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Another ridiculous child punishment


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:shock: :shock: :shock:




That could as well be some kind of badly drawn building, let alone a gun. I'd get done by the FBI if they say some of mine. People drew some pretty nasty things around the school maps we got given when we joined, yet the teachers didn't give a second thought, they'd seen it all before.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Because this country is turning into an extremely paranoid POS. Every small thing gets someone in trouble.




Mishaps with names, looks, drawings, it's pathetic and sickening to see this happen. :notalk:

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Here is a picture of the offending drawing








Wow, that kid is obviously a nutter. I thought it was a simple AK-47, a shotgun or perhaps an MP-5, but that?? They should just put him on the chair, he's a menace for society.

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Here is a picture of the offending drawing












Ok first off, that in noway looks remotely close to a gun iv seen...




and i fail to see how this kid got caught....if i looked over at him drawing that..i would have been like...uh ok... :-w




EDIT: in a way..it reminds me of The old lady that lived in a shoe...


i meen there is a person on the roof..and two kids are hanging by a rope were the supposed trigger goes...so...all i can say..






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I draw crap like that all the time in school. My Principal even looked over my shoulder and asked what I was drawing. I told her. It was a Greek Army vs. Modern day. I even drew people on fire. She said I was very 'artistic' and went around and looked at all the other student's drawings.




I think that's stupid, though. The question you should be asking is who told on him. Whoever told on him knew he'd get in trouble whether it was a teacher or a student.








Oh my god. That kid needs to be put away. I can't believe he drew that! That picture obviously shows he wants to take smiley faces on an odd cruise ship with windows down the middle and people swinging off of it into the ocean below. I don't see the gun they're talking about. Is it in one of the passenger's suitcase?


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*yawn*....don't schools in America suspend people when they actually do something wrong or is writing on desks the biggest thing that happens over there :o




I mean..come on! If i look on desks at my school there is much worse things and no one has been suspended at all.


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Guest geeman122

i kid in my school got susspended for a week for having a a shirt that said ship happens what is this world coming to.

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Holy...This was in elementary school right, i did way worse things and i never even got suspended. I also drew guns on my notebooks. There was even a project wherre we watched Last of the Mohicans and like half the class drew guns. Lighten up people. None of us have yet killed anyone!!


I know your're amazed!! :thumbsup: \'


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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I once stole a very long wood-screw from the Woodshop class, gave it to a female teacher ([bleep] ftw), and said "Wanna Screw?"




She laughed it off, and we eventually went out for coffee.








Ontopic -


I'd like to see a link for this story you are telling us

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i kid in my school got susspended for a week for having a a shirt that said ship happens what is this world coming to.




Oh good I was thinking about buying that shirt before :-w




My friend was made to change his shirt because there was a halo guy on it with a rocket launcher :-k


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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I'm thinking he was suspended for drawing in a text book rather than drawing a gun and he just happened to have drawn a gun so the news did a story on it to get more ratings. Since a kid getting suspended is soooo interesting :roll:

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I'm thinking he was suspended for drawing in a text book rather than drawing a gun and he just happened to have drawn a gun so the news did a story on it to get more ratings. Since a kid getting suspended is soooo interesting :roll:
That's even more [developmentally delayed]ed than the story at hand. 5 days for drawing in a book... ok. I hope you never come into the position of being able to make those kinds of punishments otherwise I'd be willing to bet you'd suspend people for breathing as it signified possible verbal assult :uhh:






/yourself now and save the gene pool.

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actually this punishment isnt as stupid as others. This boy is an IDIOT and hes 13, he should know he'd get punsihed for drawing a gun. If in CANADA they punish you, U.S.A wont be any different. I know lots of people in my surrounding area suspending for gun related things(bringing cape guns to school, drawing , etc )




What do you mean in "Canada they punish you"?

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A key comment must be raised about why some seem to view drawing as something that is 'wrong'.




Some of you have made the comment "I've done heaps worse things". The point is not in what you've done that's worse - rather, that what was done was not morally 'incorrect' in the first place.




Drawing is not a crime.




Drawing in a school textbook? That'd just be against school rules. Yet again, not worth a suspension. Not even worth a walk to the principal's worth. Hell, I'd say it doesn't even merit a comment from a teacher because everyone does it.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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One time in 8th grade I wrote a story, along with drawing some pictures, about how I wanted to kill my teacher and what I wanted to do with the body after she was dead. I went into great detail. It was for a writing assignment so I had to go up to the front of the class and read it. In the end everyone, including the teacher, just laughed and laughed. I didn't even get a slap on the wrist.

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Drawing in a school textbook? That'd just be against school rules. Yet again, not worth a suspension. Not even worth a walk to the principal's worth. Hell, I'd say it doesn't even merit a comment from a teacher because everyone does it.
Worst we would have to do is cost of the book. But since half of them are in [cabbage] condition to begin with they generally don't even bother... unless you like took to half a dozen pages with a perm marker or something insane :uhh:
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I once stole a very long wood-screw from the Woodshop class, gave it to a female teacher ([bleep] ftw), and said "Wanna Screw?"




She laughed it off, and we eventually went out for coffee.







Ontopic -


I'd like to see a link for this story you are telling us




I totally believe this.




Nothing attracts an intellectual school teacher more than completely inane sexual inuendo's!

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