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The abortion debate


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But what if you get pregnant by rape? Even in that case, I believe abortion is wrong. Why compound the one man's crime of rape with your crime of murder?




Great. Now you're twisting it around so the victim is the criminal, because she wasn't ready for a child and doesn't want to carry one you're going to make her have it anyway, are you any different from the rapist?




Hey maybe it was her fault and she has to suffer the consequences?








It was not her fault, it was the rapist's fault. But the fact is, whether she wanted it or not, she is pregnant. Just because the baby was forced on her does not mean she shouldn't give it the same chance as if it was a normal child. She should make the best out of something terrible that happened to her.








You're telling her what she should or shouldn't do, how is it her responsibly? Why are you making the decision for her? She should do whatever she damn wants with her own body.








Yea, let her do whatever she wants with her own body, just lay off the individual person inside her.

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It seems that people fail to realise that people are really just structured energy. Our thoughts, actions and existence are merely a combination of elements and energy values. Our thought processes are movements of energy; we do not contain anything that makes us unique to the earth we live on or the sun that gives us our light.




Therefore abortion is really just the loss of potential energy transfers (from sun to person). Humans are an over glorified energy process.




Cry murder at the electric companies for the massive inefficiency of power transmission. The power lost on some of those lines can create thousands of people per mile.




Therefore abortion should be a natural process, if it wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t then would the carrier be left with some kind of physical defect? The carrierÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s body resetÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s itself like nothing happened.








EDIT: * Not Crazy

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It seems that people fail to realise that people are really just structured energy. Our thoughts, actions and existence are merely a combination of elements and energy values. Our thought processes are movements of energy; we do not contain anything that makes us unique to the earth we live on or the sun that gives us our light.




Therefore abortion is really just the loss of potential energy transfers (from sun to person). Humans are an over glorified energy process.




Cry murder at the electric companies for the massive inefficiency of power transmission. The power lost on some of those lines can create thousands of people per mile.




Therefore abortion should be a natural process, if it wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t then would the carrier be left with some kind of physical defect? The carrierÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s body resetÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s itself like nothing happened.








EDIT: * Not Crazy








intreasting concept.


Sig by Ikurai

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It seems that people fail to realise that people are really just structured energy. Our thoughts, actions and existence are merely a combination of elements and energy values. Our thought processes are movements of energy; we do not contain anything that makes us unique to the earth we live on or the sun that gives us our light.




Therefore abortion is really just the loss of potential energy transfers (from sun to person). Humans are an over glorified energy process.











I don't know what that has to do with this? there are things called feelings that you share with something or someone. when you see your friend you say "heey " not "heey over glorified energy process" right?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Yea, let her do whatever she wants with her own body, just lay off the individual person inside her.








There is no individual person inside of her.








Yes there is, there is a child with its own individual DNA and its own blood.

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Yea, let her do whatever she wants with her own body, just lay off the individual person inside her.








There is no individual person inside of her.








Yes there is, there is a child with its own individual DNA and its own blood.








No individual mind or emotions, only a potential, and you're going to make the real individual go through it because your opinion over weighs hers?

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Are you saying that a [developmentally delayed] is less of an individual than a 'normal' person like you?








IM not making an individual go through this, MY opinion doesnt overweigh hers, I guess morals arnt for everyone, people like you who kill that which isnt human make me sick.








As I said before, many sick people before you held the same ideals and peoples lives where made worse for it.








But hey, if you want to let a women play god with her body, create a life then destroy it before it has even begun, be my guest. Freedom is a two way thing, the unborn child has a potential and should have the FREEDOM to be like you now, alive.








Be my guest, kill which hasnt even breathed once or seen the world, because your better than them, right? :roll:

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Okay, I've read about half of the replies to this topic, and i think I can sum up the argument right now:








If you respect a fetus as any other human being regardless of size and thought, then abortion seems like murder and you don't like it.








If you think of a fetus as a small bundle of cells with huge potential but not much actual worth in the present, then abortion doesn't seem like murder. It seems like it just takes a large burden off of an unhappy woman.












Personally, I don't think a fetus deserves the same rights as a living, breathing functioning human. Sure, it could become someone great, but so could every little sperm and egg out there, and its not like too many people treat those little guys with respect. Sure, there's great potential, but potential doesn't mean worth. In my opinion, its up to the woman carrying the baby whether that fetus has an inalienable right to life yet.








But, if you really respect the fetus as another human being, I'm not gonna change ur opinion. Just please don't try and take this decision from other people by making abortion illegal.

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Okay, I've read about half of the replies to this topic, and i think I can sum up the argument right now:








If you respect a fetus as any other human being regardless of size and thought, then abortion seems like murder and you don't like it.








If you think of a fetus as a small bundle of cells with huge potential but not much actual worth in the present, then abortion doesn't seem like murder. It seems like it just takes a large burden off of an unhappy woman.












Personally, I don't think a fetus deserves the same rights as a living, breathing functioning human. Sure, it could become someone great, but so could every little sperm and egg out there, and its not like too many people treat those little guys with respect. Sure, there's great potential, but potential doesn't mean worth. In my opinion, its up to the woman carrying the baby whether that fetus has an inalienable right to life yet.








But, if you really respect the fetus as another human being, I'm not gonna change ur opinion. Just please don't try and take this decision from other people by making abortion illegal.









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Abortion, on a technical level, is murder. The baby is in a parasetic relationshop with the mother, feeding off its resources, making it alive. It consumes, therefore it is living. Killing a baby would be murder.








Although, technically, parents are responsible for their child until they are 18.








So, I believe that abortion should not be legal. If the baby was conceived thruogh rape or some other such misdoing (NOT premarital sex or doing it willingly), then the court should decide if it is okay to abort the baby or not.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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I agree with Scruffy5389, it's just your perception on what a living thing is. I don't see abortion as murder because I don't see a fetus as a living thing. Though if you ask me when abortion should be done (IE: Trimester) that's a differnet story..

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Are you saying that a silly person is less of an individual than a 'normal' person like you?




No, I'm saying an individual is exactly that, individual, which includes not being physically bound to another in a parasitic relationship. An as far as I know no one is forcing "normal" people to look after "silly" people, as most pro-lifers seem to be wishing on women.








IM not making an individual go through this, MY opinion doesnt overweigh hers, I guess morals arnt for everyone, people like you who kill that which isnt human make me sick.




Yea, bad me for being anti-fascist and giving women a choice.








Be my guest, kill which hasnt even breathed once or seen the world, because your better than them, right? :roll:




I'm not killing anything, I'm just not forcing women into do anything they don't want to, as I've accepted my opinion doesn't over rule hers.

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Yea, let her do whatever she wants with her own body, just lay off the individual person inside her.








There is no individual person inside of her.








Yes, there is.








As long as it's the egg or sperm inside the body, it is part of the parent. However, as soon as that egg and sperm combine inside the female, it is a new organism, with different DNA than it's parents, therefore, it is NOT the woman's body, it is ANOTHER body inside of her. (correct me if I'm wrong)








It is her responsibilty to give that separate human every chance at life.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Yea, let her do whatever she wants with her own body, just lay off the individual person inside her.








There is no individual person inside of her.








Yes, there is.








As long as it's the egg or sperm inside the body, it is part of the parent. However, as soon as that egg and sperm combine inside the female, it is a new organism, with different DNA than it's parents, therefore, it is NOT the woman's body, it is ANOTHER body inside of her. (correct me if I'm wrong)








It is her responsibilty to give that separate human every chance at life.








can anybody come with actual facts? all this speculating leads to nothing.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Yea, let her do whatever she wants with her own body, just lay off the individual person inside her.








There is no individual person inside of her.








Yes, there is.








As long as it's the egg or sperm inside the body, it is part of the parent. However, as soon as that egg and sperm combine inside the female, it is a new organism, with different DNA than it's parents, therefore, it is NOT the woman's body, it is ANOTHER body inside of her. (correct me if I'm wrong)







Parasitic body which is totally dependent on hers, is that an individual?







It is her responsibilty to give that separate human every chance at life.




Its not separate, its joined. You seem to be pulling this answer out of thin air.

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No one has contradicted me yet....I think I win :lol:








Anyway, the reason that little fetus does not have this inalienable right to life (according to me) is that it is not a human being yet. It's a small collection of cells. if you kill it, it will never know that it could have lived. As a fetus, it doesn't have anything that is truly heinous to take away, like an autonomous physical body or a sense of self. Sure, you just ended a "possible" life, but you do that every time you decide not to have s*x. I'm not sayin we should all get abortions (it's obviously better to avoid the problem altogether through abstinence or whatever), but when the problem comes up, the fetus isn't ever going to care that it's dead, and the woman will be a heckuva lot happier.








If you think killing this fetus (who will never know or care that it has been denied life) is murder despite my argument above, then don't get an abortion. But don't go meddling in other people's lives and make abortions illegal. In the end, i think it is the decision of the woman carrying the baby and the father (if he hasn't split and run).








Women do not need this extra restriction on their freedom.

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It seems that people fail to realise that people are really just structured energy. Our thoughts, actions and existence are merely a combination of elements and energy values. Our thought processes are movements of energy; we do not contain anything that makes us unique to the earth we live on or the sun that gives us our light.




Therefore abortion is really just the loss of potential energy transfers (from sun to person). Humans are an over glorified energy process.











I don't know what that has to do with this? there are things called feelings that you share with something or someone. when you see your friend you say "heey " not "heey over glorified energy process" right?








Yes thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s because we are mentally developed, we are capable of feelings, where as an unborn child has not had any opportunity to gain any feelings externally (although you can argue that it does inside the womb this is however purely sensory. It has no contact with anything other then processes that keep it living. People can not develop emotion without something to develop it from). You have to draw the line somewhere otherwise you can bring it back and say that the you are murdering the potential of millions of children with your sperm (animals have feelings yet they run on instant, the same can be said about sperm (albeit a much simpler form of instinct reacting to the chemicals around it), So wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t leaving sperm for death be just as cruel as killing animals for no reason).




In essence we are just a reaction to action (just a very complex set of said actions/reaction).








Ohh IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m not taking my stance seriously IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m just trying to make a point at how ridiculous the argument itself is. There is no way we can make a united stance, much the same way we can not prove/disprove god.




People will always have a view and no matter what it will not be changed without definite fact (which we can not provide). Even then some people will disbelieve the fact in order to preserve their original reasoning.

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I say right on to all the people who are on this page!!! waht you are sayign is right, that its aprt of the woman, and waht not. Also about the sperm thing, that really isnt considered killing. tahts becase anyways you just have wet dreams if you dont do that other stuff. and when girls get there periods, they lose a pottential life, becase the egg is gone.


Sig by Ikurai

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No one has contradicted me yet....I think I win :lol:








Anyway, the reason that little fetus does not have this inalienable right to life (according to me) is that it is not a human being yet. It's a small collection of cells. if you kill it, it will never know that it could have lived. As a fetus, it doesn't have anything that is truly heinous to take away, like an autonomous physical body or a sense of self. Sure, you just ended a "possible" life, but you do that every time you decide not to have s*x. I'm not sayin we should all get abortions (it's obviously better to avoid the problem altogether through abstinence or whatever), but when the problem comes up, the fetus isn't ever going to care that it's dead, and the woman will be a heckuva lot happier.








If you think killing this fetus (who will never know or care that it has been denied life) is murder despite my argument above, then don't get an abortion. But don't go meddling in other people's lives and make abortions illegal. In the end, i think it is the decision of the woman carrying the baby and the father (if he hasn't split and run).








Women do not need this extra restriction on their freedom.








Who cares if it knows if it could have lived or not? And that "collection of cells" is the beginning part of a baby no matter how small or inanimate looking it is. When you dont have sex you didnt start a life in the first plave and then take it away, you never started it. :roll:








You do bring up some good points though and you argue your point well unlike lionheart who just sits back and says "oh yeah I agree"

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Yea, let her do whatever she wants with her own body, just lay off the individual person inside her.








There is no individual person inside of her.








Yes, there is.








As long as it's the egg or sperm inside the body, it is part of the parent. However, as soon as that egg and sperm combine inside the female, it is a new organism, with different DNA than it's parents, therefore, it is NOT the woman's body, it is ANOTHER body inside of her. (correct me if I'm wrong)







Parasitic body which is totally dependent on hers, is that an individual?







It is her responsibilty to give that separate human every chance at life.




Its not separate, its joined. You seem to be pulling this answer out of thin air.







well he/she is still joined by the umbilical (sp?) cord when they come out of the woman so is it right to kill them then?

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Abortion is one of the most emontionally difficult things for a woman to endure. Someone that would casually have an abortion is a sociopath, but the way many of the pro-life people portray it, women treat it as just another contraceptive, which is a major untruth.








I am for a woman's right to choose.








As a man, I can't make a decision on this that has any real bering, so I'm leaving it here.

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i say there be no abortion, every child haves a right to be born, when u get a abortion, your basically MURDERING a child that hasn't had a chance to live :roll: riiight.. and you have the guts to say.. ''well its the women's choice''.. dam.. they need to keep their underwear on, so that wouldn't happen :roll: Even if it does happen(accidents happen, though i wouldn't want my child to be born as an ''accident'')And you don't want to/dont think you can take care of it, then give it up for adoption..Theres millions and millions of familys willing to adopt a new born child each year..

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