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The Five People You Meet In Lumbridge


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My god.....Lime...Wow...There are no words for how well writen that is. It really makes you think, when someone walks by and just says noob....They do it because they feel the internet gives them anonymity, but it doesn't. The people you make fun of in this game are people, with real feelings. Some people who have posted in this topic obviously don't know this, or are to young to care. Some people think that he's just writing a story to give to jagex with everything Runescape in it. That couldn't be any farther from the truth, look beyond all the other things and just read the story.

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I just read through it all, and that is amazingly written. It realy does make you "think" about what influences people have on you, and what influences you have on them.








I mean.. it reminds me of one time, my freind helped out this low level back when he was lower as well. Well, later on that "low lvl noob" became a high lvl, quite rich person. And i can tell you, he remembered my freind. He may have only given him full iron, or helped him on a quest, but damn he remembered him. And that does give you a good feeling.












People sometimes ingame realy don't think about the person on the other side. They think "oh its just a game, who cares?" and just act stupid.








Well.. it may only be a game, but your playing with real people. There are people who play games that have been through alot of horible stuff, stuff we couldn't dream of. They hope for a game to be their resort, kind of a get away from life. But when they find that even in a Game people cant act nice, it may very well be the last straw.












I loved how you showed each of the peoples personalitys. To tell you the truth, i have laughed at peoples offers before, and i have sometimes called a person a "noob" when they anoyed me. All i know, is that at least for some people here on the forums, it will be a reality check (beyond the people who think you have no life :? ) and its one of those things that can help towards a better comunity.
















So, who would be the five people I'd meet in lumbridge? Well... I realy can't tell, but for one I would see my freind Jairyn. My best freind on and offline. We started runescape together, back in the chicken fields, trying to make our way up to become rich by starting our own cooked meat buisness. He would be there, and it would be like a reunion almost, as he has quit rs. (we still play other games together, but this is rs only)








The second person I met would be a guy I knew in the begining. I remember it quite vividly. We started a clan on runescape, in hopes of becoming, again, rich and powerful, and just have fun. He was the leader of our clan, and he was one of the nicest guys you could meet.








But not for long. He made freinds with the wrong crowd. he soon assosiated with probaly one of the bigest and most well known hackers/scammers/whatever of the time, and almost today as well. His attitude changed slowly towards runescape. It even brought me to the day where I actualy saw the person I trusted so much try and bring my little brother down to hacking. It was over. I had not met him again untill a year or two later after the incident. He said he was sorry, that it was old times, but I didn't trust him. He had tried to get my brother to hack. To me... I just lost all my faith in him that day.








he would greet me by a simple "hello" we would make small talk for a while, and he would then blurt out a "im sorry" I would stare at him, get up in his face, and just turn around.












As i turned around the third person would be his "freind". He would start off in an angry tone, and let out the most profanitys the world has ever laid eyes on. I would tell him "Why can't you change?" and he would reply with a "why should I?" I would shake my head at him, and try and not show my anger towards him.








The forth person I would meet would be another old clan member. We would sit down and joke around about the old times. Our times of adventureing around the strange land, fighting all kinds of strange and powerful beasts. He would tell me about why he left and never returned. He was sent to a hospital. There he spent the majority of his time. He didn't have the strength to play runescape. My freind... the one who turned before my eyes, would make up lies. he would tell me that he was in a "mental hospital" or just say nothing. On the inside.. i know he was hurt.








The final person I met would be simply, my brother. We would both stare at each other for a second. "how does he make a difference in my life??" we would shout out at once. if only we knew how much we had influenced the other. Memorys would come back about how I got him into this game called Runescape. he would tell me about all the times we had pked together, and how sometimes, somewhere, deep down it was something we could share, or talk about. We could simply start up a conversation about the latest updates, how much so and so is a noob, or just make jokes.








I too helped him from turning. When my freind tried to get him to hack i was outraged. I told him to go away, to go ahead and cheat all you want but don't get my brother into it. I would get rid of any of the link to the site. We would talk for a while. Later on Jairyn would come back. We would laugh about how much my brother was a noob sometimes, about how he used to be the richest on RSC... and just about old times.








We would stare off into the distance looking at the others. My freind.. the sick one, would be enjoying him self quietly. It seemed that all of his excitment was too much. he could be a normal person again, but somehow, it felt like he was already an outcast. I would walk over there, tell him to get his wagon over with us, and chat about old times.








Meanwhile.. the other two, the hacker and the hackers freind would laugh. They would make comments behind our back. Ala's , the hackers freind was turned again. So much for being sorry. He couldn't change, and he didn't. He was too weak of a person.








In the end, we would just sit there for ages. We would just simply laugh about old times, laugh about new things that are happening, but would rarly mention the hacker. Meanwhile... The two hackers would talk to themselves. They soon became distant however. Since you couldn't just "hack" in lumbridge(heaven) They had nothing to do, they had no willpower to do anything. They would just sit there, make crude jokes, and grow more and more distant. They soon would be in seperate corners, thinking about their past, starting to regret it. But they would never fully regret it, It was always someone elses fault, so and so always did it.
















Its not writtin the same way as yours, but oh well.








And also, alot of these "events" happened. Like the person trying to get my brother to hack, it happened. Although i am not sure about my freind who was in the hospital (it is only what i had heard).












So yes, stuff that happens makes you think.

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This thread is a direct result of players taking this game too personally. It's why there's constantly so many childish arguements, "lols" at things that are incredibly unfunny, and "noobs" thrown out to passing strangers purely to try and bait them. It really does suck, and it's the reason that I constantly keep public chat off. It's because everyone cares, and cares too much. Nothing anyone ever says can be viewed sardonically or tactfully, it's all too [bleep]ing literal.

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Very nice post, the part about how you stopped the guy form killing himself made me shiver. :shock: It's amazing what a game can do to people.








Anyway my five would probably go something like this:








1st: My best friend who I don't know in rl, Elmnop (or mark). When we met, I was a lvl 40 noob and he was a lvl 20 guy asking me for help. His friend had killed him and he wanted to me to get revenge against him. I thought why not, and smithed him the best armor i could make at the time (probably some iron crap). I helped him around and we started training together. I never forgot the feeling when he got his first r2h, I was so jealous, we trusted each other so much and he let me use it. I lit like a 10 or something and I was like 8) I ended up buying a rune b-axe the next day.








2nd: This guy who scammed me when I was a noob out of a rune long, med and some mith and addy. I still remember his name (tar get). I was too trusting of people and fell for "Give me your stuff and il give it back with a mask" I saw him do it to 2 other people (they were accesories for him) and fell for it :cry: I was so sad that day. I wish there was a way that he could see how much it upset me back then.








3rd: A guy who was quitting and had a big drop party, I got 80k and a rune large from it, I was the happiest noob in town. I wish I could see him and to give him a personal thank you from me to him to show how much it ment to me back then.








I dunno who else I could put, meh

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thought provoking, extremely well-written, really nice!








I opened it expecting to see a short list of lumby accidentals:




the skuller who lagged out and is pissed




the skuller who lagged out and accepts




the idiot who didn't read the teleblock update




the dude who hangs around during wars to scoff at the ones who die












but much to my surprise instead of a cheap laugh I got sucked into a tasty parable. It does matter how you treat people, whether they're represented by pixels or not. Things you do and say have a lasting effect whether you like it or not, and I'm a big believer in karma, irl and irs.








As far as ppl who take the game too seriously, yeh, there are those, but they're hella better than the ones who don't give a cabbage.

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Dude I hate sayin this but you need to go out more








It's rather ironic you say that, when this story was most likely written in a couple of hours and you, who have most likely played RuneScape for more than a couple of hours tell that person to 'get out more'. At least he has something to contribute to the community, unlike you.








The story is really well written and it brings up some big issues; it's about the person behind the character not the image on your computer screen.








You made me logout of RuneScape as well I was meant to get 5 levels and then logout and see how far i'd shot up hiscores on overall.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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EXCELLENT story. Thanks for posting it.








Who would my 5 be? I have no idea but I can tell you that it would probably be the 5 who I would least like to be reminded of. The point is our words and deeds affect people in ways we can never know unless and until they are revealed to us. Some will be good and since no one is perfect, some bad. The best way to avoid the bad is love of others over self (tough one) and practice of The Golden Rule. easier said than done


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Brilliantly written, made me think, although i'm not sure you should contribute this to Varrock Library, as those stories are more COMPLETELY to do with Runescape, whereas this has a much deeper meaning, in a way contributing this....this....work of art to the Varrock Library would ruin it, here's my pathetic attempt at my five people.








I picked myself up from the cold hard flagstones of the Lumbridge castle steps, looking around slowly, i gained my senses, and the people began to become more visible, but, it seemed, Runescape had stopped, none of the NPCs were moving, in fact they were gone, a bush dissolved into pixels then disappeared next to me, and i figured that it was over, Runescape had ended, and all that was left was me, and these five people, all looking at me, they were arranged rather regularly, sort of in a half-hearted horseshoe, all looked at me as i knelt on one knee, nursing my bruised head, having just been PKed after lagging out. 'Interesting' i thought, 'why are only five people and me here?' but i was pulled out of my thoughts as the first person approached me, he sauntered slowly along, looking at the world slowly melting around him, finally he concentrated on me, as i stood up and shook my head lightly to get rid of the faint nausea. He waved lightly 'Hi' he muttered, and looked down, it seemed he was in almost awe at me, i think i recognised him, and he told me why, "My name in Runescape was Fazidah993, i needed to get through the Al Kharid gate one afternoon, i was level 3, i had no money, just a few runes and the starting kit. I was typing 'Please someone lend me 10gp! I need to get through the gate!' But everyone was ignoring me, as if i was invisible, a few s[racist term]ed, shouted 'NOOB!' at me, and ran through the gate. I saw you, you didn't move on your way, you saw me, and started killing a few goblins. I wondered why, he's level 60, he doesn't need to kill goblins! You finished killing about three, more people had s[racist term]ed at me, and then finally you walked up to me, and i saw a trade request. The trade screen came up, and you offered me 10gp and accepted. I smiled, sat at my computer, and clicked through the trade screens. I passed through the gate, and you followede through, once again i wondered why, until i saw you say 'Folo' and began walking south to Al Kharid, i followed, inquisitive. You led me to the bank, and once again gave me a trade request, and gave me one thousand gp, i was almost ecstatic. 'Here' you said 'just to get you started off' and immediately teled, off to somewhere new to train your skills, but my heart was still warmed. I remember you still this day, and i thank you once again, as i did back then." He finished, stepped back, and dissolved like the scenery around me. The second person stepped up, she moved with a slow grace, i could tell she was a warrior, even though all our equipment had been lost ('Strange' i thought, 'i haven't kept my three items, hmmm'). She looked at me, looked me over, and smiled, reached forward and embraced me, i was slightly shocked at first, her warm body felt nice against me, and slowly my arms went round her aswell. She fell back, smiling now. "Hi" She giggled lightly "I'm Lord Kitten" She brushed a soft curl of hair out of her face. "Err..." I vaguely remembered her from Draynor i think, chopping willows, she'd lost her axe head and was annoyed. "Hush" She muttered "It's my turn to talk" She brushed another curl out of her face, i noticed her light skin, so soft..."Yes, that's right, i'm from Draynor, i was cutting willows with my rune axe when i lost the head, and missed it because i was reading some forums." I smiled, faint memories began to spark in the deeps of my brain. "The axe head managed to get lost, because no-one else saw it happen either. You took pity on me, and traded, still annoyed, and shocked, i walked back to the bank, you followed. I became angry, and typed out 'What do you want noob!!?' undeterred, you traded again, i sighed, and traded with you, looking for the familiar 'free st00f plx' in the chat, instead, you offered your rune axe to me, and accepted, stunned, i accepted too, and the second trade screen confirmed it, you'd given me a free rune axe. I smiled, and chuckled lightly, 'So there are kind people in Runescape' i thought, but too late, you'd logged out, i hadn't the chance to catch your username, but i'm sure we would have sparked a relationship if i had, such a shame you logged out" She winked at me, put a hand up, caressed my cheek, then turned and dissolved as the other boy had.




The third person approached me now, a man this time, he shuffled along, obviously his back hurted, and i guessed he was a miner. He looked at me, and smiled as the others had. "Hi, i'm Jerry343, a miner" i nodded, having already guessed that. "I was sitting in Varrock, having been scammed out of my prize rune pickaxe, some-one had offered me 40k, then declined, and trade me again, i quickly clicked through the screens, unaware that he'd reduced it to 40gp. Having figured out my mistake i shouted after the scammer 'Hey!!! Give my pickaxe back!' but he'd run off laughing, screaming 'Noob!!!!111' and logged. I sat there at my PC, annoyed as hell, i'd mined iron for days, click after click after click, until finally i could afford that precious rune pickaxe that i'd so wanted for 32k in the shop. I was walking through Varrock, back from a load at Varrock SE mine, when i saw someone shouting 'Buying rune pickaxe 40k!', and was drawn into the scam. You saw my shouts, and accessed your bank, pulled out an addy pickaxe and gave it to me, saying 'Here, it's not as good as rune but it'll get you started again, report that scammer now' Still frustrated, i managed to type 'Thx', before hurriedly filing a report against the scammer. I returned to my mining, and after another day i could mine coal. Doing that i managed to make a lot more, and managed to buy another rune pickaxe after another day, i'll never forget you mate, you're the best player i've ever known. Never mind Zezima, or all the others, a good player is one that shows courtesy and kindness, and you did that day to me, and i'm still in your debt." He nodded, and, as the woman had done, turned and dissolved.




The fourth person approached me, and s[racist term]ed. "Hey mate, i'm Stephenm21, i scammed you" He smirked, and i tried to draw my fist back, thinking to punch him, but i couldn't move. "Hehe, you managed to make your fortune off a pair of ranger boots you got off a treasure trail didn't ya? And eager as ever, you rushed off to buy an ammy of glory, wanting it's bonuses and teleport capability, you stood in Falador for 5 minutes, yelling 'Buying ammy of glory!' but no-one answered, no-one wanted to sell to you, until i came up, and traded, in your eagerness you quickly shoved up the 100k, and i, sneakily, put up an amulet of magic, you accepted in your hurry to get an ammy, i couldn't believe my luck. I scarpered before you figured it out, as you did pretty quickly, ran after me shouting 'Scammer! Stop with my money!' but i'd logged, and made a cool 99k out of your foolishness, thanks." He grinned, winked at me and walked away as the others.




The fifth person, a girl who i definitely recognised, she was my friend in real life, went by the RS name of Feeblo, i kinda fancied her too, we were pretty close. She smiled, "Hey, i guess i don't need to introduce myself then." She giggled lightly. Chuckling myself i muttered "No, continue" She smiled, and began to talk, "I'm here because i'm one of the ones who you've had the most influence on. I helped you in the start, smithing you stuff, and helping you with quests and how to get such-and-such. You followed my every command perfectly, and i kind of enjoyed being in command. You began playing more and more, happy with your headstart, and soon, having surpassed me weeks ago, you decided it was time to repay me. And repay me you did. I received a message in runescape, you were already on my world. 'Where are you?' it said, puzzled, i muttered 'In Seers, alching, why?' 'Nothing, don't move' came the reply. Still puzzled, i wondered why you wanted to know where i was, you came running into the bank from the east all of a sudden, i was guessing you'd Camelot teled. I typed 'Hi! Why are you here?', as i pressed enter, i also recieved a trade request, i accepted, and saw your offer, three rune scimmys, a dragonstone amulet (unenchanted) and a ring of wealth, wondering what was going on i began typing 'Wtf!?'. After i'd finished typing, i'd saw you'd accepted, accepting myself the trade ended succesfully, and you typed 'That's for all your help, thank you very much' and teled. Touched, i smiled, sitting at my PC, i'd never realised i'd even be repayed, let alone this much." I smiled, it'd worked, i'd joined RS to get closer to her anyway. "Thank you" and she lent forwarded, gave me a light kiss on the lips, and dissapeared aswell, i was on my own, the taste of her soft lips still on mine. I closed my eyes, and fell back, back into nothing.








*Edit* My god i write more than i think, pooh, that did take a lot of energy thought, please don't flame me for small mistakes, i know my writing sucks *Edit*

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What an awesome topic! I know someone who would be one of my 5 people and that's Marlaine Lv100 character we met in the fishing guild, she was afk and died and I picked up her wizard boots.








When she returned to the guild a few minutes later she was desperate to get her boots back and was asking around after who had got them. I said I had picked them up and I traded them straight back to her. She was overwhelmed that I had the kindness and kept stressing that so few people would have done what I did. We instantly became friends.








And on the flip-side, I would be in Lionheart164's 5 people because she did make a massive impact on me in the game and I realised there are some really nice, genuine people out there.










Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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Isn't this suppose to be in Library of Varrock?




Of course it is. I'm just completely incapable of deciding where to put my posts. In fact, I'm so stupid, I can't think of anything positive to contribute to this. Alongside this, I am not really interested in cleaning up the boards per se, but rather trying to look smart in front of someone, I know not who, but someone should come along and read this and be instantly enthralled by the glorious post I've made and then thousands of people will worship me when I beomce a moderator of these fine forums and feel completely uncompelled to move a post like this when I see it sitting happily collecting intelligent and thought-out replies (for the most part).








Maybe when I become a mod, I can finally land that rs girlfriend that I've been telling all my clanmates about. She's got the cutest skill total I've ever seen *swoon* 969 :oops:








If I felt it belonged in the library of varrock, don't you think I'd put it in the library of varrock?












As for the rest of the posts, I wish I had time to reply to them all one by one. I was especially piqued by the response that the original post was elicited because we often take things too seriously, too personally, take offense of things we ought not take offense on.








The word "noob" is a perfect example of this. It represents an insult, a disapproval of someones choice of behavior. It is said in much the same manner of much stronger insults in real life. Maybe something along the lines of "You live like a pig. You're filthy, and I don't wish to see you again. Just being around you is disgusting."








You say that to a person in real life, and you have most definitely just pissed someone off.








Just because there's a different word for it doesn't change that people have the ability, and often interpret things in ways you don't expect. There are thousands of people that play this game, some that are like me, and many that are far different from me. But that doesn't mean that not everybody's brain works in basically the same way, and that we don't have the same goals- to succeed, to be good, to achieve some status in mind by which we are satisfied with the outcome of the sum of our efforts.








RS is an immensely personal game. The same might be said for other RPGs, but I get the feeling that it is slightly less personal in some other RPGs where building your character is akin to building a car, and racing it against other cars. The complexity of being that one finds in runescape and the ability of a character to do anything, everything, and nothing all in one day is a hook.








You can chat in the plaza, you can walk, hunt for treasure, fish, mine, smith, craft, kill, play minigames, anything at all. You don't have to like combat. Hell, you can even merchant if you want to (even though I'd prefer you don't :-\) Your experience is going to be a wholly unique one, perhaps this is why everyone has different people in lumbridge awaiting them, and perhaps this is why everyone plays.












Gandalf: I'm actually not a LOtR fan, but I wouldn't mind having my own legendary status about :P








lol, i can just see it now, walking through camelot when four people go "amigawd its lime murcury" (because they would be incapable of spelling mercury) and then getting asked for free things... or blessings!








(someone please stop me when i go off on tangents like this)








Davyln/Devlyn: The first person that came to mind was a person named Dagny that i had run across once before, then I changed dagny to davlyn, thought about it for a while, decided I had seen the character name before and didn't want to put her in something without her knowing about it, so I changed it to Devlyn to make it an imaginaryish sort of person..

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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