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A record on who visits Runescape.com.


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The only way to discern this information would be to read your e-mails, which is illegal, so yeh. Unless everyone but me has a folder with all their personal information in it that is sent to these people every time an internet connection is detected. Or its magic.
*Deletes file on computer* Ok back, Yeah, I think that site is a bunch of BS. There is no way to tell that information from the IP.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

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thats complete bs, the rank one is yahoo, rabk 2 is google. i mean wtf google probably has twice the visits than google. there must be something else e arent seeing




now take a look at this


This site reaches over 176K U.S. monthly uniques. The site is popular among a younger following.The typical visitor plays World of Warcraft, frequents clubpenguin.com, and reads funnyjunk.com.




now tell me how the fred can most people that come on tip.it play world of warcraft and non of them be frequenters ob rs o.O




cmon that site sucks





I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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They have bad affiliates (and not enough) to give a clear view.


Furthermore this sort of counter with this depth of stats is total bullcrap when used to check an amount of visitors of a game played by YOUNGSTERS (from 18-9 let's say, even though rs is for 13+ but who gives a [bleep]).




Most of their data should be retrieved through the ISP which MIGHT provide them with the subscriber of the internetconnection it's gender.




This could be correct cause overally it's usually the mother in a family who has things like these on her name, hence the larger amount of females.




But whatever ... these stats are simply way off for this specific site (rs)

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Runescape is among the top 1k websites in terms of traffic :-w. Slightly more girls than boys visit it, I thought this game had a 9:1 male majority :shock:. Before anyone says it's just people coming to the site, less than 1/4 of the people visiting RS are considered "passers by". The rest are "regulars" or "addicts". Before anyone says it's a bunch of guys playing girl characters, this is a record of who goes to runescape.com, not what type of character we have ingame.




Things like gold buying sites, cheat sites, and searches for "runescape cheats" or "runescape hacks" are pretty high on the list of other websites visited or searches typed. And finally, as proof that Jagex sold out to the little kids, Club Penguin and Weeworld are also high up on the list of other sites.


Asians are the top most visited.







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The info is based on tracking cookies on your computer by software you opted to install (note: Not even nearly all people do install tracking software like Alexa, but it's a pretty accurate average of internet users), and it profiles you by certain variables: What sites you visit, when you visit them, what other sites are being visited while the sites don't match the user profile (which means your parents are probably logged in) etc...




It's quite natural it would show most traffic as being asian, because a lot of chinese/japanese/etc. just venture to the site to see what the game is about, but most don't even play the game. Those 2 countries alone total nearly 1.6 billion people (out of the world's 6.5b)




They also determine your gender+age by sites you visit. Not a lot of boys will visit Neopets and some girls magazine sites, and not a lot of youngsters will read political news and affairs on CNN.com, etc.




Of course it's not 100% accurate. It's just meant to give averages.

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People...technology is high enough to tell which gender is visiting a site. We have damn government statistics that use that kind of stuff! These people are probably using some Japenese technology that hasn't been released yet anywhere else...or maybe they just have a nice tracker. Your IP adress can also be tracked to what internet your using, and the internet your using knows if your a guy or girl (so they can figure it out...and a lot of girls DO visit that site, though not all of them actually play it...just ask my sister..).

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how can you determine the gender of people visiting runescape.com? its virtually impossible as far as I can see, that statistic is just made up. People logging in from other pc's, community pc's, library pc's, etc. that statistic I'm sure is way off.

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how can you determine the gender of people visiting runescape.com? its virtually impossible as far as I can see, that statistic is just made up. People logging in from other pc's, community pc's, library pc's, etc. that statistic I'm sure is way off.




Read the above post. It's not random, it's 100% from collected statistics. However only people who have tracking cookies/tracking software like Alexa installed, are a part of the survey and statistics. By profiling user's, their visited websites, times of visitation, it's easy to determine the most probable gender/age/income of that person.




Just like when you see a poll which says "73% of americans think cigarette taxes should be raised", it doesn't mean they asked literally over 200 million people their opinion. The test group consists of about 1000-10,000 people but is highly reliable in giving averages and estimates (with real results compared to general population only varying by about -3% or +3%).

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So i visit runescape.com how does any1 know i am 16, male and british? Except for me of course.




Well now I know... :-$ . But on topic of course, that's some cool information. Reguardless how they can tell what age/gender you are, it's still pretty amazing they get that many visits.

RS Name: Zibl || Click Signature for my RS Life Story!


[ 87 Combat ] [ 1240 Total ] [ Ex-RSC Professional Merchant ]

12.20.01 - 10.5.05 || Status: Retired

Total losses in 5 years = just over 630 million gp (BILLIONS in today's prices)

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Besides alot of that being total bs, dont underestimate the Girl/Boy ratio.




I am NOT saying girls visit more, but it is a possibility, or very close.




I have seen alot of girl players irl, and also, think about it too. Its a chat game that tons of people enjoy, it's not like all girls hate video games, and alot even love video games.



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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I call BS, they cannot dictate your gender through your IP address.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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More females than males visiting Runescape.com? There is absolutely no chance of that. Complete rubbish.




I agree , no chance




If theres more females than males in runescape, then we can blame females as a majority as the cause of scamming, macroeing, and real world trading!


Idk makes sense to me...






im jk. :XD:

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Well i always lie about my race gender and etc. i dont want any one to know my age and what country im from i dont even no wat contry im in... :? :? :? :?




If you have tracking cookies/programs like Alexa on your computer, it can easily profile your most probable race, gender, age (country is determined by IP)




Example: You are visiting neopets.com from time to time, this is logged in your tracking cookie.




Program intepretation: Your most probable age range is 10-16, you are most likely caucasian, and you are in middle- to upper middle class (because you probably have wealthy enough parents to let you use credit card to buy extra stuff in the game).




Of course it doesn't do that just by 1 site, it compares all the sites you visit from that IP address and makes the most feasible profile about you.

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Well i always lie about my race gender and etc. i dont want any one to know my age and what country im from i dont even no wat contry im in... :? :? :? :?




If you have tracking cookies/programs like Alexa on your computer, it can easily profile your most probable race, gender, age (country is determined by IP)




Example: You are visiting neopets.com from time to time, this is logged in your tracking cookie.




Program intepretation: Your most probable age range is 10-16, you are most likely caucasian, and you are in middle- to upper middle class (because you probably have wealthy enough parents to let you use credit card to buy extra stuff in the game).




Of course it doesn't do that just by 1 site, it compares all the sites you visit from that IP address and makes the most feasible profile about you.




And yet there may be several people using the same computer. I share my computer with my sister and she goes to clubpenguin. Also, whoever signed up for Alexa is probably a parent, not the teenage rs user.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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And yet there may be several people using the same computer. I share my computer with my sister and she goes to clubpenguin. Also, whoever signed up for Alexa is probably a parent, not the teenage rs user.




Which is how it determines your household's average annual income. If the sites visited suddenly change to banking sites, republican political news, diamond gift shops etc., it can estimate the parent profile to be about upper-middle-class within at least a $40,000-$60k income range.




Seriously, it's tedious to explain how tracking cookies and programs work. It isn't something you just code overnight. The tracking algorithms are extremely complicated and sophisticated, just like google search results. Producing the systems costs hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars. They provide invaluable data to advertisers.




All I can say is, the numbers aren't "made up". They're based on collected data from people who either 1. have tracking cookies or 2. a tracking program installed.

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and peoples region isnt amazingly accurate, it shows where your ip is coming from, which is not neceserally where you live. E.g, my ip says i live on the east coast of england in kent. when actually i live in the south-west of england.




Something like that got me kicked out of a clan before. For some reason my IP was apparently saying I was in Saudia Arabia, so they saw this and instantly thought I was a spy. Racism a bit there?




Well, people in you clan were stupid..Even if you are from Saudia Arabia, why would you be a spy? Maybe they were thinking that terrorists are planning to attack runescape :-w


i lol'd irl at that :P but i agree that its not exactly accurate lol :P


gwd drops:


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Regardless of how they came to those conclusions I have come to the conclusion that it is inaccurate. They cannot be sure of any of those things really, except for perhaps 1 or 2. I am interested in any actual evidence they have to back this up so we could actually see where there is a problem assuming their is one. Until then I have no choice but to disregard these in all entirety.

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ya, and thats form how long ago? There are less than like 5% of the population on RS are girls, characters don't count as people scam with being a girl. There is NO way to find out how many girls/boys visit as an I.P. address doesn't have a girl/boy part. And the majority or people are from 35-44?!! WTF!? It is really like 90% of the visitors are from 11-17. Household income... Ya, NOTHING to do with RS... Asians are the most ethnic visitors... Bots. And could they REALLY check if people are linked there or regular players? I bet that is just for getting on the front page, it's really that all of us go to the game, not stay on the front page...




I believe the site got it wrong... WAY wrong...


^^^Click for My Newgrounds Page!

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