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picture of dragon full helm?


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After seeing that, I love it.




Wow rob im proud of you you gots good pics for a change to prove your point :XD: <3:<3:




Ya I dont mind the helm now after seeing these pictures now, does look quite well with full dragon




NOW when do we get our dragon boots??? :XD:

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I really can't see why you people seem to think it looks so ugly, it looks quite good to me. It sure looks better than most of the barrows headgear.




What did you people expect it to look like?




only one i think it looks better than is guthans. all the rest are pimpin

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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i think the only thing that makes the dragon full helm look a lil funny is the [bleep]e on he side, the feathers would look way better if there weren't the funny little [bleep]es on the side, unlike the d med which has to [bleep]es also on the side however looks cool. If the d full had he same type of [bleep]es as the d med with the feathers i think it would look sweet though right now i don't see whats wrong with it :?



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After seeing that, I love it.




Wow rob im proud of you you gots good pics for a change to prove your point :XD: <3:<3:




Ya I dont mind the helm now after seeing these pictures now, does look quite well with full dragon




NOW when do we get our dragon boots??? :XD:






*cough* look at the name *cough* :D

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Well i got tired of seeing everyone saying how ugly it is or talking about how it makes you fat or the [bleep]es/feathers on the back or the chin or the eyes or anything! So let me tell you 2 things:




1)I'ts a game! you're not supposed to look beautiful (but, to admit the truth, i sometimes pick same color outfit but it doesn't really matters if it makes me look fat or short!).




2)Look at the (melee) barrows armors! And look at the helms! well if you want you can see what I wrote about each of the helms and its not that I hate the helms, the helms are great - good defence bonus and with a full set has a special ability that helps a lot but you've got to admit it looks bad! oh and 1 last thing no flaming about this please.








support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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Well i got tired of seeing everyone saying how ugly it is or talking about how it makes you fat or the [bleep]es/feathers on the back or the chin or the eyes or anything! So let me tell you 2 things:




1)I'ts a game! you're not supposed to look beautiful (but, to admit the truth, i sometimes pick same color outfit but it doesn't really matters if it makes me look fat or short!).




2)Look at the (melee) barrows armors! And look at the helms! well if you want you can see what I wrote about each of the helms and its not that I hate the helms, the helms are great - good defence bonus and with a full set has a special ability that helps a lot but you've got to admit it looks bad! oh and 1 last thing no flaming about this please.










I have to disagree 100% on those statements IMO all barrows pieces look awesome. And I could never find something to complain about the looks.






EDIT: double post srry



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Well i got tired of seeing everyone saying how ugly it is or talking about how it makes you fat or the [bleep]es/feathers on the back or the chin or the eyes or anything! So let me tell you 2 things:




1)I'ts a game! you're not supposed to look beautiful (but, to admit the truth, i sometimes pick same color outfit but it doesn't really matters if it makes me look fat or short!).




2)Look at the (melee) barrows armors! And look at the helms! well if you want you can see what I wrote about each of the helms and its not that I hate the helms, the helms are great - good defence bonus and with a full set has a special ability that helps a lot but you've got to admit it looks bad! oh and 1 last thing no flaming about this please.










I have to disagree 100% on those statements IMO all barrows pieces look awesome. And I could never find something to complain about the looks.






EDIT: double post srry

Barrows was just an example (and personaly I think if you think (and look) about it enough you might find it not so good looking but that's not the point) and I'm 100% sure you can find something else that most (or atleast some) people think looks ugly but has great stats but no one complains.






My point is - looks is not such a big deal in RS and even if you think something looks bad, if you think the stats are good there is no reason not to wear it and if you're gonna complain about something try complaining about the price compared to stats...


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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Dragon full helm have obsidian knives sticking out of it's back :-k .




That's why i predict that dragon plate body will have obsidian swords sticking out of it's back!




Now you can't say that i didn't predict that when they'll release dragon plate bodys!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wait and see!!

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Conversation pic. Looks a lot cooler closer up, doesn't it?


Pic courtesy of RSC




Instead of a chicken he looks like a duck now. \'




EDIT- Wait he looks like a gargoyle off that T.V show :XD:


Looks awesome to me


2176th to 99 Prayer on June 21st, 2007

Proud Owner of a White Partyhat and Fire Cape~29 Whips~16 Dragon Drops

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the only barrows helm that looks cool is verac's, but verac's is sweet. dragon full helm looks okay, looks a lot better with full dragon. however, i think it's the last dragon armor piece because it would be much stronger than torag's, defeating the purpose of barrows. except for verac's and guthan's, even verac's won't have that much purpose.



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i think it looks pretty cool, but jagex need to make the front jut out a bit more, as it is, it makes you look up when you wear it. :wink:


i think it'll look good when/if they release a dragon plate.

nudist hippy vegan elves who inexplicably wear leather.
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I agree, the full helm looks like it was made for a platebody, not a chainmail.


2176th to 99 Prayer on June 21st, 2007

Proud Owner of a White Partyhat and Fire Cape~29 Whips~16 Dragon Drops

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i think it looks pretty cool, but jagex need to make the front jut out a bit more, as it is, it makes you look up when you wear it. :wink:


i think it'll look good when/if they release a dragon plate.


Took the words right out of my mouth. I bet it will look soooo cool on a dragon platebody!

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its kinda like red mask but aftter and 3 blades coming out the back




with some [bleep]es on it


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