The great part about RuneScape is you can just walk up to someone you dont know and start talking. You dont have to be popular, or "cool" to make friends and have fun.




You can also be reserved. There are plenty of people that wander runescape all by themselves, with no friends online. I prefer this life sometimes. Along the way however, you will meet people.




So to answer your question.. No your not alone. There are others like you. You just need the time, and things will work out.




Clans are good for quick social fixes but often times those are not the people you want to hang out with. On occasion however you will find a good clan/community and stick with it.




How you got about playing is up to you, and you alone.

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Each and every one of us is here for a different reason.




Some of are here to get away from the cruel world, others because we have no friends in real life. Some are here to PK, some to skill, some to just have a good time.. There are also some who are here to live in an alternate reality, deal with problems at home, play with friends you know.. the list goes on and on.




We are all here for our own reasons.




Keeping that in mind, I know there are those who are quick to judge. For example, your looked down upon if your above 20-30 years old and are considered a "nerd" with no life.. when infact over 25% of the RuneScape community is over the age of 20.




There are some of us who like to skill and not pk. I personaly have only PK'd ONCE in my entire 2 year runescape career. And that was because of my friends and I in the battle for world 80 a few months back.




There is more to RuneScape than just Pking.. however the the PK'ers will the same about skilling.. so there is no right side.




The great part about RuneScape is you can just walk up to someone you dont know and start talking. You dont have to be popular, or "cool" to make friends and have fun.




You can also be reserved. There are plenty of people that wander runescape all by themselves, with no friends online. I prefer this life sometimes. Along the way however, you will meet people.




So to answer your question.. No your not alone. There are others like you. You just need the time, and things will work out.




Clans are good for quick social fixes but often times those are not the people you want to hang out with. On occasion however you will find a good clan/community and stick with it.




How you got about playing is up to you, and you alone.




wow, that's very deep, and i'd have to agree.



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What the hell do you do for fun if you don't have friends or pk?

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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It doesn't have to be lonely. Participate in some Tip.it events and you'll meet some really great people to hang around with and make small chat while you're grinding skills. If you wish to feel like part of a community, participate more on the Tip.it forums. If you're witty and post some great, constructive and positive comments, the Tip.it team might notice you and make you a Crewbie to keep the Forums clean.



Knowledge is Power; a Tip.it guide answers many commonly asked questions.

~Celestrana: Making of a Hero ~ (Visit my blog, today!)

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Hey Nick




I relate to you 100%. I had loads of friends on rs, but i quit for about 7 months. I came back and my clan was closed (DS). I don't talk to anyone from DS since i was retired and didn't play for awhile and lost touch. My RL friends don't know I play. My RL girlfriend doesn't know. And my good friends on RS either quit, banned, play WoW or some other game, or something other than those. I have a few people i know and talk to regularly, but no good friends.




On the other hand. I enjoy going quietly through runescape doing my goals, but would like a few good friends to converse with and do ingame activities with.

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If you dont't wanna connect because you think people will be mean/reject you, then don't feel that way! switch homeworlds to 99 and you'll meet some of the nicest people on rs! My rl friends quit months ago. I got addicted and kept playing. You play mostly for friends, everything else is just for background. You can't really enjoy the game without both of them, IMO, but hey, you can try. Just remember, whenever you get something good ( like that visage you want) who are you gonna brag to? Maybe not brag at all *gasp*?! Noes! Come to the Dark Side!! HAVE FRIENDS!!!










PS: If you are in need of a friend, feel free to add me :wink:

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i don't really talk to anybody on RS either. and my rl friends all think runescape is gay (as do I), but I play it just for a timesink. I have like 20 people on my list, and probly 17 of them are people I added for some stupid reason and never deleted.




runescape loner and proud of it

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well to start off none of my friends irl play runescape they know but all think its a waste of time. I remember first starting and wanting someone to talk to on runescape (though this was 4 years ago) so while skilling i would talk to ppl.. hey there pretty cool ask to add its all good. But as i went along i found it was difficult/annoying to always be talking to these people (usually about the same things) so i ended up slowly removing all the people from my list. Now i just talk to my friends irl on msn sometimes clan stuff in clan chat and browse the forums talkin with people here and talk to a few ppl while skilling just for fun (never adding on friends though) in the end its works out nicely i think.




P.S. the community here is always great and yes joining tipit events can be pretty sweet sometimes :D



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