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Harsh scool?


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Send a formal complaint letter to the Principal/Superintendent/Head of District/Local Newspaper/Federal Government/International Newspaper, in that order, until you get your problem solved. A calm rant letter with good arguments is the best thing you can do at the moment.

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Because that's so insanely strict, a lot of me is telling me that you're not giving us the whole story..




I'd have to agree.




But, I know at my school we aren't aloud to use the bathroom during class because idiots will go smoke / vandalize.

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Because that's so insanely strict, a lot of me is telling me that you're not giving us the whole story..




I'd have to agree.







Yea something tells me you where laughing to and made a big deal out of it. I think that is why :P




meh 1500th post, rank 270 maybe? <3:


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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For someone who's got over 1000 posts, your writing isnt very good :?




well im still upset and shakey from gettting suspended for farting. plus i suck at language art class




and how does that relate to the topic anyways?




May I ask how long have you been at the school?




Oh, and sorry but it didnt relate to the topic :anxious:




this is my 7th day this year..my school is full of douchebag teachers..school hacking time :twisted:




I meant how many years have you been there, but since as you said "this year", im guessing that this isnt your first year.




The teachers usually go quite hard on the first years, but not too hard like give them a detention, they just like give them a telling off or something.




For this not being your first year, Im quite surprised that you have been given this punishment. Maybe you can ask your parents to come in and talk about the situation?

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while it is funny, i think it is hella unfair. It happens to everyone, i'm sure your teacher or principal have done it. I think being stubborn and firm on what you believe could change their minds on the punishment. thats what i'd do.

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If you're in America, sue. I dare ye.


He'd probably win, or at least get a settlement, maybe some money or his punishment repealed (sp?)


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Because that's so insanely strict, a lot of me is telling me that you're not giving us the whole story..




Maybe he said some "pretty" words at the principal that got him suspended?




my exaxt words:










m-why did i get in trouble for farting and sneezing at the same time,, its ret arded




p-if you cant control your bodily functions, then you will have to be punished




m-i mean cmon.. it was only 1 fart/sneeze combo.. i dont swear or anythink like half the other kids.




p-talking back will only get you into more trouble.




m-(makes a weird face)




p-get out of my office and go back to class and i will call your parents.




m-(swears to my self and goes home later and prepares for a "hack atk" on my school network.)




i didnt know explaining stuff was talking back.. wdfxupwitdat


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Swearing to yourself, using retarded as derogatory adjective and 'preparing a hack attack'...




Oh, you poor victim :roll:




Maybe you shouldn't act like such a juvenile delinquent, realise where some respect is due, conduct yourself in a proper manner and maybe, you wouldn't get yourself deeper in trouble.

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Because that's so insanely strict, a lot of me is telling me that you're not giving us the whole story..




Maybe he said some "pretty" words at the principal that got him suspended?




my exaxt words:










m-why did i get in trouble for farting and sneezing at the same time,, its ret arded




p-if you cant control your bodily functions, then you will have to be punished




m-i mean cmon.. it was only 1 fart/sneeze combo.. i dont swear or anythink like half the other kids.




p-talking back will only get you into more trouble.




m-(makes a weird face)




p-get out of my office and go back to class and i will call your parents.




m-(swears to my self and goes home later and prepares for a "hack atk" on my school network.)




i didnt know explaining stuff was talking back.. wdfxupwitdat




did you mean you swore in your head a the tiniest whisper ever?




but seriously using the word retarded when trying to explain your way out of something is going to help

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Because that's so insanely strict, a lot of me is telling me that you're not giving us the whole story..




Maybe he said some "pretty" words at the principal that got him suspended?




my exaxt words:










m-why did i get in trouble for farting and sneezing at the same time,, its ret arded




p-if you cant control your bodily functions, then you will have to be punished




m-i mean cmon.. it was only 1 fart/sneeze combo.. i dont swear or anythink like half the other kids.




p-talking back will only get you into more trouble.




m-(makes a weird face)




p-get out of my office and go back to class and i will call your parents.




m-(swears to my self and goes home later and prepares for a "hack atk" on my school network.)




i didnt know explaining stuff was talking back.. wdfxupwitdat




Yeah that would be why you got in trouble, idiot. :roll:

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Most probably, you are nervous when talking to him, so the tone in your voice might suggest him some insubordination or the like... Write a letter, it'll give you much better results.

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Still sounds like you're only telling the half of the story that gets you sympathy.




Or, at least attempts to.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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So, what is this principle of yours actually charging you with? They can't suspend you for nothing and I'm guessing they don't have a no farting clause in the rules. And if they do have some rule against disturbing class time, what does it say?


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First of all, the school should not and can not suspend you for a bodily function that is inevitable and a necessity.




Secondly, you do not, under any circumstance, attempt to explain a situation's ridiculousness by using the word '[developmentally delayed]ed', especially if it is in the presence of a principal.




Thirdly, I suggest you or your parents attempt to speak reason with the school once again, and failing that, raise the issue with the next up in the chain.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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How come whenever someone trys to explain something to a teacher or principal they say you are talking back? :-s




Just thoguht I would ask that.




He said it was retarded infront of the principal.




He made a face and swore to him self, and even if the principal couldn't hear or see it he prepared a 'hack attack' on his school network [which is laughable really, hahaha].






Yeah you were just 'explaining' stuff real simple right? Ever think of perhaps showing some manners if you don't want to get in trouble?

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First of all, the school should not and can not suspend you for a bodily function that is inevitable and a necessity.





Technically no, you are right, they cannot.




BUT, The school has a right to remove DISRUPTIONS. Therefore if your farting did disrupt the class, you can be removed.


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But please, that's still ridiculous. There has to have been an intent to disrupt the class and, even more importantly, a likelihoods that he will do it again. Now, I don't know, but maybe he has gas problems and they are punishing him in an attempt to get him to quell those issues (impossible...)




Unless he farted on purpose, they have no right to touch him.


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Because that's so insanely strict, a lot of me is telling me that you're not giving us the whole story..




Maybe he said some "pretty" words at the principal that got him suspended?




my exaxt words:










m-why did i get in trouble for farting and sneezing at the same time,, its ret arded




p-if you cant control your bodily functions, then you will have to be punished




m-i mean cmon.. it was only 1 fart/sneeze combo.. i dont swear or anythink like half the other kids.




p-talking back will only get you into more trouble.




m-(makes a weird face)




p-get out of my office and go back to class and i will call your parents.




m-(swears to my self and goes home later and prepares for a "hack atk" on my school network.)




i didnt know explaining stuff was talking back.. wdfxupwitdat




Yeah that would be why you got in trouble, idiot. :roll:



Yep, at least try to talk maturly unlike 99% of the other kids who've seen his office that day.




How come whenever someone trys to explain something to a teacher or principal they say you are talking back? :-s




Just thoguht I would ask that.


I believe they basically don't give a damn and they're tired of doing the same thing to every kid.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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