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Goldfish Jumping out of bowl.


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Screw the gold fish. They are the hardest fish to actually keep and maintain. Go buy yourself a Beta!








They are much nicer looking, are easier to keep up, plus they generally just float around their bowl all day. No jumping there!




*WARNING* Do not get two, and if you do, keep them in separate bowls/tanks. Their nick name is the Japanese fighting fish. The name should make it obvious.


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im not trying to sound smart but maybe you've been feeding your fishes with foods that unleashes a lot of energy for them to hype up and jump out of the bowl. using a kitchen food cover might work if you poke dots and make sure its stable.




im not really good at pets, dont ask me anything!

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Anyone experienced a problem like this? My goldfish jump out of the bowl sometimes. I don't know when it happens but everytime I notice, it is already dead. I have already replaced around 4 fish. :( My bowl is not covered but I don't want to get a new one. Anyone got any ideas?




Threaten it.

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*WARNING* Do not get two, and if you do, keep them in separate bowls/tanks. Their nick name is the Japanese fighting fish. The name should make it obvious.




That's only when its a male, two females can be in the same bowl together, if my memory is correct. Oh and their pretty dumb so if you get one male fighting fish don't stick a mirror next to the bowl, or it'll link its another fish. No Joke I used to do it with my sister's when she had one, and it'd flair up all the time. :lol:

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Screw the gold fish. They are the hardest fish to actually keep and maintain. Go buy yourself a Beta!




Goldfish aren't nearly the hardest fish to maintain. My gold fish are outside in a 150gallon garden pond, and all I have to do is feed them once a day. Come November I'll stop feeding them completely until about March. They live through below freezing temperatures pretty easily.




The hardest fish for an average fish enthusiast (meaning only 1 or 2 50+ gallon tanks, like I have) would be Discus. The temperature of their tank has to be pretty steady within 3 or 4 degrees of normal. Then if you want to get even harder to maintain you can start talking about salt water or brackish water fish.




Actually all of the other fish I have had have been harder than goldfish. You probably don't get much easier than goldfish, unless you get a beta or a lot of small tetras or something. My tank now has 3 severums, 3 silver dollars, 2 spotted catfish, and two red tailed sharks. I did have an oscar in there until recently.



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Or, if you're getting a fishtank instead of a bowl, add a little water filter to it.




Still supposed to do a water change. I have a dual filter, and I usually change the filters every 3-4 weeks. Also do a 20% (10 gallons) water change weekly.



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STOP BOILING THE WATER. Im actually semi-serious there, I suppose (and I just got this idea through rectal extraction I pulled it out of my [wagon], essentially) that if you keep the bowl/tank in the sun, the water might heat up to the point where the fish wants to escape it, and jumps out? Glass does magnify the sun's heat. Think burning ants with a magnifying glass.


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STOP BOILING THE WATER. Im actually semi-serious there, I suppose (and I just got this idea through rectal extraction I pulled it out of my [wagon], essentially) that if you keep the bowl/tank in the sun, the water might heat up to the point where the fish wants to escape it, and jumps out? Glass does magnify the sun's heat. Think burning ants with a magnifying glass.




I lost about $70 worth of fish one time because my water got too hot. That was because of a malfunctioning heater though, not the sun. They couldn't jump out either, so they just kind of cooked. It made me mad, now I don't use heaters at all.



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STOP BOILING THE WATER. Im actually semi-serious there, I suppose (and I just got this idea through rectal extraction I pulled it out of my [wagon], essentially) that if you keep the bowl/tank in the sun, the water might heat up to the point where the fish wants to escape it, and jumps out? Glass does magnify the sun's heat. Think burning ants with a magnifying glass.




I don't think thats the problem. The bowl isn't near an window so the sun doesn't directly shine on it. Light reaches it though, it is not in the dark.

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It may be the water conditions. When you do a water change, add the necessary chemicals to the water. Also, run a ph check every so often to make sure the water isn't too acidic/basic as that may aggravate the fish and they are jumping. It may just be that your fish is too big for the bowl.




Some of those ideas might be a little overkill as I have a tropical tank but I still think a few checks wouldn't hurt.




Maybe post a picture?




Good luck!



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Screw the gold fish. They are the hardest fish to actually keep and maintain. Go buy yourself a Beta!








They are much nicer looking, are easier to keep up, plus they generally just float around their bowl all day. No jumping there!




*WARNING* Do not get two, and if you do, keep them in separate bowls/tanks. Their nick name is the Japanese fighting fish. The name should make it obvious.




That was supposed to deter me? I'm going to buy two, and run an illegal Japanese fighting fish ring out of my garage.

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Their nick name is the Japanese fighting fish. The name should make it obvious.




That's right, it really is serious, no longer will you be able to have Japanese people (or indeed Asians in general, those things aren't fussy) in your home - they'll just leap out the bowl right at em.

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I've never experienced anything of the sort, though if I remember correctly one of my cousins had some similar incidents. The only advice that I can come up with would be to purchase a lid for the tank, or something like that (if you haven't already).

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