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Another ridiculous child punishment


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I don't have an article but i just saw it on the news. A 13 year old boy in Arizona got suspended for several days for drawing a picture of a book in his notebook. The book had featured a drawing of a gun, and he drew the picture because he was watching the movie Anastasia and had just seen the royal family assasinated with guns. He is a 13 year old boy. They doodle. But now he has been suspended for several days. I personally think its ridiculous because the drawing was based on the movie they were watching in the class. He shouldn't have been punished that severely for that. What is up with government these days? This is like the girl who got arrested for writing okay on her desk. What do you think they'll do next? Care to discuss? or is this a waste of a topic

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It was in a history class or something it was about the Russian revolution. The kid had no intent of crime or even thought about re-enacting any part of the movie.

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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well believe what you want to believe. whether he had intent or not , i still think its very ridiculous to get punished severely for doodling. It would be an entirely different story if he actually had a gun.

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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Its understandable....guns are like aids in schools(pretty much)




A kid in my elementary school got expelled for a week for drawing something that resembled a squirtgun(with the cheesy colors aswell...)




Kinda sad...








btw, the elementary school thing was a long time ago. I am NOT in elementary school


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I propose the staff responsible be euthanised.








On-topic: I once drew a very grotesque picture of soldiers lying pools of blood for a history project on WWI, and all my teacher did was laugh.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I live in Arizona and heard about this today.




Some kid was just doodiling a gun in class. Got suspended for 5 days, but parents haggled down to 3.

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actually this punishment isnt as stupid as others. This boy is an IDIOT and hes 13, he should know he'd get punsihed for drawing a gun. If in CANADA they punish you, U.S.A wont be any different. I know lots of people in my surrounding area suspending for gun related things(bringing cape guns to school, drawing , etc )

--Quit--(As of December 22th, 2007)

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Wow, if a simple drawing of a gun can do this, they better not see my stick man comics :ohnoes: Bombs blowig up, heads and other limbs come off, blood everywhere. swords, guns, strangulation, it's all there in glorious black & white, lined paper stick figure fashion.


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That school should be sued by the parents. That is ridiculous.




Let's see, what all did I doodle in school?








Grenade Launchers


flame throwers


rocket launcers






bows and arrows




civil war battles with little dead soldiers covered in blood all over the field


a cartoon of two stick men fighting and then they get blown up by an artillery shell




Fighter jets




stealth fighters


WWII tanks and airplanes


WWI tanks


throwing stars


bowie knives


stiletto knives




butterfly knives




and I'm sure the list goes on but thats all I can think of off the top of my head. I guess I would have been expelled at that school. I can't even fathom how they can justify suspending a kid for drawing a picture of a gun. I mean what rule did he even break? That's crazy.

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