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Obviously most of the Americans here such as deloriagod have never experienced the feeling where you are walking home at 2am and you're surrounded by about 40 chavs that want you to "just lend dem some muney for sum smack" and "we won't pull your hair or ought". I'd really like to see some of your fake jabs in an incident there deloria, you're such a hardass though I bet you'd beat them all.




You're damn right I can take them :roll:




We do have gangs here in America, but I guess you're not much of a man if you and all your buddies have to get together to beat someone up. 1 v 1 is the only way to fight imo. Throw in a buddy and you're a pansy.




You misunderstood me, that happened to me-and believe me none of your moves help in a situation like that.




you act like people dont get bullied by "gangs" in America, deloia was talking about a fight with 1 person, your talking about a 40 man beat down. 40 people not even trained in boxing can take out mike tyson




Actually I think it was me that made this topic (not you) about being bullied not 1v1 fights and that was how I was bullied, and I am telling deloria that his moves don't help atall if you're surrounded by a group of 40 people.

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del, I swear i've never seen someone play up to a stereotype of himself so much before in my life, but trust me when you're facing a gang of juvenile kids with knives you give them whatever the hell they want. That's just common sense. In the papers in the UK recently there've been loads of reports of fatal stabbings and shootings of kids, often very young. Krav maga is probably the best martial art to defend yourself against knife attacks but even then most experts wouldn't ever take on a knife attack unless they had to. Knife attacks get messy, fast.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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del, I swear i've never seen someone play up to a stereotype of himself so much before in my life, but trust me when you're facing a gang of juvenile kids with knives you give them whatever the hell they want. That's just common sense. In the papers in the UK recently there've been loads of reports of fatal stabbings and shootings of kids, often very young. Krav maga is probably the best martial art to defend yourself against knife attacks but even then most experts wouldn't ever take on a knife attack unless they had to. Knife attacks get messy, fast.




It was sarcasm.. I'm not [developmentally delayed]ed, I know I can't take on 40 guys at once :roll:

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Well, I've never really been bullied, as I have been homeschooled for all my life. I've been asked in the past whether I'd like to change that by going to a school, but I've always declined. I really like it at home, its alot more laid back. I have a nice, tight group of friends I've met though. We all have each others backs, I'm sure that if somebody tried to bully me/them in front of them/me they'd be eating about a half-dozen knuckle sandwiches right quick.




And maybe a few knees to the groin. :anxious:


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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Only ever been bullied twice and both times were in Primary School (Ages 5 - 11), The first time I can't really remember. It was from a Pakistani (sp?) kid in the year above me. Basically he got bullied badly and what he went through he tried to pass to me. Luckily for me, my mother cared a lot about me and noticed changes in me, so I told her about and she sorted it out with his parents.




Second time was from a 'Cool kid' wannabe, he's always been a [puncture]. Basically he used to torment me by saying he was gonna beat me up after school. Again I told my mother and it didn't really escalate (sp?) too much.




After I got into High School (11 - 18) I just sorta kept to myself and my group of friends. We were the big guys who liked playing wrestling. Funny that we probably done more damage to each other than the real wrestlers done to themselves. I avoided the first and second year fights, basically it was the 'cool kids' fighting for superiority. Sure I might have won a few fights, but honestly I didn't see the point in it. By the time I hit 4th year and age 16 I was pretty much fully grown. Just under 6ft and built heavy, so no one again bothered. I had one run in with the second bully from primary school in physics class. He was blocking the door and pretending to be amusing. He didn't block the door for long as I was bigger, stronger and wasn't really going to take his crap.




I'm not a tough guy, I'm not a bully, I'd say I'm more of a peacekeeper. I only fight when I have to and most of the time I'll avoid it completely.




You're mentioning a group of chavs, that happens regularly up here even at my age. They hang around the shops and ask people to buy them drink or '[bleep]s'. Most of the time I sarcastic no will suffice. When I do that they know it'd be too much trouble for them to do anything. Only once has one tried to block my path, I just walked straight past and nudged them out of the way.




I know it sounds like I'm overly confident in these situations, believe me. I'm far from it. Anytime I see those kids I always think they're gonna take a swing at me or something. I just simply don't care.




Well that was long winded, feel free to ask any questions about anything I've said because to be honest, I'd rather answer questions than be called a [puncture] like Mr 6ft Muscle. :-w


Notoriously Trollish.

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I dont get bullied, I bully.




Revenge will be exacted upon you by way of the sword, until you are bucking, braying and pawing at the floor for mercy.




Meh, I don't believe in revenge. ::'




One day he'll realize it's wrong and stop. There's no point in causing more hate.

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Ooohhhhh, I remember now, I was bullied when I was five. Was my first year at primary school, and this kid, was a year or two older then me. He made me first few weeks at school so [cabbage] I hated it. I guess I kinda repressed it, haha. I used to hide under the desk in the corridor and not go outside. :(




My mum went down to school and sorted him out face to face, didn't talk to his parents, she talked to him. He didn't give me crap every again.




Funny thing is though, I grew up to be much bigger then him, and ran into him when I was in intermediate, I don't think he recognised me, but took all of my will power to not deck him, quite proud of myself for that.

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I dont get bullied, I bully.




Revenge will be exacted upon you by way of the sword, until you are bucking, braying and pawing at the floor for mercy.




Meh, I don't believe in revenge. ::'




One day he'll realize it's wrong and stop. There's no point in causing more hate.




IMO sooner or later every bully will overestimate his own strength and try to pick on someone a lot stronger than they think.




Perfect example: Scott Le vs Cameron Flores, google it if you want.

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We do have gangs here in America, but I guess you're not much of a man if you and all your buddies have to get together to beat someone up. 1 v 1 is the only way to fight imo. Throw in a buddy and you're a pansy.


What, this the RuneScape Honor System in real life now?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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We do have gangs here in America, but I guess you're not much of a man if you and all your buddies have to get together to beat someone up. 1 v 1 is the only way to fight imo. Throw in a buddy and you're a pansy.


What, this the RuneScape Honor System in real life now?




Considering I don't play Runescape.. I have no clue what you're talking about. I'm just saying you'd be a pansy to need a buddy to take on a single guy. If you can't fight someone man to man then why the hell fight? And why the hell drag your buddies into your issues? Try telling your gf "Yeah, me and my buddy kicked that little guy's [wagon]". Oh yeah, definitly sounding tough there. Personally, I'd get the [cabbage] kicked outta me by multiple people before I'd call a buddy in for help.

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One time this manchick thing annoyed me ('bulllied' by some people's standards) so I pushed it into a bookshelf, knocking them both down.




Ahhh...the good ol' times. 8-)






Right when I saw the word "manchick thing" I burst out laughing and literally fell out of my chair.


















My butt hurts. :(

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3) Anything can be a weapon if used correctly.





Who needs a weapon? If he's dumb enough to open his mouth then you've got one hell of a chance to knock his [wagon] out.. Or if he's smart enough to keep his mouth closed just fake a punch at his face, put everything you've got into a jab in his stomache and while he's bent over gasping for air take that chance for a finishing blow.. Cross out #3 and put a check next to #2.




I Lol'd irl ha :lol:

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3) Anything can be a weapon if used correctly.





Who needs a weapon? If he's dumb enough to open his mouth then you've got one hell of a chance to knock his [wagon] out.. Or if he's smart enough to keep his mouth closed just fake a punch at his face, put everything you've got into a jab in his stomache and while he's bent over gasping for air take that chance for a finishing blow.. Cross out #3 and put a check next to #2.




a jab into his stomach? man you must be hard as [bleep]




Learn about this and you could defeat anyone without a weapon :ohnoes:


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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3) Anything can be a weapon if used correctly.





Who needs a weapon? If he's dumb enough to open his mouth then you've got one hell of a chance to knock his [wagon] out.. Or if he's smart enough to keep his mouth closed just fake a punch at his face, put everything you've got into a jab in his stomache and while he's bent over gasping for air take that chance for a finishing blow.. Cross out #3 and put a check next to #2.




a jab into his stomach? man you must be hard as [bleep]




Learn about this and you could defeat anyone without a weapon :ohnoes:




Im not so sure about krav maga, though i belive deloriagod is a pillock. Theres no need to be going all out smacking him in the face ect.when one simple punch to a nerve in a leg or arm, or arm lock ect will do. Though obviously you have to have some inkling on what your doing.




I hate to say it though, violence should be the last resort. As every fight is potentially life threating, you punch him in the face he gets knocked bangs his head on the floor and dies? worth going to prision over some [puncture]?

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the only bullys i have now are on the forum. wile i talk on a subject i find hard to talk enough, THANK YOU PAPERCLIP.

My pure's stats:








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my main belive is live life to the full extent.




in wich means if someone makes you unhappy - make there whole family unhappy. teach bullies - teach their frends - theach everyone that you hate them.




trust me often im good at school but some bully got there freind to hit me - not only did i beat up the one who hit me - but my bro jumped him even thoguh i was wining just to get a few punches.




when the bully said it was my brothers fualt his frend was hurt badly i asked him if he wanted to end up like his freind - if he did he should stay - if he didnt he should run. he chose run. i do not get picked on by him anymore as he knows nowadays i think of fighting bullies as a sport.






btw - for those who think im the bully - the bully and his friend where both one year older than me - if it takes 2 people both older than me to anoy me then really how could i be a bully

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my main belive is live life to the full extent.




in wich means if someone makes you unhappy - make there whole family unhappy. teach bullies - teach their frends - theach everyone that you hate them.




trust me often im good at school but some bully got there freind to hit me - not only did i beat up the one who hit me - but my bro jumped him even thoguh i was wining just to get a few punches.




when the bully said it was my brothers fualt his frend was hurt badly i asked him if he wanted to end up like his freind - if he did he should stay - if he didnt he should run. he chose run. i do not get picked on by him anymore as he knows nowadays i think of fighting bullies as a sport.






btw - for those who think im the bully - the bully and his friend where both one year older than me - if it takes 2 people both older than me to anoy me then really how could i be a bully


I would have thought you farted and threw a chair while he laughed...


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I try to be on good terms with every one. With bullies, I make sure im not there friends, but just someone they might say a little to or maby a conversation a day. If I became friends with them then I would be expecteed to 'hang' with them, or would get involved in there own internal fights. But if you can just stay on good terms, they normally leave you alone. And you don't have to do it with all of them, just the leaders.




But if you can be on good terms with some people from each social group things are much easyer. Still i've been bullied a bit but now that I am the second or third tallest student in my school that helps too. Even if I am not really that strong.




I've never been bullied in a way I couldn't put up with, I never dreded it.

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