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A Newish Trend in Quests


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Until FAIRLY recently, most intermediate and above quests had a different style, and took some thought. These days, even the master quests are getting easier, and the storylines are more whimsical. I'm trying to think when it all started, and my best guess is around the time that "an enlightened journey" was released.




Why is it that I can't take 2 steps without a pop culture reference being thrown in my face? What happened to they days when quests existed only within runescape. And what the heck happened to the all the unfinished storylines? It seems that every time we DON'T get mourning's end part 3, we get a random sequel to a quest that didn't really need a sequel.




For instance, the latest quest was "Back to my roots" and it was a sequel to.... Tribal Totem? Wtf?






One more thing I'd like to add. The definition of a master quest has changed drastically ever since, probably "Contact!", or certainly by "Grim Tales". In general, the master quests before that are considered master quests because of the danger of dying (although i never died during a quest), and the puzzles. Also occasionally because of length (see Recipe for Disaster). Now, the only way a quest becomes "master" is when it has high skill requirement. For the record, "Back to the roots" and "Grim Tales" were easy and very whimsical, but they had very high slayer, wcing, and farming requirements.




C'mon, some of us serious questers have been waiting for another Desert treasure, another Elemental Workshop, another Darkness of hallowvale, Dare I say another Mourning's end part 2? Something with a serious storyline, maybe something without NPCs telling you what to do every time.




If you don't like to THINK when you do a quest, you could always just... read a guide! :evil:



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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Unfinished storylines: CHECK! i.e.:mournings end, desert treasure, elemental workshop...




Whimsical quests, yes, and getting easier, sadly, yes...

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Not sure if anyone noticed this: in the dungeon under the ape atoll temple, there is a room that you can see but not access (caged off), full of zombie skeletons.




Supposedly, it was for a future quest that will never be, cause they jagex guy who made it no longer works for them! :-k



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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I would like them to expand quests as much as anybody. But some people need short easy quests for a short easy break from skilling to kick back and relax.
Theres plenty of short easy novice quests for them already. The only people who do all the quests are the serious questers anyway.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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I would like them to expand quests as much as anybody. But some people need short easy quests for a short easy break from skilling to kick back and relax.
Theres plenty of short easy novice quests for them already. The only people who do all the quests are the serious questers anyway.




I concur. I am sick of these random sequels... And the newest HAM quest this month.... NO ONE GIVES A RAT'S [wagon] about the HAM storyline.... Why do they keep expanding it, instead of finishing the storylines that numerous people have requested for the past two years?!




Plague City




Rise of the Red Axe




These three storylines have not been updated for over eight months... Get with the program, Jagex.

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One more thing I'd like to add. The definition of a master quest has changed drastically ever since, probably "Contact!", or certainly by "Grim Tales". In general, the master quests before that are considered master quests because of the danger of dying (although i never died during a quest), and the puzzles. Also occasionally because of length (see Recipe for Disaster). Now, the only way a quest becomes "master" is when it has high skill requirement. For the record, "Back to the roots" and "Grim Tales" were easy and very whimsical, but they had very high slayer, wcing, and farming requirements.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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One more thing I'd like to add. The definition of a master quest has changed drastically ever since, probably "Contact!", or certainly by "Grim Tales". In general, the master quests before that are considered master quests because of the danger of dying (although i never died during a quest), and the puzzles. Also occasionally because of length (see Recipe for Disaster). Now, the only way a quest becomes "master" is when it has high skill requirement. For the record, "Back to the roots" and "Grim Tales" were easy and very whimsical, but they had very high slayer, wcing, and farming requirements.




Very true... For a quest to be deemed as "Master Level" a couple years ago, it meant it was very challenging and also very long. Now, Master Quests are a joke; any quest you can complete in less than an hour should not be rated as Master Level, unless it involves fighting a monster than hits frequent 30+ on you, which has yet to be seen. The closest thing to that was Barrelchest, and he only hit up to around 26, which is very easy to double-eat out of.

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Jagex rated a quest's difficulty level with reference to how you would fare without a guide. Hence, don't go read some guide about a master quest, learn about which attack style to use/what to pray/max of quest monster then come here and say you didn't die during the quest. Without a quest guide, would you know what to expect from the quest?

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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I agree with you. It's sad that the quests is going in this way. We can only hope for Jagex to finish the storylines and to bring us harder quests.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Even without a guide the recent "master" quests are really easy (I should know, I have a QP cape and haven't used a quest guide in over two years). They certainly have been more entertaining to do than some of the previous ones, but the challenge is definitely gone. The part of Back To My Roots that took me the longest was finding the entrance to the maze; somehow, that just doesn't seem right for a "master" quest.

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Jagex rated a quest's difficulty level with reference to how you would fare without a guide. Hence, don't go read some guide about a master quest, learn about which attack style to use/what to pray/max of quest monster then come here and say you didn't die during the quest. Without a quest guide, would you know what to expect from the quest?
I admit, for the beginning of my membership, I used a few quest guides because friends told me it would be impossible otherwise, but I soon realized that quest guides were not needed. The only master quest I used a guide for was Monkey madness, (and I peeked a little for Mourning's end Part 2, it was a waste of pray pots to figure the puzzles out myself :oops: ). I have done every quest since "Contact" the day it came out, so please don't flame me!



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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Or maybe you have got higher levels and quests seem easier to you?




I like the little add-ins of pop culture. Makes the quest more fun which is the whole point of quests

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Even without a guide the recent "master" quests are really easy (I should know, I have a QP cape and haven't used a quest guide in over two years). They certainly have been more entertaining to do than some of the previous ones, but the challenge is definitely gone. The part of Back To My Roots that took me the longest was finding the entrance to the maze; somehow, that just doesn't seem right for a "master" quest.




Have to agree there... I haven't even had to consult the in-game quest interface for the last couple.

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I concur. I am sick of these random sequels... And the newest HAM quest this month.... NO ONE GIVES A RAT'S [wagon] about the HAM storyline.... Why do they keep expanding it, instead of finishing the storylines that numerous people have requested for the past two years?!





If you dont like it, dont say nobody does. I cant wait for another quest with Zanik! :thumbsup:




Sure, MEP3 or DT2 would be great...But im happy with what we have now ::'




P.S. things will only get better^^ yeah im too optimistic, but still=D

Also, i tried farming once and my potatoes died, put me off forever.
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I agree with the guide part fully. People constantly commented on how easy the Legends Quest and Desert Treasure are for master quests when their first instinct is to read a guide? Please.




On one we have a quest where a player can proceed in various ways with varying difficulty (get the obsidian dagger or use the holy blast scroll?) and the other involves fighting four of the most dangerous enemies in the game due to terrain and difficulty of said enemies. I died on Kamil TWICE before discovering the trick to beat him.




This comes to another point: Whenever a new quest is released, the very first posts you see are "How do you get over this?" "Where do I get this?" "What am I supposed to do in this part?"... By Guthix people, Jagex even provided you with a quest journal and you can't do a quest without help from others? #-o

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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Or maybe you have got higher levels and quests seem easier to you?




I like the little add-ins of pop culture. Makes the quest more fun which is the whole point of quests




What you say might makes sense but I disagree because, a) I have had the requirements for all quests for.. I do not remember.. but I always had them. I dont remember the last time I had to actually train for a quest. :-k B) I havnt raised my combat in the last 3 years. My combat is 102 and I think that is average combat for questing. c) I was a adult when I began, I am still a adult.








I think new players who join have got the option to do both the good and bad quests. (bad, bad, good, bad, good, good, bad, good) They leave with the impression that some quests are good and bad.




While those who have already completed all the quests only get bad. (bad, bad, bad, good, bad, bad, bad, bad) So we get very tired of them and leave with a bad impression.




Quests USED to be kinda good.. but I just find them seriously tedius now. Thats a very sad thing because I used to love them but I just groan when I see quest releases nowadays.




Even without a guide the recent "master" quests are really easy (I should know, I have a QP cape and haven't used a quest guide in over two years). They certainly have been more entertaining to do than some of the previous ones, but the challenge is definitely gone. The part of Back To My Roots that took me the longest was finding the entrance to the maze; somehow, that just doesn't seem right for a "master" quest.




(^^That is a perfect example whyVV)




Are you kidding me?! That was a 'master' quest?! Wow.. I thought it was a novice quest.. I dont bother checking the requirements or level of difficulty anymore. I dont use guides either.. I dont believe that could of been a master lol. Eh.. #-o But I believe you.

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Plague City




Rise of the Red Axe




These three storylines have not been updated for over eight months... Get with the program, Jagex.




The Path of Glouphrie was released on 03-Sep-2007




I do agree, however, that Plague City and Rise of the Red Axe need to be continued ASAP.

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Another quest that needs a end to it is Regiced, thats is my favorite quest but they still have not put a end to it...




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



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Another quest that needs a end to it is Regiced, thats is my favorite quest but they still have not put a end to it...




Regicide has a sequal, MEP1 and MEP2 (and roving elves, but that was easy), but if you meant that storyline, then yeah, I've been dying for another actually challenging quest since I completed those


621st person to achieve 99 slayer on December 3rd, 2007

177th person to 99 summoning on June 21st, 2008

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Sweet, others besides myself care!


I too have noticed that quests have been lacking in what I like to call "epic" qualities, like those in the Plague City and DT quests. Those types of quests deal with the actual backstory of RuneScape and are fulfilling.




Heck, even stuff like Elemental Workshop, which is easy, is satisfying because I feel like I'm accomplishing something, as opposed to something like Back to My Roots, where I do absolutely nothing but go on an errand for a gardener.




I can appreciate some of the lighter quests, but there have been far too many recently (I personally think that the Goblin series is epic). Those little quests are fine and fun at times, but they really outnumber the epic ones.

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Sweet, others besides myself care!


I too have noticed that quests have been lacking in what I like to call "epic" qualities, like those in the Plague City and DT quests. Those types of quests deal with the actual backstory of RuneScape and are fulfilling.




Heck, even stuff like Elemental Workshop, which is easy, is satisfying because I feel like I'm accomplishing something, as opposed to something like Back to My Roots, where I do absolutely nothing but go on an errand for a gardener.




I can appreciate some of the lighter quests, but there have been far too many recently (I personally think that the Goblin series is epic). Those little quests are fine and fun at times, but they really outnumber the epic ones.

I agree completely. There are quests such as the Elemental Workshop ones, Underground Pass, and even sort of Shades of Mort'ton that have pretty much nothing to tell you what to do. No directions, no NPCs, just your logic.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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