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What would you buy?


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Well i already have a dfs, but if i didn't have it i'd buy it straight away :P i bought mine for 19mil but i'd happily buy one for 25m. i'm not planning on selling it even if i am about to lose money on it.




next on the shopping list is a bandos sword. i think they are the 2 most useful new items.



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Had full 3rd age mage...sold it and got bandos plate tassets and a dfs.


Also considering buying armadyl GS for training purposes(bandos GS spec is rubbish compared to that one.)




Btw- dfs is 27-28 and sara GS 80-100 armadyl 90-120.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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If I evere had a load of money, I would get the full armadyl, but that's simply because I am a ranger(ish) and that is the best armour in the game.


But for you, I would reccomend the dfire shield, because it has awesome stats, and also, you can wield it with a crossbow or something, and own metal dragons.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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A lot of people seem to be saying DFS which is something I don't agree with really. It's a nice shield but if it's one of the only things you can afford I think there's a lot better to choose from. I bought a DFS one night and sold it the next day, just didn't think it was that great.




^ The above is my opinion of course, and we're all welcome to our different opinions :).




Personally I'd say Bandos plate, and if you can, the tassets (heck, even the boots if you can. The stats aren't that great but they do look nice, better than dragon anyway).




Reasoning for that choice, well the plate simply looks hot, has a str bonus AND decent defence (unlike torso :P). The tassets don't look that amazing, they aren't ugly but they certainly don't live up to the plate and boots; with that said though they're the only legs with a str bonus in the game (I believe) and they're the only legs that sort of fit in with plate. I have a Bandos plate but no tassets so I'm substituting them with torags legs while I save for them, the legs look a little off.



To hell with humanity;

The more I see, the less I believe.

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