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The Ethics of Advertising in Game?


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I can just see it now...








From dgaskdnle: Hey how you doing today ghandi?







To dgaskdnle: Ehm wdh mate?








LMAO! If that happens, then I think I am going to be quitting.

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I was just thinking about this the other day. I think it would be great to raise revenue, and I'd imagine it to be like a soccer match. By this I mean you have billboards on the sidelines somewhere in-game (most likely a highly populated area like Falador or Varrock) and put the company's name on there/have it animate or something.








I like that idea the best.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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If advertisements are made as that Citroen symbol flag, then it could blend in with the RS atmosphere and still bring another product to people's minds. Maybe bring in more money to Jagex so they can hire more staff and work on updates even more. :)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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If advertisements are made as that Citroen symbol flag, then it could blend in with the RS atmosphere and still bring another product to people's minds. Maybe bring in more money to Jagex so they can hire more staff and work on updates even more. :)








I would just like to say... you got one hell of an imagination, though that is really cool :wink:


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  • 1 year later...

i can see it now me pking in the wild when all of a sudden


WE INTERRUPT this pking seession to bring u raisin bran its a combanation of raisin and bran in one convenient box!!!!(followed by a really cheesy cut scene of 2 kids eating raisin bran)*read really fast*sold at participating retailers everywhere product not sold in japan in association with jagex compoany






the horrror :ohnoes:


Dont laugh at my stats!!!!

Fear me I can own ZEZIMA!!!


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ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ Armours with symbols.


ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ Shop Names.


ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ Subliminal Messages. :roll:


ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ Patterns or Designs




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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If Jagex decide to do so, I think i will quit Runescape! I hate all these banners that is all over the net! If Jagex isn't happy with having banners over the game, around it and evrywer else, And put it into the game too, I'm sure I'm gonna quit. :x



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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First of all, if they did in-game ads, it would probably look more like Anarchy Online, not Neopets.




Second, Runescape isn't technically a medieval setting. It's an alternate world, like: Ragnarok, Tolkien, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, etc. It may have elements of medieval technology and legend, but it certainly isn't limited to that.




Third, the banners that you speak of are very simple in nature. Sure, they resemble the Citroen logo, but they also resemble any of a number of other things. The banner also looks like the logo on a Sargeant's uniform, but I doubt that it's a recruitment ad for the army, either. Mere co-incidence.




I wrote a long series of posts about Ad-Sponsored Play a while back. One of the links is here:








Any interested readers could do a search for more on that topic by using my username as a keyword.




The point is, in-game ads could be a good thing, too. It would allow so-called free-to-play server-worlds to bring in more revenue for Jagex, and would give them a reason (co-branding) to make more frequent and more substantial changes to those worlds.

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What's funny about stumbling on this topic, is I just read an article about RuneScape's advertising on GameSpot not too long ago. Since I'm too lazy to go find a link to the article at this point in time, I'll just sum it up for you in a cozy little paragraph.




Basically, RuneScape and WildTangent will offer advertising during the game's loading screen, or such, from what I caught of it. The problem is WildTangent is just another name for that pesky "Gator" thing that caused so many people, so many problems not long ago.




EDIT: I got unlazy and found the link.



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Here's the WildTangent article:




WildTangent Sells Ads in Runescape Online Game




Jagex Ltd, creators of online multiplayer game RuneScape, has signed a deal allowing WildTangent exclusive rights to sell ads within Runescape. WildTangent will drive subscriptions of RuneScape through the WildTangent Games Network, a distribution channel that reaches over 20 million consumer PCs.




Now, Wild Tangent has begun selling both video and banner sponsorships to run before game sessions of RuneScape, as well as in-between levels of the game, Mediaweek reports. According to Wild Tangent executive vp of sales, Dave Madden, product placement with actual game play - an increasingly popular tactic when marketing to gamers, will not be employed as part of the deal, thus to not disrupt RuneScape's inherent medieval fantasy.




WildTangent has signed on several top name brands to run ads in RuneScape, including Coca-Cola, Sony Entertainment and the U.S. Navy.




According to a Jagex release, over the past 12 months, RuneScape has surpassed The Sims Online, Everquest, and Star Wars Galaxies in monthly subscriptions. Predominantly aged 14 - 24, RuneScape's audience exceeds 4 million monthly players in the U.S. and over 9 million globally. To date, the property has remained untouched by advertisers in the U.S.

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Probably be like a new random where you have to eat burgers from Bk or something.




and then bring out player weight as well :


you eat the Beef BUrger Surprise (burger king TM)


you now wieght 1562 kg

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Well I for one am properly chastised.




I really need to stop getting worked up over these things and remember that Jagex ultimately consists of human beings who, contrary to popular belief, actually do care what happens to their players.




When all you see is text on the screen, its all too easy to forget that fact.

If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
Join the petition for a new bank page layout!


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about that citro-whatever thingy on the first page... you guys have noticed that that is the symbol of kandarin, a kingdom of which, ardougne is the capital. just thought i bring that up.

I couldn't care less if he was Andrew Gower himself, I just don't like arrogant smegheads.
*in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons* best. quote. EVER! :thumbsup:
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Wow there seems to be some serious jumping to conclusions here!




There isn't going to be in game advertising, and nobody said anything about increasing the amounts of adverts, or spyware. I can't believe you think we'd sell out like that.




All it is, is some of the already existing advertising space which is *already on the website* is going to be being sold by a different company. As a player you should barely notice the difference, except hopefully the ads might be a bit more relevant (e.g more of the adverts being for things that actually interest you)

That qoute was made by andrew the JaGex one




So basicly the little window they have at the top of f2p screens is changeing from one company to another i think

Just an average player with a horrible name...

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