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Another ridiculous child punishment


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Wow, if a simple drawing of a gun can do this, they better not see my stick man comics :ohnoes: Bombs blowig up, heads and other limbs come off, blood everywhere. swords, guns, strangulation, it's all there in glorious black & white, lined paper stick figure fashion.






Wow I remember when me and friends had contests in class to create the best one.

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I suppose it shows how different schools can be. One school suspends pupils for drawing guns, and in my school we have clay pigeon shooting lessons!




we made clay dildo's and bongs in art class.




:lol: With or without the teacher knowing?




Or was it some kind of weird sex-ed/art crossover lesson?

~ W ~



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I suppose it shows how different schools can be. One school suspends pupils for drawing guns, and in my school we have clay pigeon shooting lessons!




we made clay dildo's and bongs in art class.




:lol: With or without the teacher knowing?




Or was it some kind of weird sex-ed/art crossover lesson?




my friend made a wooden dildo in shop class with the teacher knowing lol

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actually this punishment isnt as stupid as others. This boy is an IDIOT and hes 13, he should know he'd get punsihed for drawing a gun. If in CANADA they punish you, U.S.A wont be any different. I know lots of people in my surrounding area suspending for gun related things(bringing cape guns to school, drawing , etc )




I'm 19 and would never dream of getting in the slightest amount of trouble for doodling a gun.






I mean, I can understand perhaps if it was a very violent picture (in the light of what happened at Virginia Tech) but a lone gun I wouldn't imagine being bad.






This is just a good example of paranoia. I used to doodle random stuff all the time as a kid, usually what I saw in my surroundings.

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That school should be sued by the parents. That is ridiculous.




That is ridiculous, what will it achieve?




I do agree he should not be suspended and the teacher who reported him should have had a bit more common sense.




If gun crime were not as rife as it is in some parts of the usa, maybe people would not be as paranoid as they are.




just my opinion



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That school should be sued by the parents. That is ridiculous.




That is ridiculous, what will it achieve?




I do agree he should not be suspended and the teacher who reported him should have had a bit more common sense.




If gun crime were not as rife as it is in some parts of the usa, maybe people would not be as paranoid as they are.




just my opinion






maybe if people werent as paranoid as they are gun crimes wouldnt be as rife in the usa lol

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What the...anyone who says he should get punished is a complete idiot, what's going to happen next people getting expelled for using sticks as pretend guns?! It's gone way too far now, how does drawing a gun lead to anything, he was bored, he saw a gun he drew it, not like he saw the gun and though hmm better go about drawing my master plan to shoot up the school...


Sig by me....

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In fifth grade, one of my classmates drew a gun in art class. He got sent out into the hall, where the teacher lectured him about how you aren't allowed to draw guns where I live.


In sixth grade, we were learning about the European conquest of America. We had to draw this big thing, depicting what happened. One of my classmates asked my teacher if they had guns/rifles/whatever already, and she said yes, and told us to draw some. So I did. And it helped me get an A. No punishment.


Currently, my friends and I draw swords/old weapons all the time at school. Do we get punished? Not even close.




I disagree with the punishment this boy got. MAYBE a little talk with the teacher at the most. I'd like to take a look at that school's rule book. If they even have one. I'm pretty sure I can't find "Thou aren't allowed to draw thy gun in thy school" in there. If I could, then geez...Strict school...But still a dumb rule.


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Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Wow, if a simple drawing of a gun can do this, they better not see my stick man comics :ohnoes: Bombs blowig up, heads and other limbs come off, blood everywhere. swords, guns, strangulation, it's all there in glorious black & white, lined paper stick figure fashion.




Hehe, you probably would get lynched over in Arizona for that. Reminds me of 1984 by George Orwell. Everything is controlled, no one can do anything that te government considers out of bounds.




Who's up for an anarchistic pillaging and pyromaniac adventure?

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I was suspended in second grade for bringing my toy rifle to class. :lol: But a simple drawing? They should have seen the picture I made in art class, a magazine put together of a gun shooting prezident Bush! :twisted: I got an A on that project too.



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You gotta be kidding me


I always draw on my books and sometimes on my table

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I always used to doodle little tanks and army soldiers when I was younger, but the teachers couldn't care less about it. But this guy, yeesh! :o



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Oh well, tough luck. Cry me a river, there's more important things going on. Kids should stop doing things that they shouldn't be doing. The kid will live and get over it and if they don't...who cares?

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Should have drawn a robot with guns for arms shooting at a plane made of guns that fires guns at other guns.







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Sorry I fail to see how drawing can be wrong.




To everyone who says it was justified to suspend a child or that there was some modicum of sense to it - get a reality check.




It's a drawing.




If there's a rule against drawing guns in school I hereby put forth the tacit suggestion that it is a ridiculous rule and should be nullified because it's just a waste of time.




I repeat.




It is a drawing.




A drawing. People draw. I could draw a thousand dead men in my notebook at school, and you know what I would say if a teacher tried to get me in trouble?




I would ask them what exactly was wrong with it. There's pictures of dead people in it? Yep. So? What's wrong with that?




I would also raise a few quiet questions as to their common-sense.




I repeat.




It is a drawing.




Whatever school this was, I have to say it's a bloody stupid one.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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Oh well, tough luck. Cry me a river, there's more important things going on. Kids should stop doing things that they shouldn't be doing. The kid will live and get over it and if they don't...who cares?




You'll care when this happens to your kid, assuming you live in the US when/if you have kids... Put yourself in his shoes. You can't limit a person's freedom regardless of his age by restricting his right to draw.




Instead of concentrating on the "more important things" like you said, like the teachers concentrating on teaching the kids something they could actually use later in life, they're doing this, which is a horrible waste of resources and taxpayer money.

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