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Runescape in the news again...


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"On the online game 'Run Scape'"





California woman arrested for raping 13-year-old in Potsdam


Updated: 7/20/2007 6:07 AM


By: Katie Morse






POTSDAM, N.Y. -- Police say what began as a friendship through an online game turned into an inappropriate relationship between a 13-year-old Potsdam boy and a 22-year-old California woman.




Kathryn Brauch was arrested in Potsdam on Wednesday after police say she flew to the area to have sex with the boy.




"They had conversed over the internet, and eventually disclosed their age and names to each other and developed a relationship, and eventually traveled to Potsdam to meet the juvenile," said Officer Mark R. Murray, of the Potsdam Police Department.




Police say the two met on the online game RuneScape, an interactive game which lets you chat with other players.






Brauch was charged with second degree rape, disseminating indecent material to minors and a second degree criminal sexual act.




Police believe she's been in the area for more than two weeks, staying with the boy and his mother. The mother was also charged with a crime.




"She was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child for her role in permitting or being aware of some of the relations that were occurring," said Officer Murray.




Brauch and the victim not only met over the computer, but they also sent inappropriate sexual photos using a cell phone.




Police say this is just another example of the dangers that come with technology.








"It's definitely a wake-up call for all parents for children that have access to a computer, the internet and cell phones," said Officer Murray. "This is an extreme example, but it should raise your eyebrows and make you aware if what you need to be looking for."




Officer Murray says he's seeing more and more technology-related crimes, and offers his advice to parents.




"Monitor what your children are doing, who they're talking to, what programs and games they're playing, as well as who they're calling on their cell phones," Murray said.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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O my [cabbage] God :shame: :shame:




What sick twisted losers! :shame: :shame: :shame:




All I have to say is that it's the moms fault would you let a 22 year old sleep over? Come on! Seriously i think the mom should be sent to jail for a long time. O well atleast the kid is ok. This will only make parents think runescape is a a place where crazy syco peopel go to pick a kid to do "stuff" with.




Well free publicity! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:





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Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




Actually, what I bet happened is the kid probably told the girl where the mom worked, the lady showed up randomly stalked the mom out for a bit, approached her, said something like I'm new blah blah blah need a place to say the moms like "yeah okay whatever if you pay rent" and the kid probably didn't say anything to his mom, then he brags about it at school, word gets back and it hits the fan.




That's what I'd put my money on.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Oh sure. Blame it on the game. Next thing you know some terrorists are gunna blow up china, and the news will do a report on how the terrorists conversed over runescape to lay out a plan.




It's not Runescape's fault that some idiot of a parent let their child sleep with some child molesting woman.

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O my [cabbage] God :shame: :shame:




What sick twisted losers! :shame: :shame: :shame:




All I have to say is that it's the moms fault would you let a 22 year old sleep over? Come on! Seriously i think the mom should be sent to jail for a long time. O well atleast the kid is ok. This will only make parents think runescape is a a place where crazy syco peopel go to pick a kid to do "stuff" with.




Well free publicity! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




I agree with you 100 percent on everything you just said, well put just in shorter terms then i said :P




Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




Actually, what I bet happened is the kid probably told the girl where the mom worked, the lady showed up randomly stalked the mom out for a bit, approached her, said something like I'm new blah blah blah need a place to say the moms like "yeah okay whatever if you pay rent" and the kid probably didn't say anything to his mom, then he brags about it at school, word gets back and it hits the fan.




That's what I'd put my money on.




hmmm idk, thats stupied then of the mom still after meeting someone for 1 week to allow her to be alone with the kid without anyone else there. Either way the kid will never see his mom again, there will be a restraining order. And the kid will be made fun of for the rest of his life. This is why kids under 13 years of age need parents permission and yet never get it. Runescape in my oppion should be made into a 16+ years of age game atleast if there is a way to succesfully regulate that.

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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Oh sure. Blame it on the game. Next thing you know some terrorists are gunna blow up china, and the news will do a report on how the terrorists conversed over runescape to lay out a plan.




It's not Runescape's fault that some idiot of a parent let their child sleep with some child molesting woman.




Correct. But RS had a part of this.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Oh sure. Blame it on the game. Next thing you know some terrorists are gunna blow up china, and the news will do a report on how the terrorists conversed over runescape to lay out a plan.








Jagex says when you first make your account to read the rules and it's under there. So it's 90% the parents fault for letting the women stay there and 10% the kids fault for revealing information

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Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




Actually, what I bet happened is the kid probably told the girl where the mom worked, the lady showed up randomly stalked the mom out for a bit, approached her, said something like I'm new blah blah blah need a place to say the moms like "yeah okay whatever if you pay rent" and the kid probably didn't say anything to his mom, then he brags about it at school, word gets back and it hits the fan.




That's what I'd put my money on.




What kind of mom lets a 22 year old stranger stay in her house?




I reeealy doubt that somehow.

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Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




Actually, what I bet happened is the kid probably told the girl where the mom worked, the lady showed up randomly stalked the mom out for a bit, approached her, said something like I'm new blah blah blah need a place to say the moms like "yeah okay whatever if you pay rent" and the kid probably didn't say anything to his mom, then he brags about it at school, word gets back and it hits the fan.




That's what I'd put my money on.




What kind of mom lets a 22 year old stranger stay in her house?




I reeealy doubt that somehow.




A single mother with an assload of housework that never seems to get done whose 13 year old son never seems to help with since he's always on the computer? :x




I bet I could get a stranger to let me stay with them for a couple of weeks if I stalked them out a bit and knew enough about them to know what buttons to push.




Also, offering to pay them for that place to stay really gives incentive for the mother to do such a thing- maybe money is tight?




I can see this- and the kid should really be thanking his lucky starts that it was a semi-well intentioned crazy female instead of someone else that had the ability to traumatize him MUCH MUCH worse.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




Actually, what I bet happened is the kid probably told the girl where the mom worked, the lady showed up randomly stalked the mom out for a bit, approached her, said something like I'm new blah blah blah need a place to say the moms like "yeah okay whatever if you pay rent" and the kid probably didn't say anything to his mom, then he brags about it at school, word gets back and it hits the fan.




That's what I'd put my money on.




What kind of mom lets a 22 year old stranger stay in her house?




I reeealy doubt that somehow.




A single mother with an assload of housework that never seems to get done whose 13 year old son never seems to help with since he's always on the computer? :x




I bet I could get a stranger to let me stay with them for a couple of weeks if I stalked them out a bit and knew enough about them to know what buttons to push.




Also, offering to pay them for that place to stay really gives incentive for the mother to do such a thing- maybe money is tight?




I can see this- and the kid should really be thanking his lucky starts that it was a semi-well intentioned crazy female instead of someone else that had the ability to traumatize him MUCH MUCH worse.




That mother would have some serioius problems upstairs to do that, (and by upstairs I mean her head), but I guess it is possible. Though not smart.

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That mother would have some serioius problems upstairs to do that, (and by upstairs I mean her head), but I guess it is possible. Though not smart.




There are other hypothetical situations, though I doubt we'd be able to pick the right one out of a hat- say the kid goes to church, tells the 22 yo something like "we go to such and such church say you go there and you need a place to stay because your parents are kicking you out".




The kid reveals enough information, I'm sure the lady can run a good con.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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reread the news report guys.




It does not sound like rape at all. The girl flew over to where the kid is located and spend two week with him and his mother. Does that sound like rape to you? I am just guessing here, but it seems like it's a relationship (aby a sick one) that's been ongoing with the mother's consent. My best guess is that the kid brag to his friends "I hit a 22yr old lol" and it was overheard by the some more traditionally minded adult.

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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I could only dream of this when I was 13.


I know it is against the law but charge the women with three crimes ?


Only in America!




A guy in my school had a relationschip with a 21-year old while he was 15. No one made a problem out of that (except of the occasional jokes :P ).




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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OF course that mother is badly crazy,


but I dont understand why the 22 year old girl wants to live with and have sex with the 13 year boy, just because he is lvl 126 or something?


Master of Firemaking since 10-11-2007 Yes, I QUIT! =]

Master of Woodcutting since Christmas 2007

Completed all quests - Completed all achievement diaries.

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OF course that mother is badly crazy,


but I dont understand why the 22 year old girl wants to live with and have sex with the 13 year boy, just because he is lvl 126 or something?




Lmao that's so funny. :D

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Lmao that's so funny. Very Happy




You mean I'm the stuppid one here?




I know my English is bad :-k




I should have read wrong then :oops:


Master of Firemaking since 10-11-2007 Yes, I QUIT! =]

Master of Woodcutting since Christmas 2007

Completed all quests - Completed all achievement diaries.

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Lmao that's so funny. Very Happy




You mean I'm the stuppid one here?




I know my English is bad :-k




I should have read wrong then :oops:




You got the actual story right, however the funny thing I found was that you think she wants to have sex with the kid because he's combat level 126... When the actual fact is she's a pervert. :ohnoes:

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Free RS publicity ftw?




Anyway I think that it is the mother's fault to have allowed this to happen.


On the other hand, that boy is a god to young male teens everywhere.


But still, not acceptable.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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argh she is a paedophile! :(




I always thought only old dirty man of more than 65 year old where that awfull.




this makes the whole story a lot more clear to me but then I should blame the girl at least 60 percent.


Master of Firemaking since 10-11-2007 Yes, I QUIT! =]

Master of Woodcutting since Christmas 2007

Completed all quests - Completed all achievement diaries.

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reread the news report guys.




It does not sound like rape at all. The girl flew over to where the kid is located and spend two week with him and his mother. Does that sound like rape to you? I am just guessing here, but it seems like it's a relationship (aby a sick one) that's been ongoing with the mother's consent. My best guess is that the kid brag to his friends "I hit a 22yr old lol" and it was overheard by the some more traditionally minded adult.




The truth.




I wanna now the kids levels! 99 Slayer don't get me any hot 22 year old mentally unstable girls.




Its the state who's charging the girl and the kids mom. It's likely the kid bragged to someone and someone alerted the authorities.




She'll likely get off like the rest of the beautiful women who been involved in these crimes over the past few years. If it was a pimply faced male involved with a female, he's surely be facing life in jail.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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Blame it on the game. Next thing you know some terrorists are gunna blow up china, and the news will do a report on how the terrorists conversed over runescape to lay out a plan.




This may sound funny but it's the logical truth.


They could as well have met each other trough some other online communication-thingy.

No, I really don't play anymore.

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