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Halo Discussion thread


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There's currently a debate on the Bungie.net forums over whether or not Halo 3 should come to PC. Personally, I think it should, especially if it gets a good modding community, and if we get a Halo equivalent of Garry's Mod.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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There's currently a debate on the Bungie.net forums over whether or not Halo 3 should come to PC. Personally, I think it should, especially if it gets a good modding community, and if we get a Halo equivalent of Garry's Mod.


I could see Halo: Reach on the PC, but I would doubt it would. For many of us who happen to know of Microsoft's greediness, I would believe they would still keep it "Xbox Exclusive" to try and increase console sells, since I know a few people who had bought a 360 just for Halo, because they wanted to play it so bad. Maybe Microsoft will be "why the hell not?" and release it on the PC.


Anyone else notice the Spartans taking cover in the first video? New feature?


ps. Not going to lie when I first opened this tread up my impression was, "people are still playing halo 3 on live?"




People still do play Halo 3, usually I see around 100k people online everyday.

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Anyone else notice the Spartans taking cover in the first video? New feature?


ps. Not going to lie when I first opened this tread up my impression was, "people are still playing halo 3 on live?"

Finally... a FPS that lets you get into cover... YAY! About time someone did this. Realism ftw.

Unless it turns out those are just your squad mates, and you stand the entire time -.-

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Yes! Something I have wanted for a while, apparently Bungie will let you have a more dynamic experience with your character for campaign, and you will be able to customize Noble Six's armor a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing Halo 3's online matchmaking gets a bit repetitive but damn is it fun ;D


I really don't like that place 'boundless', really ticks me off and I always veto it.


I think I'm going to get the other Halo's too, it may be overrated but it is fun to play with usually incompetent people.



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Playing Halo 3's online matchmaking gets a bit repetitive but damn is it fun ;D


I really don't like that place 'boundless', really ticks me off and I always veto it.


I think I'm going to get the other Halo's too, it may be overrated but it is fun to play with usually incompetent people.

social slayer with everyone having a mic is one of the funnest moments in live ever. especially if there's alcohol at hand

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Oh.... my....... GOD. Am SO getting this. I love the new looks of the weapons, much more edgier feel to the game. Also, there is FINALLY a game mode that pits a lot of people against each other, with lots of vehicles 'n stuff. This should have been in the first games, at least in the campaign. I had always wanted that kind of scenario. A whole bunch of marines, lead by a (maybe a few) Spartan(s), Warthogs speeding past, scorpions rolling by, Hornets zooming around over head, all headed in one direction. To the enemy. Who happens to have thousands of grunts, elites, etc., backed by Wraiths, Banshees, whatever. All of this happening on a HUGE battlefield, everyone fighting at once, only one victor. Would be so EPIC.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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I have just urinated in my pants slightly.




The multiplayer looks amazing, and that's the Alpha built of it. I must do a jet-pack barrel roll as soon as I get it.


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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The slight chance of Microsoft releasing Reach on PC is larger than the chance they would have released Halo 3 on PC on release. Basically, the best we can hope for is a PC release seven months after the Console release. The reason why this may be true is because those who want to play Halo have already bought an Xbox, so now it wouldn't be as detrimental to release it on the PC, as the Halo market on the consoles may have been reached enough. Then again I am still not going to complain that much if it isn't released on the PC. It would be nice, but meh.


Halo: Reach will probably be a top 3 game of the year.

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I think I found the beta card from my ODST case, but every time I go to the site to unlock it, it doesn't say anything like it. Any solutions?

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Official Xbox Magazine's latest magazine has an 8-page "blowout" on Reach. I'd try and type it all but there is waaaaaaaaaaay too much to even try. But from the pictures, it looks like there are new turrets, unless the one I am looking at is just the machine gun turret we all know and love. The new, jackal-looking enemies are called Skirmishers. The battle rifle is called the DMR, Designated Marksman Rifle, 12 round clip. The Plasma pistol now has a splash-damage effect when charged, so you can take down multiple enemy shields at once with it. The needler no longer has the "super combine" explosion, but has tweaked tracking and aim. I guess the carbine is now the Needle Rifle, which apparently takes the Needler's explosion ability, only you need to take down the shields, then pump three needles in before they explode. It will be possible to drive what looks to be civilian vehicles, like the flatbed truck that can be seen in some photographs.


And finally, there are 5 other spartan-III's in your squad. Jorge, the heavy weapons guy. Emile the skull helmeted spartan (yes, that was a girl you saw sharpening a knife on her armor). Carter, the leader. Jun, the sniper, who wears lighter armor, and wears a "ghillie" suit. And Kat, the stealth expert who lost her right arm. Also, there will be customizable armor during the campaign, which can alter effects during combat, such as Active Camo, and Sprint. Sprint lets you do just that, run really fast for a limited time. That's all I can get without actually typing the whole article, but there you go.


Fun-fact edit: Nintendo scored lowest on Greenpeace's annual Guide to Greener Electronics. Finally, Microsoft beat Nintendo in something! WOOOOOOOOO! (Microsoft was second to last :twss:)

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Official Xbox Magazine's latest magazine has an 8-page "blowout" on Reach. I'd try and type it all but there is waaaaaaaaaaay too much to even try. But from the pictures, it looks like there are new turrets, unless the one I am looking at is just the machine gun turret we all know and love. The new, jackal-looking enemies are called Skirmishers. The battle rifle is called the DMR, Designated Marksman Rifle, 12 round clip. The Plasma pistol now has a splash-damage effect when charged, so you can take down multiple enemy shields at once with it. The needler no longer has the "super combine" explosion, but has tweaked tracking and aim. I guess the carbine is now the Needle Rifle, which apparently takes the Needler's explosion ability, only you need to take down the shields, then pump three needles in before they explode. It will be possible to drive what looks to be civilian vehicles, like the flatbed truck that can be seen in some photographs.


And finally, there are 5 other spartan-III's in your squad. Jorge, the heavy weapons guy. Emile the skull helmeted spartan (yes, that was a girl you saw sharpening a knife on her armor). Carter, the leader. Jun, the sniper, who wears lighter armor, and wears a "ghillie" suit. And Kat, the stealth expert who lost her right arm. Also, there will be customizable armor during the campaign, which can alter effects during combat, such as Active Camo, and Sprint. Sprint lets you do just that, run really fast for a limited time. That's all I can get without actually typing the whole article, but there you go.


Fun-fact edit: Nintendo scored lowest on Greenpeace's annual Guide to Greener Electronics. Finally, Microsoft beat Nintendo in something! WOOOOOOOOO! (Microsoft was second to last :twss:)


The special abilities are also in the multiplayer, and you can have one at a time. Theres sprint, one where you don't show up on the radar, and the jetpack for the spartans. For the elites theres the jumping thing and one other that is known so far that I can't remember

[hide=99s]47,297th to 99 Attack, 12/10/08
47,898th to 99 Hitpoints, 3/29/09
78,286th to 99 Strength, 4/5/09
36,125th to 99 Range, 6/7/09, 12:30 in the morning.
70,280th to 99 Defence, 4/16/10
67,781st to 99 Magic, 8/13/10
Somethingth to 99 Slayer on some day during the Summer (I forgot to write it down)
169,099th to 99 Cooking , 4/9/11
Idk what to 99 fm at some point
Idk what to 99 prayer on 1/28/2012

?? 99 thieving 12/30/2015

?? 99 herblore 1/2/2016, ?? 99 dungeoneering 9/5/2016[/hide]


Even if it's a dumb story, telling it changes other people just the slightest little bit, just as living the story changes me. An infinitesimal change. And that infinitesimal change ripples outward-ever smaller but everlasting. I will get forgotten, but the stories will last. And so we all matter-maybe less than a lot, but always more than none.

-John Green (An Abundance of Katherines)

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so are health packs back? hopefully not

Yes they are.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Feast your eyes onto matchmaking lobby pictures...



Also, Bungie Weekly Update: 3.19.10


And this ↓↓


New Features:


Active Roster - This is a throwback to Halo 2. When you boot up Reach, right at the main menu or lobby, you'll see a list of what your Xbox Live friends are doing within Reach. You'll get detailed information about any friends playing Reach including who they are partied with, what game they are in (plus score and remaining time), and more. Basically, Bungie wants to make it so that you do not have to utilize the Xbox Live Guide to find out what your buddies are doing in Reach.


Queue-Joining - In Halo 3, it was difficult to join friends that were already playing in a match. You had to wait until they were finished. If you started a game while you waited, they would then have to wait for you. Instead of going back and forth, Reach will support queue-joining. Simply put, Reach will automatically join up as soon as your friends are joinable.


Improved Voting System - Halo: Reach will utilize a new voting system, which Bungie described as "Veto 2.0". Each playlist will provide players with four options. The first will be a combination of map and gametype, much like you would see in Halo 3. The other three options will offer players additional choices to vote on. Thankfully, you'll know up front what your four options are so you no longer have to risk voting down a favored map, but unfavored gametype and getting an unfavored combination.


Arena Playlists - Possibly the largest change coming in Halo: Reach is the Arena. This is a Slayer and Team Slayer set of playlists entirely geared toward the hardcore. If that wasn't enough, players will be rated and placed into skill divisions in month-long seasons.


The rating system is smart enough to realize that kills aren't the only determining factor behind skill. This is especially true for team games where assists play a huge roll. Similarly, players that have a greater kill/death ratio (had more kills than deaths) will rank higher than players that die as much as they kill.


The divisions are Onyx, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Steel. It is possible to move up or down within a single season. To qualify for ranking, players will have to play a certain number of games a day to gain a "Daily Ranking", which will be an average of a player's best games from the day. To get a divisional ranking and compete in a season, players will need a certain number of Daily Rankings.


Casual gametypes will not appear in Arena playlists. You won't be seeing Rocket Race or Fiesta here.


Even though Arena is geared toward top-level players, it should help less skilled players avoid being matched up against people they have no chance of winning against.


Ranked and Social Combined - Since the hardcore will be in the Arena, Bungie doesn't want to further splinter the community. In Halo 3, Ranked and Social playlists served two different purposes. Ranked games were generally of a higher quality, while social games were more casual.


In Reach, the playlists will be smart enough to put you and your party in the proper match based upon how many players you have. Say you're looking for a game in a four-on-four playlist. If you bring four people, Reach will attempt to match your team against another group of four at a similar skill level. If you go in with more than four, it will properly split your party across the teams and fill in the blanks with additional players.


Streamlined Party-Up - After a Halo 3 match, players were presented with the option to "Party Up" and merge lobbies with all willing players. In Reach, it will be an opt-out system. After a match, players will be kept together and it will automatically roll into looking for the next match. The system is flexible enough to allow Bungie to determine, per playlist, whether to keep a team together and find a new set of opponents or keep an entire game together and move onto the next map.


Matchmaking Connection Options - The options for finding games in matchmaking will be more open to the player, if they so choose. If you only ever want to play in games with a good connection, that can be set in the options. If you only ever want to play against players of a similar skill, that can be set. The same goes for finding players that speak to same language.


Social Settings - In addition to these connection options, players can rate themselves along four axes to add another layer of criteria to the matchmaking. These won't trump anything else, but it will help Bungie build better teams. Players will define their playstyle in the following four categories:


* Teamwork - Team Player vs. Lone Wolf

* Motivation - Winning vs. Having Fun

* Chattiness - Chatty vs. Quiet

* Tone - Polite vs. Rowdy


This allows Bungie, for example, to try and build a team of chatty, polite, team-playing, winners in serious playlists.


These new features are a huge part of Halo: Reach and should help foster a better community than Halo 3 or Halo 2. Personally, I'm extremely excited about the Arena system. I've been having a lot of fun in the StarCraft II beta test with Blizzard's Leagues & Ladders system. Arena is the same concept.


It should also help alleviate the epidemic of smurfing (creating new Xbox Live accounts) to give maxed out players something to do in Halo 3. Instead of starting over, destroying noobs and reclimbing the skill charts, these top-level players will be encouraged to play season-after-season in the Arena and be meaningfully compared to each other. It's a system that has been a long-time-coming to a first-person shooter.


I think Halo: Reach has a pretty solid chance to get Game of the Year.

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I just thought of an idea for Custom Games. When Halo: Reach comes out; now we know there will be jetpacks, and I believe there is a good chance for a true completely empty Forge map, perhaps making a giant pit, and creating a game type which would be the combination of Grifball with jetpacks. Quidditch anyone? ;-)

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