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Split the General Discussion board

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I mentioned this in another thread, but figured I'd make a thread on the idea. First, I know most people hate the idea of adding extra forums. I normally do. But I think in this case it'd be beneficial. One of the biggest complaints I hear about the recent merge of general p2p and general f2p was that there are too many overall general threads clogging up real discussion about game elements.




Before we couldn't do this because it would create 4 categories, but now we can since all runescape chat is in one. The idea is to split it to become "General Runescape Chat" or something like it, and "General Runescape Discussion."




General Chat(red): You have your questionnaires. You have your community related threads. General nonspecific to the game threads.




General Discussion(blue): Clear and concise threads discussing specifically the game, its elements and issues. Simple as that.






I went through the front page and it wasn't too hard to split most of them up. A few could go either way, but overall it's pretty easy to discern between the two. This kind of split could really improve discussion about the game, and would satisfy the general trend of people wanting a board where they can discuss the game without sifting through a lot of old general f2p remnants and other way too general stuff that won't ever go away.




Anyways, let me know what you think. I'm sure I missed a few things and could probably go on elaborating about this change, but I'll leave that to discussion.

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This is something that I would like to see happen and has lightly been discussed. There has recently been a large increase in the amount of "What is your favourite.." "What would you do if.." "What do you think about.." threads. I'm sure many people would love to see separate forums for the poll/survey type threads and ones that promote an actual discussion. Outlawing them all together would be a bit cruel, in my opinion, as many people obviously seem to like them (hence why they're created in the first place).




Perhaps make this hypothetical forum a subforum of General Discussions? Since they're closely related but the "Chat" forum would just be a branch off of the discussion forum. And it might save a tad bit of index space :P

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I don't think a subforum would be as clear as just splitting the board in half. Like my picture shows, runescape general chat can include more than just hypothetical threads. Hypothetical threads are a big part of the issue, but just part of it. I say we take it all out now. I mean we could easily change it so hypothetical forums become forum games. You can easily view them in that light and they do fit that style. But I think it would be a lot clearer to just divide the forum in two. Good to hear this issue is being discussed and considered though. :)

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I think it would be to confusing for users to which topic went in which board. Besides I think you are forgetting the debate forum for serious discussion about Runescape. I think a more simple solution would just to make the Debate Forum a forum on its own and all serious threads would be in there.

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I like how striker thinks, but it wouldn't work, because of what he had previously said about confusion.




I like this idea, and it should be done in a way that allows the users to know what topic goes in which forum, or it'll turn into both forums getting both types of topics.




I think we should get devoted to make a sticky that outlines with detail what topic goes where, if this were to be done. Even if devoted didn't do the sticky, I'd expect one still to be made, plus another, or more ways to get the confusion down, which I don't know would be.

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I also see that lots of the threads in General are on recent updates... we could make that a subfourm. That would clean things up alot.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

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To be perfectly honest I prefer the way the way the board is now. I like reading some serious and some not so serious topics on the forum. When it was general and p2p I would read them less often but now I read it quite a lot for some reason. I don't find it too fast and I don't find it too difficult to navigate through.

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I've read all the ideas but I have to say, can we give it more time before we split it up? It's been a very short amount of time since we implemented it. Doing any drastic changes now would be based on very little experience. Give it some time and see how it goes. We all knew there would be an adjustment period.

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its been a short time, but look whats happend to general in such a short time :?




when i enter general im used to it being p2p only. now its just filled with nonsense topics, repeated topics, and overall spam.




im a die hard fan of the p2p discussion only.

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I have to admit I avoid the new merged board, as it's terribly spammy. The interesting topics are out of the first page in a day, and we're left with "What is your favourite outfit?" and threads like that. I used to read General P2P, not I go to Debate Club instead. The new General forum is just too far away from what I appreciated about it, and suddenly looks like every other fansite's board. What I appreciated, was the fact that you could log in and find "few" but quality topics, with interesting discussions and information. Quality > quantity in my humble opinion. :)




I definitely think that there should be a subforum for "What if" and "What's your favourite" topics, as they take too much of the space. Since several users seem to appreciate these, I don't think the should be forbidden. They should just be given another place.

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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I 100% agree with this, excellent idea Adam. Infact, most of the ideas in the thread I agree with; making forums, not subforums, putting stickies up clarifying what should and what should not be posted in each forum, and a recent update forum(excellent idea there).




To be perfectly honest I prefer the way the way the board is now. I like reading some serious and some not so serious topics on the forum. When it was general and p2p I would read them less often but now I read it quite a lot for some reason. I don't find it too fast and I don't find it too difficult to navigate through.




I don't understand how you like it now, I find it absolutely terrible.






I've read all the ideas but I have to say, can we give it more time before we split it up? It's been a very short amount of time since we implemented it. Doing any drastic changes now would be based on very little experience. Give it some time and see how it goes. We all knew there would be an adjustment period.




Agreed, this topic hasn't even reached it's second page. We need more replies.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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To be perfectly honest I prefer the way the way the board is now. I like reading some serious and some not so serious topics on the forum. When it was general and p2p I would read them less often but now I read it quite a lot for some reason. I don't find it too fast and I don't find it too difficult to navigate through.




I don't understand how you like it now, I find it absolutely terrible.



I think we just made the wrong adjustment. I don't want them back like they were, but like Adam suggested, split up into different types of topics.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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Again, I don't think that the quality of the current General Discussion forum is a result of the merge :? I'm sure some of you noticed (at least I did) that the quality of both forums was going downhill even before the merge. Back then, General P2P was filled with threads that didn't even belong there - they should have been placed in General.. but we were pretty lenient on that. I don't think that reverting back to the old General and General P2P forums would eliminate those seemingly spammy threads.




(I know the intent of the thread wasn't suggesting that they be reinstated, I was just replying to a few of the later comments that hinted on that :P)




Right now I think our only option for pleasing almost everybody would be to have two forums (or a subforum, whatever) as the thread suggests. In agreement with The_Sith, we obviously shouldn't jump into anything right away, but wait and see what more people think.

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I definitely think that there should be a subforum for "What if" and "What's your favourite" topics, as they take too much of the space. Since several users seem to appreciate these, I don't think the should be forbidden. They should just be given another place.




I think this subforum won't be used much. I don't think many people would use it. There would be topics like 'What are you wearing' 'Whats your fave quest' 'What is the best minigame' ... And I can't really think of any more threads that could go in there. Hardly enough topics for a whole subforum about it.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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I definitely think that there should be a subforum for "What if" and "What's your favourite" topics, as they take too much of the space. Since several users seem to appreciate these, I don't think the should be forbidden. They should just be given another place.




I think this subforum won't be used much. I don't think many people would use it. There would be topics like 'What are you wearing' 'Whats your fave quest' 'What is the best minigame' ... And I can't really think of any more threads that could go in there. Hardly enough topics for a whole subforum about it.




Well here are the threads off the first page that I think should be included in a subforum:




- What would you say to your level 3 self?


- [poll] _-'-_ What cape do you mosly wear? _-'-_


- If Tip.it had an Official guild...


- What music best fits each skill?


- Why do YOU use Tip.it?


- Where can you be found?


- What Do U Do While Playing Runescape?


- What have you learned in runescape today?


- Favorite skill to train




And probably even a few others.. I just got kind of lazy towards the end :roll: If a subforum was created, I think that any "What if," "What is your favourite" or survey/poll-type threads should be included. And there's a lot of them right now :wall:

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The problem I see is that this split is always going to be subjective, based on whether the reader sees the topic as trash or not, lol.




Looking at Adam's list, the only thread I might find worthwhile is Items kept at Death. Hopefully that's got some real info in it. Discussing whether the sandwich lady is pure evil is just as silly as the rest of them, but that's only my personal opinion, lol.




I'd like to ban everyone who posts "worst update 3v3r!" or "I love Jagex" in an update thread, too.




Basically I'm only interested in people telling me stuff that they found in the game that I don't already know - because I want to put it on our website, lol!




Bottom line - separation - subjective. You have to be REALLY CLEAR when defining what goes into a forum. I vote with Sith and others, give this a try for a while to see what is and isn't working.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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The problem I see is that this split is always going to be subjective, based on whether the reader sees the topic as trash or not, lol.




Looking at Adam's list, the only thread I might find worthwhile is Items kept at Death. Hopefully that's got some real info in it. Discussing whether the sandwich lady is pure evil is just as silly as the rest of them, but that's only my personal opinion, lol.




I'd like to ban everyone who posts "worst update 3v3r!" or "I love Jagex" in an update thread, too.




Basically I'm only interested in people telling me stuff that they found in the game that I don't already know - because I want to put it on our website, lol!




Bottom line - separation - subjective. You have to be REALLY CLEAR when defining what goes into a forum. I vote with Sith and others, give this a try for a while to see what is and isn't working.


It doesn't have to do with a thread being trash or not. I don't see it as a subjective issue. The thread either deals with an issue with the game or it doesn't. I don't see what's confusing about that. If you're discussing something about the game you post it in one forum. If not, the other. It's not an issue of quality, just whether or not the discussion will be about the game.

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The problem I see is that this split is always going to be subjective, based on whether the reader sees the topic as trash or not, lol.




Looking at Adam's list, the only thread I might find worthwhile is Items kept at Death. Hopefully that's got some real info in it. Discussing whether the sandwich lady is pure evil is just as silly as the rest of them, but that's only my personal opinion, lol.




I'd like to ban everyone who posts "worst update 3v3r!" or "I love Jagex" in an update thread, too.




Basically I'm only interested in people telling me stuff that they found in the game that I don't already know - because I want to put it on our website, lol!




Bottom line - separation - subjective. You have to be REALLY CLEAR when defining what goes into a forum. I vote with Sith and others, give this a try for a while to see what is and isn't working.


It doesn't have to do with a thread being trash or not. I don't see it as a subjective issue. The thread either deals with an issue with the game or it doesn't. I don't see what's confusing about that. If you're discussing something about the game you post it in one forum. If not, the other. It's not an issue of quality, just whether or not the discussion will be about the game.




Don't judge a topic by it's title- try looking through it contents before you go on about how trashy it is. A good number of those topics I can see as being good discussion topics.




We can't ban them, there's no where in the tip.it forum rules that say we can remove the questionnaire topics simply because we don't like them. We also can't go around calling them trashy, though I may dispise some of those questionnaire topics, they still deserve as much right to be heard as the other topics. Neither should we imply that these topics are "trashy," we don't want a once popular topic to seem as if it's been thrown in the gabage can. As adam stated, "it's not an issue of quality." Spliting the general boards will separate these two types of topics- and will please everyone. The question-asking topic lovers can enjoy their forum in peace, and those who don't like those types of topics can enjoy the other forum in peace.




The tension is rising, tip.iters are definately noticing, and fast. Several topics are being made in the general boards about the problem in the general boards. Waiting won't help anything, in my opinion. It's obvious this is turning into a problem. Something needs to be decided soon, we need to lay-out a final plan. It could still use a few more responses, though, I don't think a one-page idea topic will cut it for a a final decision that will affect thousands of users of tif.




Going along with the actual plan, I am still a bit hesistant about how you will separate these topics. I don't think game-related topics and non-game related topics will work. What needs to happen is a forum for questionnaires, and a forum for everything else.




Here, I've re-done the list:










- What have you learned in runescape today?


- The Future of Dragon Items


- You know you're old school when...


- ~~**Useless Runescape Facts**~~ 75,000+


- The degrading community


- The "Best-Skill-Cape-Outfit" Contest!


- The "Clothes-That-Match-Skill-Capes" Thread (TONS OF PICS)


- Items Kept to the death


- Sandwhich Lady - Pure Evil?


- Just thought I'd share this with you (black dragon bad luck)


- 20 lvl 2277s, is that just too much?


- Tip.it Times Presents: I have the answer, Mr. Runescape!


- ~If Runescape was Real Life~




- Signs You Play Too Much RuneScape


- What would you say to your level 3 self?




Defining what should and should not belong in each of these forums wouldn't be a problem. All topics that ask a question to the community belong in one forum, all those that don't fit under that go in the other forum- simple as that.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I'm not debating whether there is a problem with the General board. I don't go on there long enough to get a real picture of it.




However, we tried this with the Rants forum by making the Debate Club, but you still get some really mindless posts on there. Overall, the quality of the posts is better, but to suggest this would completely divide "chatty" discussion from "serious" discussion is, if I'm perfectly honest, narrow-minded. No offense there, I just don't see this as a solution.

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If we make a Questionnaire forum, then maybe we should unlock the ability for a normal user to make polls in that forum. That would make the line between a questionnaire topic and a discussion topic easier to see. Like, anything that could simply be answered by a yes or no, this or that, question should have a poll and go in the questionnaire forum.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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I'm not debating whether there is a problem with the General board. I don't go on there long enough to get a real picture of it.




However, we tried this with the Rants forum by making the Debate Club, but you still get some really mindless posts on there. Overall, the quality of the posts is better, but to suggest this would completely divide "chatty" discussion from "serious" discussion is, if I'm perfectly honest, narrow-minded. No offense there, I just don't see this as a solution.




In my opinion, the debate club was one of the best changes tif has ever had. The amount of actual discussion that happens in the subforum is amazing compared to the "OMG I HATE AUTOERS," "NOOBS THESE DAYZ" threads in the rants forum. If you're furious about something you go rant up the rants board, if you actually want a serious discussion you go to the debate subforum. Sound familiar? This is exactly what we're planning to do but just to the general boards. Separate the general boards so we can make everyone happy.




No thread should be called "chatty" or "serious", all threads deserve the same respect as long as their not breaking the rules. I don't want to go about calling them names like "trashy" and "non-trashy."


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Sorry if this has been mentioned, I just jumped on 'reply', but the biggest problem I have with the new board is the number of old topics being dredged up by people who are seeing them for the first time. There are also Non-members replying to member's posts saying things like" I don't know, but my mate who's a member says..." I don't see how either of these types of posts are achieving the board change's stated aim of improving the qualty


of post on the first page by "natural selection".

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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No thread should be called "chatty" or "serious", all threads deserve the same respect as long as their not breaking the rules. I don't want to go about calling them names like "trashy" and "non-trashy."


Some of these threads like "what is your favourite.." threads are total spam and is always revolves around things like minigames, items, quests, randoms etc. Everyone's opinion to those are pretty much straightforward and these threads will keep appearing and appearing again. Why would you want to browse such a thread in a place and would you seriously read through all the posts inside which are only opinions?




My idea is like a previous poster has said, all such topics goes to another forum where they have poll options enabled.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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At first I didn't think a questionairre type subforum wouldn't be enough, but it can be more than just "what-if's," but still limited in the sense that it's not bridging towards help and advice. It would be great for containing all of these opinion threads and would clean up a good portion of the general board.




While it's not separation to the extent I'd like to see, I think it would be a good first step if you are to make any change at all to see how it goes. But I do think there isn't much of a reason to wait too much longer. The fact is that old opinion type threads are being bumped, and natural selection does not apply to the board at all. The mass appeal opinions thread constantly get thrusted to the top, clogging up the board.

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