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Everything posted by Wiids

  1. Abyssal whip. That or ancient magics. Both revolutionised the combat system.
  2. Artistry and Engineering would be cool.
  3. I can 100% assure you Krazyfaken was the 1st maxed 1 defence pure, Kids Ranqe was second I believe. This is 1 def btw, there were maxed pures at higher def before him I believe. But Krazyfaken was the 1st with 1 defence.
  4. Switching between playing soccer/practicing my guitar
  5. I'm lucky I haven't been banned yet :)
  6. Fixed the misstakes and split the list into smaller sections. Yeah, Good idea but I only know that Venom0619 got 30 Hunter first and that Team (something) got 30 Con First. I know for a fact Aaron Lewis was the 1st person to reach 30 slayer.
  7. I've learnt that strange old men often give me money, jewellry and food.
  8. Just started in 2002, wandered around, picked up a chefs hat. Kept wandering, stumbled into Varrock. Some guy was buying a chefs hat for 1k, I was thrilled when he bought it. Good fun.
  9. The first maxed pure (99, 99, 1, 99 hp 99 mage 99 ranged 52 prayer) was Krazyfaken.
  10. People have committed suicide over Runescape? Stupid. And that translation on page 3 made me laugh so hard, "had built up a thick fat account" LMAO Btw can someone link me to a report about the guy who comitted suicide over the account being deleted? I want to read more about this kind of stuff.....
  11. There's a difference between begging and asking, he asked, he didn't beg. If I was him, I would have attacked the dragon with a bronze dagger so it never died, because I dislike the general idiotic Runescape population.
  12. I have about 10 people who pretend to be over 13 but type like [bleep]ing [developmentally delayed]s asking me for stuff, I'm so sick of it. They also ask whats my mage/str lvl when I'm wearing the [bleep]ing cape and Jagex want to PROTECT these idiots.
  13. I think alot of the reason people post that they think Attack is better is because they can't be bothered using a scimitar to train strength, so only train attack and then stick up for the one stat they train. Obviously this is easily cancelled out by other people training strength first favouring it in an argument. Such as myself. Why did I even post? :-k
  14. Prison pete can go die I'm sick of saving his idiotic self.
  15. Judging by the popularity of the rune defender, dragon ones would be wanted by alot of people :)
  16. I love the cape :D Getting 80 attack, then 80 defence, then 90 attack, 90 defence, 99 attack, 99 defence.
  17. If you don't know which you like more, I'll go with the logical answer: Kepp them even.
  18. Those people calling pures idiots... What the hell is that based on? Pures are accounts with low defence, so they're more efficient pkers at their level, because they LIKE TO PK. If you think pures are idiots, you're the stupid one. They're just like any other player but they play focusing on combat... You can easily find 1 arrogant main/skiller or whatever other "class" you can think of for every 1 pure that is a arrogant. I was a pure until recently, with the stats I have now, but 31 prayer, 60 attack and 1 defence, and I was just like any other player - except mains hated on me because I played how I wanted to. Rethink what you say, open your mind and stop thinking pures are all the way you seem to portray them.
  19. Wow gl mate, I doubt I'd have enough patience for 99 firemaking, it bores me so much :)
  20. I don't read the story at all, I just want to get my reward and go kill things (Y)
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