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Oh wow...horrible story


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That's sick. You hear about crazy people on the news all the time, but nothing like this. If you think about it. Seriously. What the [bleep].
you must not watch the news very much.


No, I watch the news quite often. You don't hear stories like "Father tortures kid and cuts out tongue!" that much.

i've heard much worse several times.


I doubt that if you had they wouldn't be as common as you say they are.

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When he had cuts in his mouth, the boy would be made to suck a lemon.






LMAO! That's hilarious.


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That's sick. You hear about crazy people on the news all the time, but nothing like this. If you think about it. Seriously. What the [bleep].
you must not watch the news very much.


No, I watch the news quite often. You don't hear stories like "Father tortures kid and cuts out tongue!" that much.

i've heard much worse several times.


I doubt that if you had they wouldn't be as common as you say they are.

you're saying that If I had hear worse stories before, that means they aren't common?
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What they don't realize is that this was happen in a FREE country populated by NORMAL and REPSONSIBLE people, not a bunch of poor weirdos and sick homeless people like in those other countries that stuff like this happens. It's not expected to happen in a country like Britian, USA, Canada, but places like Iraq, Africa, ect are not controlled and populated like Britian.


Normal, in this case, is relative to culture. Certain cultures accept pain/death as a blessing, and would consider it a "normal" part of life.


It's irrational and ignorant to think that only Westerners are normal and responsible. I find it disgusting that you suggest all non-Westerners are "poor weirdos" and "sick homeless people" and that you don't care about them.




What's more; why should location change the way you feel about this? A child suffering in England is no worse than a child suffering in Iraq.




Yes, in our Western culture, this is a deeply sad act. However, I agree with others, this is nothing compared to what is happening across the globe.


Every day in Darfur thousands of innocents, including chilren, are dying of hunger and sickness. These are people who must endure far more pain than a safety pin through the mouth.

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What they don't realize is that this was happen in a FREE country populated by NORMAL and REPSONSIBLE people, not a bunch of poor weirdos and sick homeless people like in those other countries that stuff like this happens. It's not expected to happen in a country like Britian, USA, Canada, but places like Iraq, Africa, ect are not controlled and populated like Britian.


Normal, in this case, is relative to culture. Certain cultures accept pain/death as a blessing, and would consider it a "normal" part of life.


It's irrational and ignorant to think that only Westerners are normal and responsible. I find it disgusting that you suggest all non-Westerners are "poor weirdos" and "sick homeless people" and that you don't care about them.




What's more; why should location change the way you feel about this? A child suffering in England is no worse than a child suffering in Iraq.




Yes, in our Western culture, this is a deeply sad act. However, I agree with others, this is nothing compared to what is happening across the globe.


Every day in Darfur thousands of innocents, including chilren, are dying of hunger and sickness. These are people who must endure far more pain than a safety pin through the mouth.




Its a whole lot worse to have something like that happen down the street than in tribes in africa or places like that.


Plus, it stupidity to think i called all non-westerners "poor weirdos", your just taking what I said and blowing it up, everyone else knows what i mean when i said that, i means the whacko tribes and cultures that sacrifice children or places like india with no rule and desease everywhere.


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Sorry if I sound like I'm blowing things out of proportion, but your message was quite clear. You said this sort of child torture is "expected" to happen in "not normal" and "irresponsible" places like Iraq and Africa, where everybody is weird and sick and homeless.




i means the whacko tribes and cultures that sacrifice children or places like india with no rule and desease everywhere.


Hah... Now you're bashing on India, too? There aren't very many "whacko tribes" in India, and there certainly is strict rule.




Maybe you are confusing the country with the ancient Native Indian tribes of America? But those tribes died out many years ago, and attempts to revive them and their "child sacrifice" cultures are very uncommon.




Its a whole lot worse to have something like that happen down the street than in tribes in africa or places like that


Why? I can understand if the parents were rapists or paedophiles on the loose -- that would be reason to worry -- but in this case the parents were not harming their neighbours and are now in custody.




What makes it "better" for children to die in non-Western locations? Why would you say it's better for a child to die in a tribe than down the street from you?




What the hell does child sacrifice have to do with this, anyways? The two children are alive and the parents made no known attempts to sacrifice them.

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Sorry if I sound like I'm blowing things out of proportion, but your message was quite clear. You said this sort of child torture is "expected" to happen in "not normal" and "irresponsible" places like Iraq and Africa, where everybody is weird and sick and homeless.




when did i say everybody? did i? ...okay, words mean things, so...LOTS OF PEOPLE




i means the whacko tribes and cultures that sacrifice children or places like india with no rule and desease everywhere.


Hah... Now you're bashing on India, too? There aren't very many "whacko tribes" in India, and there certainly is strict rule.


Oh my gosh, dude, do you NOT understand what I am trying to say? I'm just trying to think of good examples, but obviously your trying to shoot every single one of them down.






Its a whole lot worse to have something like that happen down the street than in tribes in africa or places like that


Why? I can understand if the parents were rapists or paedophiles on the loose -- that would be reason to worry -- but in this case the parents were not harming their neighbours and are now in custody.


Its worse for it to happen in places that its totally against the law and theres police to stop it, ect, its more common and not surprising for it to happen where its either not against the law or theres no police officers or whoever to stop it.




What makes it "better" for children to die in non-Western locations? Why would you say it's better for a child to die in a tribe than down the street from you?


Read what i mentioned above. Plus i never said "better", theres nothing "better" about children dying anywhere




What the hell does child sacrifice have to do with this, anyways? The two children are alive and the parents made no known attempts to sacrifice them.


an example....grabbing every little thing i say and running with it, why dont we just look at it all under a microscope eh? oh wait...YOU ALREADY ARE


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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Just wanted to say that the person above is NOT referring to me.


Heh, my apologies Luckee, I know how ya feel. ::' I'll clean up the quote tags to make it clearer.




Its worse for it to happen in places that its totally against the law and theres police to stop it, ect, its more common and not surprising for it to happen where its either not against the law or theres no police officers or whoever to stop it.


Torturing (and sacrifice) of innocent children (and adults) is illegal in almost every part of the world including India, Africa and Iraq. And all of these countries have police officers. (Note: At the moment, Iraq is at war with the U.S. which obviously limits their emergency-response abilities, but they still do have police officers)


Sometimes, horrible things can happen in a country, but these awful acts are rarely ever condoned by the entire population.




It's extremely racist and offensive to stereotype these entire countries as savages just because of the actions of a select few (ie: radicals). Whackos exist in every country, in every culture, and in every race.




Plus i never said "better", theres nothing "better" about children dying anywhere


Not word for word, but you certainly implied it. Better and worse are opposites. When you say X is worse than Y, you are implying that Y is better than X.


Its a whole lot worse to have something like that happen down the street than in tribes in africa or places like that.






Anyways, sorry to hijack this thread with another debate. #-o I'm done for now.

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Its worse for it to happen in places that its totally against the law and theres police to stop it, ect, its more common and not surprising for it to happen where its either not against the law or theres no police officers or whoever to stop it.




This one statement alone shows how ignorant you are.

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it blows my mind how people come in here saying:


"this happens everyday in other countries so i dont really care" ....or something like that




What they don't realize is that this was happen in a FREE country populated by NORMAL and REPSONSIBLE people, not a bunch of poor weirdos and sick homeless people like in those other countries that stuff like this happens.

Carefull there spaz, don't be blowin' your mind because of your own ethnocentrism.




Actually, I don't even think this is worth arguing about, I'm lazy and it's a waste of my time dealing with arguments from people with a completely uninformed worldview. I just kind of wanted to like, highlight this so that it will argue itself for me. :)

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No link source or anything? Don't believe it.




What the hell kind of comment is that?




Do you really think I would just make this up...I tell you what, how about you go to Google and see for yourself before you accuse me of being a liar.




Go away

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