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I thought she was also a senior?




If she's a senior she is 17/18. If she's a freshman she is 14/15.




Oh and thanks to checking TIF finally ( <3: Albosky ) I just got reminded to read that last page.




This is the American usage of freshman and senior. :P

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15 sounds about right... and it depends where you are.




I am going to admit it now, I am the resident pervert.




Hahaha, you got nothing on me. :P


Well maybe you do have something on me. Drawings of 15 year olds with low cut jeans, thongs(?), and tatoos don't really do anything for me.

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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Ya, I thought she was younger, like Tom's little sister (15ish or so). Now it seems like she's gaining six months a panel.




Seriously, how much older does she look in that picture? Might just be the angling, but it's like she got three years older since the last time we saw her.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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15 sounds about right... and it depends where you are.




I am going to admit it now, I am the resident pervert.




Trust me, I'm waay more of a pervert than you. if you ask me to prove it, you and I will probably both be permanently banned :XD:




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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I want to know more about the car-psycho! =(


I've got no idea about what's behind the new character, enlighten me? =S


It's a Em-attraction ploy. Emily hasn't had any incentive in a long time (not since Cassiel) to make a move on Ash. This need for an incentive stems from the fact that she feels insecure about her sexuality when she thinks about her relationship with Ash, so unless she has some reason, she doesn't want to try getting involved with female version Ash. And yet, she still wants to get involved, thus if someone else starts getting closer to Ash, she feels a stronger incentive to make a move, and quicker. You know, protect her turf and whatnot.




Basically, regarding their relationship the introduction of the Chinese girl is parallel to the introduction of Cassiel. (1) Girl appears like she could be attracted to Ash, (2) the [wrong] information gets to Emily, and (3) Emily reacts in an uncharacteristly rash way. Most likely, her action is going to be a bit more significant than a simple confirmation phone call, if you know what I mean :-w .




Understand? Yes, I jabber monotonously, I know, tell me if you need a translation.




Anyone want to bet cookies for or against me? We don't even know what Ash is going to say in reponse to the the Chinese girl yet, so there's still a good chance I could be wrong. Anyone, anyone? :P




Ooh, great idea! I'll bet cookies for you, definitely. However, I'm still interested in car-psycho and what he's gonna be doing, as that seems like a really cool/wierd/interesting storyline. I mean, Ash meets guy. Guy talks to cars. Ash falls in love? Likely not, but amazing friendship on the way perhaps.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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15 sounds about right... and it depends where you are.




I am going to admit it now, I am the resident pervert.




Hahaha, you got nothing on me. :P


Well maybe you do have something on me. Drawings of 15 year olds with low cut jeans, thongs(?), and tatoos don't really do anything for me.




this is now a whos the biggest perv contest.. GO!




She wants to see ash's engine! wooo!!!!! I'm sure thats twistable into some form of innuendo.

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Or maybe she's just into cars. I just found out somewhere near the time when it updates, so I'll be reading them quick after they're out now.




Either she's actually into cars, or she just wants to get in Ash's pants and thinks that that's the fastest way to go. And I think something's gonna get going here, but Emily might have some problems with that... Slapfight time. =D




EDIT: Wow, she looks really young in that picture. I'm gonna have to lean towards her being somewhere 'round fifteen...


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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More like she turned 15 8 months ago.




I do bet 10 cookies on (2) the [wrong] information gets to Emily,. Seems it will happen in 4 weeks. =/




Omg, I've been infected now, thanks flying.-.-




Me too, ten cookies. I'll give good odds, too. =D


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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Haha... "Woke up one morning to discover you're not the person you thought you were"... Irony ftw. Has anyone thought that this could perhaps be yet another of Rumi's mistakes? It's unlikely, but of course possible.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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Haha... "Woke up one morning to discover you're not the person you thought you were"... Irony ftw. Has anyone thought that this could perhaps be yet another of Rumi's mistakes? It's unlikely, but of course possible.
Yeah, never tought of that.


Let's see what happens in the next comic, i bet the he leaves us in a cliffhanger. :ohnoes:

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Don't he always, though? I'll admit, this is a better oppurtunity than most, though. =(


Cliffhangers = ftl.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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Don't he always, though? I'll admit, this is a better oppurtunity than most, though. =(


Cliffhangers = ftl.


Cliffhangers = reason why it's so popular/addicting.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Omg, I've been infected now, thanks flying.-.-




What did I do?




Your sig.




I make sure to report every post i see made by you now =)




EDIT:Yay, a mod censored the link =) Now you phail, although you did that anyways.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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We haven't seen Vash in a while. . . just thought of that. . .




Yeah... He's gonna cliffhanger us on the Ash bit, then go back to Vash and the Archon...


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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@flying, your signature, and at superson, it's always been [censoredurl].




Holy [bleep][bleep] jesus! Cmon! get to the sex already!








Sorry but that had to be done, or my life wouldn't be complete.




8 hours till we find out... :-#




Who will last? Who will die?

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