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The "Add Me" Thread (New Format)


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[hide]there is currently a new format. This means if you want to be in the newer list, you must edit your post as well as make a new one saying you edited your post, with what group you belong to. Please read more below. :) [/hide]




So, recently I've gotten the feeling of there being nobody on my friends list who is actually my friend. I've searched high and low, through clans and forums, to find the right person. The right person who will CW with me, will go out to the highest wilderness in just a DDS and duel me to the death.




I want to find that companion, and I'm sure there are others who would just like their friends list to be a bit more green and yellow than just... red. In today's Runescape, most everything is singular, so it's rather difficult to make lifelong friends who will help you through hard times.




So, I thought.... Why not compile those people into one list? Everyone in that list would add each other, and possibly strike up a conversation and befriennd one another. I'm sure it would be a lot more fun than alching by yourself or chopping that wood without a few PMs.




After starting this... add me guild... I've come to realize that grouping some of the members together as skillers or pkers might prove beneficial for people who only want to add around 6 or 7 people to their list. When you post to join the Add Me Guild, you must also put yourself in 2 of these 5 categories, along with if you're f2p or p2p.




-Skiller (One who spends most of their time working on skills)


-CWer (One who spends most of their time doing "fun" activities)


-PKer (One who either inactively or actively kills other players)


-Merchanter (One who merchants)


-Slayer (Killing Monsters / Training)




So, in order to join this... add me guild...




1- Post your RS name here, along with what group


2- Add EVERYONE currently on the list to your own


3- Turn private chat ON


4- Profit!




I'll update the post once every day, so add the people who are NOT on the list as well.








The list will obviously get too big to add EVERYONE. Try to add as many people as possible, but make SURE you add the last 3-4 people that posted in the topic. This will allow you to find an active player faster. :wink:
















jade slayer6












Gaia Chef (p2p)






















Gaia Chef (p2p)

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Halo2_Rocks7, add me :)


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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x1992x aka Rasmus Rasmussen, add me :thumbsup: ::'

My private chat is always ON.

Winner of The Tip.It Teamcape Outfit Contest!

6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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Hmmm, your story is all too true for me. Because I have taken several long-term breaks I have almost no one on my friendslist that is ever online and it can be kind of lonely. I guess I'll give it a shot.








Cw, skiller, slayer.

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My RSN is Krivlad. 8-)




Add me and PM me a HYT! :D




I would best be suited in the Slayer group, as I am always on an endless quest of building up my skills.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Someone already had a giant list like this...what was his name he was in SODB


Anyways the list had like 200+ people


I never did find this even after searching quite some time.

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Heh, I added you a few days ago because of a reply you made in another thread, but you haven't been on for me. Add me, Um Bong0. (it's bongo, not bong.)


Edit: Skiller/Cwer (P2p)








Supportmage is a nub, he just watched the Sandwhich Lady K.O. me while we were fishing Monks :lol: Damn that baguette!


And Halo2 Rocks7 is a scammer! I let him use my Pharoah's Sceptre to turn off Ancients and you know what..... He gave it back!! :XD:


But serisouly, Halo2 Rocks7 is cool, he taught me how to do Barrows. :P


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Someone already had a giant list like this...what was his name he was in SODB


Anyways the list had like 200+ people


I never did find this even after searching quite some time.




I was just looking for it, no luck


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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