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Question for the women on here.


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Though the men on here will probably be giving their opinion as well, I have no problem with that ;).




This is definitely a sore topic for me,especially at such a young age..and it is definitely something that damages my self confidence alot,even when i know i am a decent looking fellow (for any of you who wants to see pictures,to compare me with "more" and me with "less" hair)..just let me know someway..and i will *cough* pm you the link to my photobucket page,since i am aware putting 'em on here is not allowed *cough*.




Currently,I am nineteen years old..and ever since I hit the eighteen,I have noticed a definite receding hairline..I didn't think much of it first..but as time went on,it definitely bothered me more and more..while generally,guys try to hold on to their hair as long as they can,and try to hide it when they are loosing some..I am not about to turn into one of 'em..once I noticed it started getting bad..I shaved my whole head,since I do believe it is the best look for one going through it.




What i am getting to here,and I feel kind of ridiculous asking it,especially since it is such a sore subject for me..do you,women..find the hair,or rather..lack of..important enough not to be attracted to a person ? (already starting to feel silly I am asking)..but,I mean..is hair important to you ?..would you not be attracted to a guy with no hair,or does it not make alot of difference..when looking at other features ?




erhm,yeah..I suppose that is it..for now. :oops:

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Why listen to our opinions? There are women out there who absolutely adore baldies. I mean seriously, no dandruff problems, just wax on wax off.




Get a few tats, ride a Harley, shave it all off and you'll look appealing... to me anyway :XD:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Why not listen to your opinions ?..Always nice to hear new thoughts regarding this,even when i am aware there are alot of different feelings about the matter.




I am just curious how you feel on the subject..you have no idea how much it can affect your self esteem at times,I am not going to feel sorry for myself since there are much worse things out there,but it does.




and I already have two tats..no harley yet..and i shaved it off already. :P

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looks are important yes, butnot everyone likes the same type of person.


some like baldies- me personally i couldn't care less whether someone is bald(my hubby is receeeding alot)




a personality means alot more to me, than looks :thumbsup:

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

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Out of curiosity though, can I see it? :P




as you wish.




and yes,i would like to believe personality is worth alot more in most cases.




i see losing your hair as a sign of getting old,while i am still..very young..it is hard to be confident at times when the thought of losing your hair can't seem to be able to shoo out of my mind. :P

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You have an attractive face so it doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t matter about the hair.




Btw personally I'm not saying this to make you feel better but in my opinion you look better with the short hair than the long hair.




Long hair I wouldn't have noticed you but if you walked by with your shaved head it brings your face out more and I probably would've given you a second look.




Btw I reckon you'd suit an eyebrow ring.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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You have an attractive face so it doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t matter about the hair.




Btw personally I'm not saying this to make you feel better but in my opinion you look better with the short hair than the long hair.




Long hair I wouldn't have noticed you but if you walked by with your shaved head it brings your face out more and I probably would've given you a second look.




Btw I reckon you'd suit an eyebrow ring.




Thank you..I better keep it shaved then. :P




As for the eyebrow piercing thing,I was actually considering getting one,in my left eyebrow,most likely a barbell..to even things out,just haven't gotten to it yet.




And Bubsa,I didn't see that one..but I am certain it was an interesting enough thread. :anxious:

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Where's that thread with that kid who was fretting about losing his hair awhile back? I think we all gave some great advice to him, remember? :P




GOOD advice?!?!?! I didn't think that was possible on Tipit forums.






Anywhoo, I know a class of boys who shaved their heads because a kid in their class had his head shaved due to cancer. None of them cared about how it affected their appearances, I'm sure you don't need to bother. As Goddess said, there are women who adore baldies.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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My cousin's husband is going on bald prematurely, and that's one of the things she married him for! If you're that worried about it, there's different treatments, shampoos, and creams you can get at drugstores to help grow back some of that hair. My uncle uses Rogain Foam.

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You're right about it being the best look for when your losing hair. I don't think it makes a ig difference for the girls, if they like your personality, your hair won't matter at all.






Look at howie, everyone loves howie and his lack of hair and everything. But nobody would love him if he was an asswhole. And people who love him as much if he had or hadn't any hair, actually I think his lack of hair makes him more distinguishable from everyone else :)




I also saw a Tv show about this, idk oprah can't remember, that when asked about it, women find bald men to look more intelligent naturally than the other men.




Think of all the actors that are bald and that people just love. Vin diesel, patrick steward, bruce willis, and so on.

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If you can find someone like Ikkaku's girlfriend you'll be settled for life. :wink:

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




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Baldylocks and the three hairs :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Sean Connery started balding at an early age, too, so don't feel bad. :wink: But, like everyone else has said, it's really your personality that matters more. And if someone doesn't like you because you don't have hair, then be glad you got rid of them soon. :P




Also, pics please? :anxious:




Edit: You look pretty good with hair that short. :wink:

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If you're that worried about it, there's different treatments, shampoos, and creams you can get at drugstores to help grow back some of that hair. My uncle uses Rogain Foam.




Thanks for the advice,but things like that are absolutely rubbish,and come with certain side-effects..as much as my loss of hair saddens me,I am not about to try and keep the hair I have with certain drugs which will affect me in other ways,I will just deal with it. :)




Thank you for the nice words,the rest of you..t'is much appreciated.




Check your pm's..llcoolguy. :P

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To be honest, I'm a big fan of hair. Longer shaggy hair is especially attractive to me. However, I would never rule someone out based just on their hair, like I wouldn't for any other physical characteristic.




One of my friends realized a couple of years ago that he was starting to bald, and started using one of those expensive treatment things - and it's worked. He hasn't lost any more hair :D But you need to start early (BEFORE you lose the hair) if you want it to work (the commercials lie). It *has* worked for him. I think the general idea is that you can't actually build up new hair, but you can help retain the hair you already have. But only do what makes you feel comfortable. :D And don't stress too much :D

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Just say you have cancer. that also hooks the ladies :thumbsup: . Nah, Im just kidding. but who needs hair? I shave my head, I feel good about it.


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I mean..is hair important to you ?


well not really, i mean come on, the hair has to match like her at least, i mean image putting someones hair on somebody else, would look kinda weird right? i mean seriously, try looking at 2 people, and switching their hair styles...




and im a guy :D


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Each girl has a different opinion on what is attractive and what is not. Some of us may like bald men and others may find it truly revolting. You should just be yourself and if you are a nice enough guy then a women won't be that bothered about what you look like. Personality always wins through in the end.

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