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~Dumb School Rules~


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this isnt so much a rule, just my schools stupidity...:




Im a junior and last year my school built a new parking lot to add more spaces for the students...




All last year i had to park far from the school and tehn walk to it, and walk back to my car after school.




I figured i'd get a spot for sure this year but i didnt...




why? i have no idea...because there are at least 50 spaces open everyday at my school, and if i parked in one of them my car would get booted :XD:




I hate my school this year <.<

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Mine may be the worst.




For each class we have, we have 2 restroom/hall passes. We can use these once per QUARTER. For example, I go to the bathroom on Monday one day (rhyme omgomg!) and then the next Tuesday. Nope! Can't go any more these next 2 months! My gosh, we just have to pee. <.<




One good thing though is if we don't use them. They count as 10 extra credit points each at the end if the quarter. :P


Yea some of my classes are like that, too. Lucky for me, I have, over the years, conditioned my body to never need to go to the bathroom between the hours of 5:30 a.m (when I wake up, but i do go right when i wake up) and 3:00 pm (when i usually get home). Unlucky for me, I usually lose my passes :cry: . Oh well, I don;t need extra credit anyways \'




NJORTC members have these "SAFEGUARDS" (in otherswords if your in NJORTC and your late you use one of your 'SAFEGUARDS")


Thats actually a fairly good rule. Oftentimes, you need to hang after class for a few minutes and talk about something with the NSI and could end up late for class. Or, since they dismiss you, which could be at any point after the bell rings if they're still talking, so you could end up late that way. I had to talk to the NSI about something with my uniform and was just barely to class on time. Plus, theres gotta be some perks to the program right? hehe.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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My high school had a card system. The color of the card determined how much freedom you got.




Platinum - exclusively for cheerleaders, NHS, freshmen mentors, and all those types. It allowed them to walk around hallways during class and leave 5 minute early before the last bell rang to go out to the parking lot before everyone. They also got reserved parking and instead of sitting in a classroom during seminar they could go to the cafeteria and eat before lunch rush.




Gold - mainly just for seniors and those with good scores on important tests. They were able to go to the cafeteria to eat before lunch and walk around hallways. Sometimes they were able to leave early at the end of school.




Purple - not much. Purple just showed that you're either a freshman or a sophomore and nobody wanted anything to do with you.




Red - meant you got in trouble for something and couldn't leave the classroom for anything. If someone really needed to use the restroom a security guard had to walk them. Oh yeah, and if you had a red card you couldn't go to any school functions like dances or games.






I graduated, but apparently the school is much stricter. I think everyone has to have a security guard to take them to the bathroom now. This is because we had trouble with kids rubbing [cabbage] all over the bathroom walls and messing in the hallways in the past. No mp3 devices or phones are allowed. They can't even been seen or they get taken away. My friend told me that they have turned it into a "powerschool" in which parents have a website they can go to to check up on what their kids are doing at all times or something.

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at my old school, we only got 10 minutes to eat lunch. That was stupid. And my parents wonder why i eat so fast :roll:
Go get your parents to go talk to the school board about it. My school has 45 minutes of lunch. <3:








25 minutes is amazing at my school, and that's lunch and social time combined...








OMG! :shock:




That's mad! At my school we have 1 hour 10 mins for lunch!


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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at my old school, we only got 10 minutes to eat lunch. That was stupid. And my parents wonder why i eat so fast :roll:
Go get your parents to go talk to the school board about it. My school has 45 minutes of lunch. <3:








25 minutes is amazing at my school, and that's lunch and social time combined...








OMG! :shock:




That's mad! At my school we have 1 hour 10 mins for lunch!




Holy! We only get 25 minutes as well; and I've always thought that was a lot...




My school is very strict when it comes to rules. My friend and I even made a website about the rules :P . (Mainly uniform. Black or white shoes, no logos, at all; or you get a detention, and have to sit in the office until your parents bring you a different pair of shoes...)

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at my old school, we only got 10 minutes to eat lunch. That was stupid. And my parents wonder why i eat so fast :roll:
Go get your parents to go talk to the school board about it. My school has 45 minutes of lunch. <3:








25 minutes is amazing at my school, and that's lunch and social time combined...








OMG! :shock:




That's mad! At my school we have 1 hour 10 mins for lunch!




Holy! We only get 25 minutes as well; and I've always thought that was a lot...




My school is very strict when it comes to rules. My friend and I even made a website about the rules :P . (Mainly uniform. Black or white shoes, no logos, at all; or you get a detention, and have to sit in the office until your parents bring you a different pair of shoes...)




Our school is awesomely relaxed :D






Long hair allowed.


Studded bags allowed.


Painted pags allowed (bags with big pictures/writing on them).


Designer belts allowed.


Going into town allowed.


Seeing other friends at lunch allowed.


Having lunch in town allowed.


Doing anything - in moderation - outside school you like during break time allowed.




It's pretty awesome tbh :D




The only problem is, it's the 14th best school (GCSE results) in England, so academic standards are pretty high.




NOTE: There are 2 14th best schools in England, so no, you can't work out which school I go to :P :P


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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^mines about the same except for one really demented rule-




anything you do at anytime is under the schools jurisdiction.


someone i knew swore at his mom (at 8pm on a saturday), he got suspended for 2 days.


Thsi ones really dumb.-over teh summer, the school seems to have found out that theres a group on Facebook(a social networking site)about how some people dislike this person.72 peoplke get expelled for a week each, and the groups 5 co-authors each get 2 months.There was also one with people who smoke marajuana. 50 sumthing ppl get suspended with no proof that they actually were in fact smoking. I bet half the people were lying.




Compare thsi to somebody i know knifing someone, sending him to the hospital for at least a week, scared the kid into switching schools, and all the knifer got was 3 weeks.Makes sence i know. (we also have the no hats rule, its really dumb, ive asked several teachers and they have no reason for it.My english teacher wears a hat but were not allowed to.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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^mines about the same except for one really demented rule-




anything you do at anytime is under the schools jurisdiction.


someone i knew swore at his mom (at 8pm on a saturday), he got suspended for 2 days.


Thsi ones really dumb.-over teh summer, the school seems to have found out that theres a group on Facebook(a social networking site)about how some people dislike this person.72 peoplke get expelled for a week each, and the groups 5 co-authors each get 2 months.There was also one with people who smoke marajuana. 50 sumthing ppl get suspended with no proof that they actually were in fact smoking. I bet half the people were lying.




Compare thsi to somebody i know knifing someone, sending him to the hospital for at least a week, scared the kid into switching schools, and all the knifer got was 3 weeks.Makes sence i know. (we also have the no hats rule, its really dumb, ive asked several teachers and they have no reason for it.My english teacher wears a hat but were not allowed to.




:shock: Power Crazy!




But for the last bit, I think that anything with GBH or drugs or whatever out of school should definitely be treated by being expelled from your school.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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well considering ive had detention for the last 2 weeks i would say that thier are some dumb school rules, but i guess writing inappropriate things in a teachers yearbook wasnt my dumbest move. Signing my name was :wall:


26M Crafting XP

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well considering ive had detention for the last 2 weeks i would say that thier are some dumb school rules, but i guess writing inappropriate things in a teachers yearbook wasnt my dumbest move. Signing my name was :wall:




I actually laughed irl at that lol.




Rofl! Ah well, at least you'll know for next time; write inappropriate stuff, but don't sign you're name.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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Not going to school anymore but the school i went to had some dumb rules:




No smoking infront of the school gate (everyone did it across the street)


Then a new rule came:


No smoking arodund the school building or across the street.


Everyone ignored this :P




People started bringing their skateboards to school, a new rule got made:


No bringing skateboards to school (wtf)




A window got kicked in while playing soccer


A new rule got made:


No soccer (everyone ignored this)




School pause lasts 10 minutes (used to last 15 minutes but they tought that was to long)


Then they tought 10 minutes was to long and it's down to 8 minutes now (LOL!)


Thanks for the wonderfull sig Scar :)


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Eh, a few more. Sort of.


We get 25 minutes of lunch time. Except going up and down the stairs, as well as waiting in line, takes away about 5-10 minutes. -.-


We get 2 minutes between classes. And they expect us to go to the bathroom AND get to class in that time. <.< (Some of my teachers don't allow us to go to the bathroom at all during their class. We either have to wait until the next class or go during passing time)




Those two aren't really dumb. Just adding a little to the discussion that probably already ended.




Now, for a dumb one.


There's a staircase right next to my school's cafeteria. The other end of the staircase is right next to 90% of my classes. So typically, I would go down that staircase to get to lunch. Except no. We aren't allowed to. We have to go all the way around the building and go use the other staircase. (Except my friends and I found a shortcut. Or we sneak through, even though they have a teacher guarding the area. o.0) Anyways, we're allowed to go UP that staircase, but not down. W. T. F.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Eh, a few more. Sort of.


We get 25 minutes of lunch time. Except going up and down the stairs, as well as waiting in line, takes away about 5-10 minutes. -.-


We get 2 minutes between classes. And they expect us to go to the bathroom AND get to class in that time. <.< (Some of my teachers don't allow us to go to the bathroom at all during their class. We either have to wait until the next class or go during passing time)




Those two aren't really dumb. Just adding a little to the discussion that probably already ended.




Now, for a dumb one.


There's a staircase right next to my school's cafeteria. The other end of the staircase is right next to 90% of my classes. So typically, I would go down that staircase to get to lunch. Except no. We aren't allowed to. We have to go all the way around the building and go use the other staircase. (Except my friends and I found a shortcut. Or we sneak through, even though they have a teacher guarding the area. o.0) Anyways, we're allowed to go UP that staircase, but not down. W. T. F.


Ugh, I know what you mean. We have 4 minutes, though, so thats more time to go, but still....what if you gotta have a sit-down? :| And my 2nd period is near the Cafeteria, theres a staircase right by it which leads directly to 4ht period (yea, it goes out of order, we have odd periods on different days) but we can only go up to the 2nd floor, 4th is the third, even though the staircase goes up to the third floor. Its wiggidy wacked.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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tryto, you can sue your school for that rule. School cannot control what do you do in your free-time.




If you go to movie on Sunday though your school forbids it, they can do you nothing. And if they try, they are broking their levels of... damn I do not know that word :D




foofoomagoo, I laugh at you :thumbsup: way to be






Our cafeteria goes like this:




1-4 grades: 15 minutes after 2 classes.


5-8 grades: 15 minutes after 3 classes.


9-12 grades: 20 minutes after 4 classes.


Teachers: 20 minutes after 4 classes.




It is pretty nice, max you have to stay in row is ~5 minutes, and you can be late to the class for like 5 minutes after lunch break.




Oh, and we have "No civilians allowed" or something like this. We can't bring our relatives or friends to school if they have finished or haven't started school. Parents excepted of course :)




No live animals too. Though I and some friends found out how to go around it. We brought dead cat and tied it to the front door. Noone found out we did that, and it was a lot of fun ^^ Girls were screaming to the sight of dead and bleeding cat and teachers couldn't take it off. We glued it with superglue too... Well, school was free to go because couldn't get in, smell was bad.


Friend of PKGodz

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No live animals too. Though I and some friends found out how to go around it. We brought dead cat and tied it to the front door. Noone found out we did that, and it was a lot of fun ^^ Girls were screaming to the sight of dead and bleeding cat and teachers couldn't take it off. We glued it with superglue too... Well, school was free to go because couldn't get in, smell was bad.


=D> =D> Though I feel I must ask: where did you get the cat? :-k


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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2 main rules


1)no cussing, i mean come on, i've been cussin for a looooong time now, y am i not aloud to? every one else does lol


2)no fighting back or u get the same punishment as if u were the attcker, thats so bs, i've asked about it b4 and they said that u should tell a teacher, so i sad "b4 or after they beat my a**?" and got a wensday school lol, it a moronic rule


Sig by thru,yaff, ty both :)

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Oh, and we have "No civilians allowed" or something like this. We can't bring our relatives or friends to school if they have finished or haven't started school. Parents excepted of course :)




No live animals too. Though I and some friends found out how to go around it. We brought dead cat and tied it to the front door. Noone found out we did that, and it was a lot of fun ^^ Girls were screaming to the sight of dead and bleeding cat and teachers couldn't take it off. We glued it with superglue too... Well, school was free to go because couldn't get in, smell was bad.




DAMN THAT WAS HILARIOUS!! I was seriously laughing for an entire minute. Partly because I can see myself doing that.




Although our school is outdoors. But we could always superglue dead rats to all the classroom doors.




Just out of curiosity, where did you get the dead cat?

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2 main rules


1)no cussing, i mean come on, i've been cussin for a looooong time now, y am i not aloud to? every one else does lol


2)no fighting back or u get the same punishment as if u were the attcker, thats so bs, i've asked about it b4 and they said that u should tell a teacher, so i sad "b4 or after they beat my a**?" and got a wensday school lol, it a moronic rule




Those aren't bad rules...

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2 that i can think of




no saying merry christmas because of other religions (its a free country)


no ripped jeans (stupid because say its ripped knees, my teacher said as long as the skin doesn't show, but if u wear shorts you can see it, whats so wrong?)


Doing a little bit of everything

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The first rule is STUPID




But the others are fine.

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2 main rules


1)no cussing, i mean come on, i've been cussin for a looooong time now, y am i not aloud to? every one else does lol


2)no fighting back or u get the same punishment as if u were the attcker, thats so bs, i've asked about it b4 and they said that u should tell a teacher, so i sad "b4 or after they beat my a**?" and got a wensday school lol, it a moronic rule




Those aren't bad rules...


Really? The second ones seems really bad to me. Firsts alright, I mean, who cares. But Robo's comment to the teacher is logical and made me laugh. :P

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Okay this is a really lame rule, so I went to all the trouble of making a map of my school on MS Paint.








Notice the Red Areas? I am in 8th grade, which is pretty much shifting between those classrooms in red the whole day. When we go to lunch, we are denied access to the red pair of doors. It really is an annoyance having to walk another 100 feet down and then 100 feet up to get to your table. <.<




Why, you may ask, are we denied that entry? Our teachers do have some pride, after all; they reserve that door for their use only, and usually have someone stationed outside it at all times. Just to make sure nobody uses a shortcut. <.<

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Okay this is a really lame rule, so I went to all the trouble of making a map of my school on MS Paint.








Notice the Red Areas? I am in 8th grade, which is pretty much shifting between those classrooms in red the whole day. When we go to lunch, we are denied access to the red pair of doors. It really is an annoyance having to walk another 100 feet down and then 100 feet up to get to your table. <.<




Why, you may ask, are we denied that entry? Our teachers do have some pride, after all; they reserve that door for their use only, and usually have someone stationed outside it at all times. Just to make sure nobody uses a shortcut. <.<




Since you went through all the trouble of making a picture, I'll reply to it.




That sucks. If they're going to make you miserable by going back and forth, they might have the decency to let you through the door. Anyway, I'm sure you'll have more fun in highschool.

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Kill_Thomas9 and Lenin64:




We found it freshly hit by car on the road to school ^^




Lucky yea?




Trying to found some other rules or people who got punishment because of stupidity of rules.




To guy who posted plan:


Stupid teachers, always trying to irritate us and then punish us for trying to be faster/smarter than they..


Friend of PKGodz

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