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Do you think I can finish Dragon Slayer? ...I'm good, thanks


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Alright, I'm almost finished with Drgan Slayer, but I'm not entirely confident. So, I'm looking for some positive reassurance, and some advice on if i'll be able to kill Elvarg...... After I do Melzar's Maze.




Here are my (Combat Related) Stats:


Attack 40/40


Strength 40/40*


Defense 40/40


Range 3/3


Magic 35/35


Prayer 36/34*


Hitpoints 40/40


*I'm working on increasing my strength to 50/50 Also, if you think I need strenght potions, just say so.


*I'm in the prayer guild (obviously), so my prayer points are two higher than my level. Also, willing to increase my level to any protect prayer.




My Armour


Helmet: Adamant Full Helm


Body: Adamant Platedody


Gloves: Leather vambraces


Weapon: Adamant longsword


Legs: Adamant Platelegs


Neck: Holy Symbol (blessed)


Sheild: Anti-Dragonfire sheild


Boots: Fighting boots (SoS boots)


Cape: Blue Cape (aka the Cape of Kingtyguy)




At the moment, I'm alittle short on cash, but I'm saving up for Rune armour. If you think that I should wear full Rune to Crandor, just say so, you wish is my command (no, really, I don't wanna die!!!!!)








I was thinking a full invetory of Lobsters, maybe a Strenght potion or two.




So, that's it, i think. I've almost finished the quest, I have to do Melzar's Maze too. Just wanted alittle advice. Thanks! Oh, and if you could, I've got a few other Questions that I'd appreciate it if you took a look at it.




[hide] 1. Do you think I'd have any problems at all doing Melzar's Maze with full inventroy of Lobsters? It's the lesser DEmon that concerns me, should i take silverlight?




2. If I need a rune weapon, should I get a rune longswrod, or a rune scimitar? I just want the one that kills the best.




Edit:Thanks for all the excellent feedback. I'll do it this weekend, and finish all of my quests :x , but if anyone just checking this out with something to say, I'll check it before I finish it. Wish Me Luck! (time to go do my Drawing l Homework..... -.- Wish me luck on that too).




That's it for now, thanks again.[/hide]

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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full rune is useless since you can't wear plate :) but use legs and helm. Stats seem to be ok, just get load of swordfishes and you should be fine

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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aI did drag slayer with about 20 pray, 40 def, 40 atk, and like 30 str. Wasn't too hard either, only used half an invent on elvarg(lobies) Weraing full rune ecept pl8, dragon shield, and addy pl8.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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You can do Dragon Slayer easier than I did, I was 40/35/40. :P




Your armor's looking good, as well as your stats. I'd suggest getting a better amulet though, like a strength or power amulet, as well a rune longsword or scimitar - both would be equally fine. However, don't feel the need to, it'll just make it a bit easier. Although the rune weapon would be great for the future. :wink:




Bring one strength potion, and an inventory of lobsters. Oh, and just slap on your attack and defence prayers when you get there, it'll help a good bit.




Good luck! :)



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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full rune is useless since you can't wear plate :).....


lol, luaghing at my stupidity for not catching that mistake. You know what i meant though. Thanks everyone, I'm feeling pretty confident now, may try it on the weekend. I just wanted to double check before i went there and lost full adamant..... Oh, and nerdattack16, thanks for the suggestion, I already have a strength ammy somewhere, maybe i'lll get a power ammy though. May Saradomin excuse me for actually taking off my holy symbol for the first time in months. :lol:

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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Yes your ok to go. Would be easier with a rune weapon though.




Off Topic: 10th post lol


One by one the penguins steal my sanity!!!???


98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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For the people that said they did at a lower level...I believe they made Elvarg a bit harder now. I recently went to help a friend with it (Combat in high 50s) and he used over half inventory of sharks/lobs (mixed) fighting it in addy armor + rune scimmy. She seems to hit a lot more often and faster than other dragons.




But, I think you should be able to do it, just get a rune weapon, and if you really need, keep a friend nearby with more food that can trade them to you.





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... I'm looking for some positive reassurance, and some advice on if i'll be able to kill Elvarg....


Your stats look fine to me.




... if you think I need strenght potions,


Definately get a strength potion.


Limpwort roots for hobgoblins and red spider egg spawn plus 5 gold.


They are so easy to make you might as well stock up on a bunch


for regular training.




Also, you might try a Strength ammy or Power ammy


instead of the Holy symbol.




At the moment, I'm alittle short on cash, but I'm saving up for Rune armour.


Well, a full load of Iron ore is worth about 2800 gp.


A full load of coal is worth about 4900 gp.


So, do a bit of mining to finance better gear.




If you think that I should wear full Rune to Crandor,


Well, better gear will make it a bit easier.


You could replace the Addy sword with a Rune scimmy.




...I don't wanna die


First, go through the secret door so that you can return, easily,


to Crandor Island at any time.


Second, bring Teleport runes just in case.




I was thinking a full invetory of Lobsters,


Yeah, lobsters are fine.




You'll do OK




Hope this helps

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If you can only afford one rune piece, make it a Scimitar or longsword, and yes, go with the silverlight against the Lesser, if you don't have a rune weapon.




I'd also be inclined to carry an escape tele - the Skull sceptre is the best, as it is only one space, though the higher level piece drops are a challenge.

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1. Do you think I'd have any problems at all doing Melzar's Maze with full inventroy of Lobsters? It's the lesser DEmon that concerns me, should i take silverlight?




Quote:No do not take a silver light hmm full iventory lobsters I'm like 90% you can do it but youll need some room for the keys...




2. If I need a rune weapon, should I get a rune longswrod, or a rune scimitar? I just want the one that kills the best.




Quote:I dunno about rune long but I used rune scimmy and I'll recommend it...




Edit:Thanks for all the excellent feedback. I'll do it this weekend, and finish all of my quests , but if anyone just checking this out with something to say, I'll check it before I finish it. Wish Me Luck! (time to go do my Drawing l Homework..... Wish me luck on that too).




That's it for now, thanks again.



By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


- Confucius

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The Rune Scimitar is generally reckoned to be better than the Long...




The long has:


Slightly higher slash attach and strength, much more stab (controlled style) attack, and is sold at the champions guild.


Disadvantage: Only a medium speed weapon.




The Scimitar has:


Higher speed, it's the strongest of the fast weapons.


Disadvantage: No F2P store, so must be bought from other players unless you have very good smithing.




There are only two reasons not to use a Scimitar:


1. You can't be bothered with the chaotic trade worlds.


2. You want to train in controlled (all melee stats) style.


If you really want a stab attack, then the dagger or short sword are better for that.




Other weapons:




Rune Mace - for a little prayer bonus, but the mace is not a great weapon.




Rune B-axe - SLOW, powerful but so SLOW, though its alternative crush attack has some advantage against plate armour.




Of course, the 2 Hander is a total non-starter against Elvarg, without the shield, you will be toast.






The Scimitar's strength is its speed, not the power of each attack, but the rate, as fast as a dagger, so a miss with a Scimmy is not as big a loss as a miss with a weapon that strikes harder, but less often.

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Your stats seem quite fine, but you should use a rune weapon against the dragon (a scimitar is your best option), you don't really need protection prayers, but if you feel like it, getting 43 prayer makes both fights extremely easy. Also, strength pots aren't necessary, but they are very useful for the fights. In my opinion, you should bring rune helm and legs to the island (along with a rune weapon), so that you'll protect them if you die. The rest of the armour and your inventory seems fine, but you should a teleport in order to get out quickly after killing the dragon, or before the dragon/demon kills you




1. You'll do fine with that, but try to save up food for the last fight. Silverlight is better than an addy weapon, and cheaper than a rune weapon (if you get killed, you'll have to pay 600 gp instead of 25k+, so I'd take it.


2. If you are going to get a rune weapon, (which I highly recommend), I'd suggest you to use a scimitar, as it provides a nice speed-strength ratio.

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Those stats are fine..I did it with far lower stats and I was in hysterics before I fought Elvarg :P (not really)




just bring a stre pot and the rest of your invent lobs






And you probably won't even use all the lobs :)








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Unless it's changed you can easily mage him from safe spots.












Not anymore. She'll use her long-range firebreath. With mage and range, it's best to not use a safespot at all, as her melee attack is weaker.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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Ranging or maging elvarg is a lot harder now. Her attacks are more swift. Before the update you could range/mage elvarg from a safe spot, using the method of hit and run - with minimal damage experienced.


However the updated version is much more faster. The second you go out to attack, elvarg shots a long range fire-breadth.




However, it should be noted, that the same safe spot will most likely be un-usable. Safe spots are only obtained by maneuvering around the edges, so that somehow Elvarg will get stuck and will not be able to use long range firebreath.




Finishing Dragon slayer with low stats is still possible. I had 1 def 40 range and 66 strength at the time. Using range only (bronze bolts) i was able to finish Dragon Slayer with two invents of lobsters (using the secret door is a must if you think you wont be able to defeat Elvarg the first time).




With your stats it shouldnt be a worry. So good luck.

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... (using the secret door is a must if you think you wont be able to defeat Elvarg the first time).




With your stats it shouldnt be a worry. So good luck.




I'm not sure about that. I tele'd out after killing it, without going through the wall, but much later I do was able to go to Crandor through the passage.

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